***May mummies***

Oh no this new look forum is so confusing... I'm sad! I suppose we will get used to it.
I don't think we have a forum specific group for May mummies no.
I am still checking here but also joined a facebook group for May mommies ( mostly from US).

How is everyone doing ?? I started feeling movements 2 days ago at 17 weeks, could even see from the outside which was so unexpected! I am 4 stone heavier than in my first pregnancy and wasn't very confident I will feel something before 20 weeks.

Next Tuesday will find out the gender! Anyone alse found it yet?
I felt baby move for the first time 2 days ago I messaged hubby to tell him that I had finally felt movements and he replied that's nice is it the baby?
Not sure what else he thought it could be tbh.
Hi ladies would it be ok if I joined you? I’m due on 28th May. I’ve been following for a while but been pretty anxious to join in after 3 early losses. Had a scan yesterday at 16+1 and all is still ok and we’ve been told that we’re expecting a little girl!

I hope everyone else is getting on ok. It’s exciting that some of you are feeling movement now!
Hey lovely have added you to the front page congratulations! I have my 20 week scan on monday i still have felt no movement so I am a bit worried but I still feel constantly sick so Im guessing its all ok!
Hey, I had my 20 week scan today and we are officially team pink! My placenta is low lying and anterior which is both new for me so a bit worried about that but apparently they usually move up and out the way and they will scan me at 32 weeks to check. Have had a few flutters and little kicks but not much but an anterior placenta will hide them a bit so not sure what to expect compared with my last pregnancies...
Hey lovely have added you to the front page congratulations! I have my 20 week scan on monday i still have felt no movement so I am a bit worried but I still feel constantly sick so Im guessing its all ok!

Thank you! I’m sure everything is ok, maybe you could have an anterior placenta cushioning the movement? X
Hey, I had my 20 week scan today and we are officially team pink! My placenta is low lying and anterior which is both new for me so a bit worried about that but apparently they usually move up and out the way and they will scan me at 32 weeks to check. Have had a few flutters and little kicks but not much but an anterior placenta will hide them a bit so not sure what to expect compared with my last pregnancies...
I completely missed this! We have the exact same issue! Anteria placenta but fully covering cervix for now! Also team pink! I had anteria placenta with my dd I didn’t really have any regular movements until 28 weeks. Whereas my son was posteria and felt him from around 15 weeks so there is def a massive difference! Xx
Keep trying-- that is interesting to know. I've never had any reduced movements or anything in the past but I'm panicking already that I'm going to need to concentrate harder and with 3 other little ones I might miss something important! Think I'm just being a stress head. Really hoping it moves up at least. I am planning on it being my 3rd home birth. I am scared stiff of a c section so just praying I'm not in the minority it doesn't move for!
Have you had any bleeding with yours covering the whole cervix? X
I know it’s so hard to concentrate on any movement hats off to you having 3 already I’m struggling with 2! Please tell me going from 2-3 is easier!! No bleeding I found out at a 16 week gender scan so it will be interesting on Monday to see if it’s moved at all! I’m like you I’m so scared of a section I had a third degree tear with the first and I would take that any day over a section! I can imagine it will be a bit different for you as well after havinghome births. Did they say much about the placenta thing to you or just u need another scan? Xx
Yesterday I went to sainsburys across the road from where I work hoping to get a beef sandwich for lunch but they sold out. It's now the next morning and I'm still brooding over the fact that I didn't get one will be so upset if they run out today.
I know it’s so hard to concentrate on any movement hats off to you having 3 already I’m struggling with 2! Please tell me going from 2-3 is easier!! No bleeding I found out at a 16 week gender scan so it will be interesting on Monday to see if it’s moved at all! I’m like you I’m so scared of a section I had a third degree tear with the first and I would take that any day over a section! I can imagine it will be a bit different for you as well after havinghome births. Did they say much about the placenta thing to you or just u need another scan? Xx

I think going from 2-3 is in general easier apart from days out and stuff haha. Gone are the days of one parent gets one child each ha! How old are your others? Mine were 3 and 4 when my 3rd arrived so they were fairly good at keeping out the way when required and going off to play although my eldest completely unexpectedly regressed.bit for a while!
They didn't say much about it to me, tried to underplay it a bit. If it weren't for the tonne of research I've done over the years I would have had no idea what she was talking about! My husband didn't know what she was talking about so he asked her when I went to the toilet but don't think he got much more other than a simplified explanation. I hope it looks like yours has moved a bit on Monday. It sounds like the third tri is when it moves the most though so don't be too disheartened if it hasn't, there's still time! Good luck! X
Yesterday I went to sainsburys across the road from where I work hoping to get a beef sandwich for lunch but they sold out. It's now the next morning and I'm still brooding over the fact that I didn't get one will be so upset if they run out today.

I'm still reeling over the fact they build an M&S food in the town nearest me and I was so excited about getting a spicy bean wrap from there that I got totally hooked on when my son was in hosp and they don't bloody do it! Raging. I hope you get one today :) x
Welcome LucyCand congrats on team pink ladies ! So far looks like May mums are producing girls , can’t wait for my scan on Tues.
I am out of control thinking how am I going to cope with 2 children but seeing you ‘re doing good gives me hope My DS will be only 19 months in May so he doesn ‘t understand too much , that s why I worry a bit , but I am sure he ‘ll be fine .
Does seem like alot of girls for May.
Is any one not finding out the gender?
Welcome LucyCand congrats on team pink ladies ! So far looks like May mums are producing girls , can’t wait for my scan on Tues.
I am out of control thinking how am I going to cope with 2 children but seeing you ‘re doing good gives me hope My DS will be only 19 months in May so he doesn ‘t understand too much , that s why I worry a bit , but I am sure he ‘ll be fine .

The age gap between my two eldest children is 16 months and that's the best one! Because she didn't understand she just got on with it and they became the best of friends. Another 3 years later when her other brother came along she sort of regressed and got dead clingy. Don't get me wrong she adored her baby brother but she didn't handle it as well as I expected her to. It will be fine, promise! X
So had my 20 week stil team pink and all good. Placenta has moved a bit which is good so im really hopeful that it will be completely out the way in a few weeks!
Hi guys, sorry been a bit absent, been super busy at work!
Exciting to hear so many girls being produced in this group!!!
We have our scan on Thursday afternoon, can’t wait!
Been feeling some flutters the last couple of weeks, but no strong movements yet, but this is my first, so everyone says it takes a bit longer!
Hope you’re all feeling better and the sickness has stopped for you all xxx
The age gap between my two eldest children is 16 months and that's the best one! Because she didn't understand she just got on with it and they became the best of friends. Another 3 years later when her other brother came along she sort of regressed and got dead clingy. Don't get me wrong she adored her baby brother but she didn't handle it as well as I expected her to. It will be fine, promise! X
Thank you, this gives me hope ! X

Keeptrying congrats on Team pink! :D

I have my gender scan tomorrow, I was sure is a girl and now I start doubting maybe it's a boy haha
Had my midwife appointment today. Heard the heartbeat but only a few seconds as baby kept kicking the doppler and moving away.

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