***May mummies***

Right I’m over here now after 12 week scan today. They’ve made my due date the 25th of May. 1 day ahead lol
So tour def done to linx? I got told at a scan today I have placenta previa so got to be monitored with scans every two weeks from 20 weeks and probably a section which is annoying. But I also gave in and found out what we were having as I’m having a bit of a shit time at the moment with sickness then this placenta thing. So we r having a girl!

Congrats on the girl news!
Congrats on the scan and news xx!
Thought I will step in slowly to the 2nd trimester as I am 13 weeks 1 day today :D
Scan day for me ! Exciting but scary at the same time, hope to come back with good news
Hope the scan went well Allysa, I was so nervous when I had mine! Fortunately it was all fine :) and hurray for the weekend, working 5 days a week is becoming tiring! Xx
My scan went well , baby is fine so I can breath a little now ! Measuring few days ahead putting my due date to 20th May. I am so happy, I can finally start to feel that we ‘re having another bubba , he/she was waving to us ! My one yeard old on the other side is taking everything out of me , I fall asleep everyday at 7-8 pm.
Beetle completely feel you , so happy to be having week end off . I am already so tired don’t know how I will do it later😅


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I think I may book an gender scan. Would be nice to know before Christmas then I can start buy a few bits in the sales. Everyone keeps saying 'I bet you want a girl this time?' and 'third time lucky' actually no I would love another boy. I don't mind if it's a girl or a boy but I won't deny that a boy would be easier as we already have a lot of boy stuff.
I was kind of hoping for another boy too! We have all the stuff from last time and would be easier with rooms etc I’m delighted with a girl but I do love boys and they love their mummies so much! Def worth booking one especially for jan sales! X
Could you take sesameseed off the due date list. She just posted in tri 1 thread that she had a mmc.
Yes im done... No more for me lol. This baby was kind of a surprise as we had decided to stop trying and change career.
I have one of each so I'm very lucky. I'm not finding out the gender early but if they cant tell me on my 20 week scan (29th dec) then I will have a private one.

I'm 15 w tomorrow and it feels like Iv been pregnant forever!
Congrats Caz, wow 5th baby !

14 weeks today so officially in 2nd trimester yey! Due date as the from page 20th May.

I thought about booking a private scan as I want to find out the gender as quick as possible but decided to wait until 20th week scan to save some money.
Argh anyone else getting round ligament pain.
15w tomorrow and it hurts! All down my left groin area.
I’ve been getting cramps quite low down. Mw thinks it’s ligaments but never had it with the other two! X
Had my scan yesterday all ok, new due date 26th May. I feel like I can relax a little now and actually believe I'm pregnant!

Im not sure when I'm supposed to be here but I don't want to be in first trimester on my own. Haha.
Congratulations on the scan Redhead. No point staying in tri 1 I think most of us are here now.
Aww I'm. So. Glad the scan went well.. Feels weird to be in tri two doesn't it.

Iv got my 16w midwife app tomorrow at 15+1. Not sure if she will postpone it or not.
Hey ladies, can I join please? I'm due 3rd of May with my 4th (and last!!) baby! I've got a girl and two boys so really hoping this one is another girl but don't really have a feeling either way. 20 week scan on the 13th so hopefully will find out then! X
Hey lovely congrats that’s fab news same due date as me! Hats of to you I’m on no 3 and safely say I’m def done!! I’ve added you to the front page x
Congratulation on the scan redhead and welcome missyeovil! This is my second baby and I am keep saying will be my last even if in my heart I hope will have a third and last in the next couple of years haha. Will see my thoughts after this birth :D

This is the first time I am doing this but I was wondering what are your thoughts, boy of girl? I will be happy whatever but just very curious :D Have to say I feel a bit different and my gut says it's a girl. But I might be wrong ! We shall see x

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