May mummies and rainbows to be :)

That's a huge point in your favour as a lot of schools need extra support in that area.
The paperwork is just silly, they need supporting evidence of practically everything xx


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aw love it betty :) oh has finally agreed to put the tree up tomorrow and we're off to see Santa tomorrow too :)

ooh not long till we will be in tri 3! hopefully it goes quick! lol

yeah I hate all the paperwork it drives me mad I know it will be the same as a childminder depending on what age I have
Great jumper Betty :)

You guys must all be really tolerant as I could never teach! Most of the children I know are so bratty it would drive me crackers. What am I letting myself in for eek...
I am not a teacher, I'm a teaching assistant so a little less pressure. I love working with children, I am very, very maternal though and love looking after them and helping them. You do get the odd one that is more difficult but I love a challenge :) xx
Snowbee I'm the same, screaming children drive me nuts! I have this willful notion that my own will be little angels...xx
I love my job lol wouldn't want to do anything else it is stressful sometimes but I have a lot more patience with other people's kids than my own lol
Got my whooping cough vaccination today and asked nurse why I was to have at 16 weeks when I had read 20 weeks plus to have it done. She said that used to be the case but new guidelines state that 16 weeks is better apparently! Have googled it and have found several places that state it should now be done closer to 16 weeks but you would think the NHS site would update these things asap!?
I have all the patience in the world for kids, but the kids I'm currently working with are 15 going on 5. That gets irritating. I think I would enjoy secondary more as a TA/LSA. You get to really know the students you work with and develop a relationship. I just can't afford the pay cut, and imo, TAs and LSAs are undervalued by the system and deserve so much credit and better pay.
mayday maybe I should phone my doctor then the midwife at my booking in said 20 weeks!
Nikki, my notes say 20 weeks. I think that is common, but that there are some places now offering it from 16 weeks. I'm assuming that's from more recent studies.

Damn my left cheek hurts. My wisdom tooth on that side is acting up and the inside of my cheek has swelled a bit. It means when I eat I tend to catch it and bite down on it. Not pleasant.

This was the first day I haven't been all that hungry since the nausea ended. I even went for a 30 minute swim this morning, which usually means I feel like I could eat non-stop, but instead I had a small lunch and small dinner. Just wanted water and hot cocoa.
I wouldn't worry . I think if it made a huge difference they would have made a point of updating NHS website asap. Everyone I heard from and most of what I read said 20+ weeks and that's why I checked with nurse before receiving it as I thought my midwife had got the weeks mixed up lol xx
So after feeling better sickness wise I'm dealing with new issues. The last couple of days my hips have been aching and my back aches quote badly lower down. Does anyone else get this? It kept me awake last night as if I need less sleep than I'm already getting! I also have a monster of a headache thats making me feel quite illXx

My hips ache in bed. I've had problems with them in the past, becoming inflamed. Now I can't lie on my belly or back, so they ache a lot. I'm still sick it seems. I'm getting the headaches too!
Well, I feel ill tonight, then I come on here and read about globs of stuff falling out and stuff running down your legs - thanks for that! :P
lol dovekie. I fell asleep at 10 last night that's early for me and I still feel like I could sleep for a week! were finally putting our tree up today though and dinner with santa later :)
ery what is a baby tribble? lol I love waiting for your ticket to change lol
A little creature from star trek that reproduces faster than bunnies! They are small furry and purr a lot lol


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