My midwife was saying yesterday how neat my bump is but it's cos baby is so curled up right at the bottom. She said the more babies you have the more places they find to hide?! Haha, not sure if that is true but I'm also on number 4 and I've just today decided that my normal jeans aren't gonna cut it anymore and I will need to find my mat ones xHi everyone
I was on here along time ago so I feel new again but I’m back expecting baby number 4! Due May 23rd. I still haven’t got my head around it. I have 3 boys already aged 7,5 and 1. I can’t help but think something is wrong though as I’m not showing just looking chubby but with my other 3 I had definite bumps by now . Anyone else in the same boat?
20 week scan 7th Jan and staying team yellow xx
Ah that’s a shame! What day do you go back next week?
Welcome missddk ive added you to the front! Hats off to you I’m def stopping at 3 I feel like my body is giving up already and I’m only 22 weeks it’s been a tough one this one. How have you been so far? Xx
My midwife was saying yesterday how neat my bump is but it's cos baby is so curled up right at the bottom. She said the more babies you have the more places they find to hide?! Haha, not sure if that is true but I'm also on number 4 and I've just today decided that my normal jeans aren't gonna cut it anymore and I will need to find my mat ones x
Had my re-scan this morning and found out it's a boy
I'm so excited to be having another boy but I know there will be some well ment but annoying comments.
Ohh really? This gives me hope all is still ok then . The mind wanders when it’s so different from what you know. How have you been feeling this time round? Do you know what you are having ? Xx
Hi Lucy, I started to feel a few bubbles at about 19 weeks, I will be 23 weeks tomorrow and for the last week my movements have been really strong and have started to notice a bit of a pattern (mainly evenings/night/early morning).
My husband had even felt some from the outside, so they are getting quite strong now.
Hope this helpsxxx