***May mummies***

I have a boy already ( almost 14 months) and have to admit it is a lot of work so secretly wanting a girl his time ! However, as long as they'll be healthy I will be happy either way. Finding another boy name will be the most difficult thing haha but I already have a girl name from my first pregnancy.

Unfortunately I keep 4 stone plus from my first pregnancy so my bump start to get very visible. Plan is to loose all this extra weight after this birth. I am also planning not to put any more weight this time trying to eat health.

I did not took any painkillers for migraine yet but I should start because in this rainy weather it is even worse

Hope everyone has a great day xx
I’m dead skinny but I think that makes my bump even more obvious. It looks like I’ve just stuck it on! It’s not big but is definitely there. Heard the HB yesterday at the 16wk appointment. Thought it would be hard to find but midwife just put the Doppler on and there it was straightaway loud and clear. Very reassuring. Have felt a few ‘pops’ but nothing I can be 100% sure is baby movement

We are on holiday at the 20 week mark so having our scan couple of days after we are back which is Xmas eve. Hope they can tell the gender. Glad it is t too far before Xmas though or the relatives will go bonkers on baby clothes when they know the gender.
I've done some of those gender prediction things like the Chinese one and everyone says girl for me. I still think its a boy though.
I have been convinced from day 1 I’m having a girl, but recently Iv been thinking more boy (maybe because my nausea has finally improved lol)

Also on a side note anyone had there medical exemption certificate through? Still waiting on mine xxx
I thought from the beginning I am carrying a girl this time. First time I said boy from day one so will see if this time my intuition is right haha

I did not received the medical exemption yet, I remember I have received it quite late last year( with my first) , maybe around 24 weeks. I had to pay for antibiotics and kept the receipts and papers for refund as soon I have doc x
Is anyone going early to sleep? I find myself going to sleep 7- 8ish maximum when I am putting my son to sleep and wake ul around 6 am. I start to think there is something wrong with me :lol: ( I wake up once at night to feed him )
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This part of pregnancy is hard. Can't wait to feel movements so i know baby is ok.
Im still waiting on my exemption i have a pile of refund claim forms for when it does finally arrive.

I compleatly forgot to make a 16 week midwife appointment! I seem to leave everything to the last minute atm.
How’s your vomiting now Aurora?
I’m managing to stay up a lot later these last couple of weeks Allysa, but at the start I was KO by like 8pm.

Yesterday evening was the first time I majorly craved food! Really felt like having a Chinese take away, and literally enjoyed every second of it!! Felt so nice to want and enjoy proper food again! Hopefully it continues! Xxxx
Hello hello, please change my due date to 15th when you can. Scan on 7th Nov said I’m a bit ahead of where I thought I was! Yaya. Next scan Xmas eve at 21ish weeks. Can’t wait to find out if I’m team blue or pink!

Pregnancy is odd now. No longer sick, getting a bump but still disguisable with a baggy jumper, feel ok yet still no definite movement so feel like I’m in limbo to feel properly pregnant. So excited to feel the baby’s first little flickers. Could be any day soon. Sure I felt my first around 17-18 weeks. Not sure where my placenta is this time thought. Forgot to ask and if it’s cusioning the front I might have to wait longer,
All done piglet. I’m not feeling movement yet either I’m 18 weeks so hoping I will really soon especially being a third. I’m still constantly nauseas and still sick once a day. Can’t wait to start finding out what people are having most of them are before Xmas aren’t they? Xx
My tablets stop the worst of my sickness but still had a few bad days.

I had an anterior placenta last pregnancy so didn't feel movements till well in to tri 2 so I'm hoping to feel something earlier this time. Only 16 weeks so still a few weeks to go but fx it's not anterior this time.
I had anterior with first didn’t feel anything til 22 weeks second posterior and felt around 15 weeks so guessing another anterior. Got scan on 17th December so will find out xx
I have my midwife 16 week apt later this afternoon so hopefully I will hear the heartbeat. I had bad lower ab pains all night, I wonder if at this point they're normal or not so I will speak with the midwife today for advice.

Finding the gender on 18th December xx
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I’ve had my exemption certificate for ages. MW just gave me a form to send off at booking appt and it came about 10 daysbkater.
Midwife appt was rubbish ( had to wait half an hour), she didn't even listen to the heartbeat. She said they don't do it anymore until 25 weeks.. so why they do it in other areas? Whatever.. Also informed that my matb1 will come at 25 weeks and if I need it earlier for work I need to call them after 21 weeks. Good. My pains are also normal and got booked for the gestational diabetes test into January.

Brrrrr so cold this morning x
How’s everyone doing? I’m still feeling sick at 19 weeks now and had enough! X
Oh new look forum!
My poor husband was having a relaxing bath last night and I was rushing to the loo and threw up in his bath.

It's 7am and I'm craving a pickled onion.
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Not liking the new forum. Seeing posts from 2005 and keep having to change settings to see the latest posts. I don't like change
I am struggling with this new forum as well. Does anyone know if there is a facebook group for May mummies 2019?
I know kicks count have a due in May group on Facebook but I don't think we have a pregnancy forum group

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