***May mummies***

yey, congrats on the first boy of the group baby2ontheway! :D

Aurora, glad you could hear the heartbeat of the lo, even if a little bit. In my area midwives don't listen the heartbeat until 28 weeks which is a bit annoying .
Congrats on the boy! I love baby boys my ds is so much more cuddly than my dd! I would put the stork pics on the front page but I’m so untec I don’t know how! That’s annoying with the heartbeat thing. They do it at 16 weeks down here xx
We’re having another boy ! No doubt , saw it from the first sec haha :D
My husband kind of hoped for a girl , like his whole family but he was very happy once he assimilated the news . So nice to see my little bubba , he wouldn ‘ t stop moving , bless him . I also have an anterior placenta this time which is new for me as I had a posterior last year with my 1st .

I am currently in bed dead sick :(
Ah congrats lovely I do love little boys!! I’m so ill still I was going to ask if anyone else was! I just feel constantly sick I can’t shake the neausea. Is urs pregnancy or a bug? Xx
Thank you , I am so happy but hopefully he won ‘t be as active as my first cause I am going to struggle
I have a rough cold , my toddler passed it to me ...I feel awful and took some patacetamol , hope it won ‘t affect much.
We went for our 20 week scan today, baby is nice and healthy and growing well. I have an anterior placenta too, but have been getting some flutters over the last week or so.

The sonographer was lovely and has written the gender down for us and put it in a sealed envelope, so we are going to have a small gender reveal with our families on NYE, I have given the envelope to my sister in law, so she is the only one who knows, and is arranging the reveal, so will be a surprise for me and DH too!
11 days seems so long to wait now though! Xx
yey, congrats on the first boy of the group baby2ontheway! :D

Aurora, glad you could hear the heartbeat of the lo, even if a little bit. In my area midwives don't listen the heartbeat until 28 weeks which is a bit annoying .

Thank you .
Aww that’s a shame about the heartbeat, my midwife did mine at my 16 week appointment x
Oh beetle thats exciting! The time will fly by with all the festivities! I did a reveal for the kids - baked a cake and told the kids that it was a magic cake and if it was pink on inside it was a girl and blue for a boy. They were so excited to have it cut and my daughter especially excited to see it was pink! Was lovely and we filmed their reaction to show everyone else
Had our scan Christmas Eve. We are having a girl! I was so surprised, we already have a son and I just assumed it would be another little lad. I’m a bit worried - not sure about girls - all those flappy bits to wipe the right way at nappy changes. Happy though as it will be the first girl this generation on my husbands side and brings my granny’s great-grandchild count to 6 of each!
LOTS of bumbling about in there too. Mostly at night when I’m not concentrating in anything else but it’s got so much stronger even over the course of a week. Happy Christmas everyone - will be very different next year!
Ah congrats piglet so many girls in May! We were up at 5 both kids so excited I had my first Buck’s Fizz and kept it down so that was nice!! How everyone has a lovely Christmas! Xx
Yey for another girl !
Not long until tomorrow Aurora :) , my anomaly scan is on 2nd of January and I will be 20 weeks on Monday ! Wow , halfway already.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas ! I felt very disorganised and my energy levels were really low during this time but still had a nice family time .

Anyone else with children , how do you feel about picking them up now at this stage of pregnancy? My son is around 28 pounds and I do feel a lot a pain when picking him up , I also felt like something breaking inside :( I will trynot to pick him up anymore though .
Yey for another girl !
Not long until tomorrow Aurora :) , my anomaly scan is on 2nd of January and I will be 20 weeks on Monday ! Wow , halfway already.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas ! I felt very disorganised and my energy levels were really low during this time but still had a nice family time .

Anyone else with children , how do you feel about picking them up now at this stage of pregnancy? My son is around 28 pounds and I do feel a lot a pain when picking him up , I also felt like something breaking inside :( I will trynot to pick him up anymore though .

I still pick my 4.5 year old up but I probably shouldn't haha. If you feel like it's too much or doing you harm definitely try to limit it. Xx
Need to be rescanned next week as baby was in awkward position so couldn't get heart or head measurements. Couldn't see gender either.
Hi everyone
I was on here along time ago so I feel new again but I’m back expecting baby number 4! Due May 23rd. I still haven’t got my head around it. I have 3 boys already aged 7,5 and 1. I can’t help but think something is wrong though as I’m not showing just looking chubby but with my other 3 I had definite bumps by now . Anyone else in the same boat?
20 week scan 7th Jan and staying team yellow xx
Ah that’s a shame! What day do you go back next week?

Welcome missddk ive added you to the front! Hats off to you I’m def stopping at 3 I feel like my body is giving up already and I’m only 22 weeks it’s been a tough one this one. How have you been so far? Xx

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