May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I know nikki. I wish it was my 20 week scan now. I want to see bubs. I was tempted to book a scan but OH laughed at me lol. Going to wait xx
I occasionally do the same Nikki. I'm excited to experience pregnancy as it's my first, but I'm more excited about finally meeting the little bean. I just want to be able to feel the baby move already. With the baby's hearing developing now, I picked up some Disney books in Dutch (our first baby items) off of freecycle and we'll start to read to the baby soon. It'll also allow me to practice my Dutch, especially my pronunciation.

I have my 16 week mw appoint a week from Saturday. I'm glad it's on a Sat because it's a pain leaving work early for appointments. And with my 20 wk scan over the xmas break, I don't have to worry about it then either. It's also an hour commute from work, which always has me worried that I'll be late to my appointment.

Feeling pretty crappy today. It isn't just one things, it's all these little things. I woke up with a bloody nose and a headache. I'm ridiculously gassy this morning and I'm getting these big painful bubbles too frequently- plus lots of bloating. And I generally just feel off. Ugh.
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My midwife only works one day a fortnight in this area. My appointment is next Wednesday. I've got my pee pot it is on the kitchen table waiting haha. We tend not to eat at the kitchen table I really only use it for prep as I don't have much worktop and we are lucky and have a dining room to eat in.

Happy 16 weeks lisey!
Aww no. I think I possibly felt bubs move this morning but I was too drowsy to be sure looks like my hump us a bit smaller too so it's probably exploring it's space and gone further back.
My itchiness is what is really annoying me right now. I'm guessing g it's my progesterone allergy. My anti sickness was also an antihistamine so since I've stopped them it's been getting slowly worse and today omg lol. I've shredded my leg and the back of my neck silly nails!
I've not felt anything yet. It says in my book between 15-20 weeks for a first, I'm chubby round my middle so thinking I won't notice for a while as they can use my fat layer as a trampoline and it absorb the movement?!

My husband is still fretting about telling my parents. He keeps asking me how they will react and I don't have a clue, my parents aren't very predictable.
Ery, I wouldn't worry about not feeling movement, it won't be consistent for a while yet. They still have no much room in there xx
Morning everyone. Happy 16 weeks Lisey :)

Oh managed to book time off work to come with me to the scan next week. We haven't been getting along great and haven't really had a chance to chat as he is out the house for about 15 hours a day so I'm feeling a bit low about that, but I'm sure we'll sort it out and hopefully seeing the scan will make him feel a bit more involved.

I've got a nigglely pain in my womb area, it's like a constant ache on one side (the same side I keep getting pains and where the cyst it) it's worse if I move around or stand up. Tempted to call a midwife but I'm kind of in between midwives at the moment and don't even have a number to call should I need advice so it would be a case of getting passed around the houses until I get through to the right person. So before attempting to climb that mountain, is anyone else experiencing anything similar? Xx
Snowbee - I was sooooo worried about telling my parents - they're not grandparent types! But when I did they surprised me with a very positive reaction, hope this happens for you too :) I was carrying a little weight from my previous pregnancy around my middle when I got pregnant with this one too so I'm expecting a long wait still. I keep having dreams of feeling it move!

Dovekie- I've been put back so I'm only 13 weeks today. I'm almost jealous of everyone else's tickers saying 15 or 16 weeks! Then I remember not to wish my life away :) xx
snowbee, I'm 15 weeks and small and still not feeling anything with my first. I can hear a lot of what sounds like movement when I listen to the hb, but that's it. I'm hoping maybe that I'll get some flutter next week, but I'm not really expecting to feel anything until 18 weeks, which is what I think is more realistic from what I read. I really can't wait to feel movements.

Betty, sorry, I can't help there. I've had some pains, but they are fleeting. When they do persist, it's a constipation/gas pain that I'm all too familiar with. I hope everything is okay and that the pain subsides.

And happy 16 weeks lisey!
It does go faster in tri 2!
I remember being terrified to tell our parents with my first. My mum didn't believe me at first then I said OK so you'll tell dad right yea? Lol I don't know how that conversation went lol. But they were fine with it.

It's weird when you think there are 4 weeks between the start and end of the month usually it doesn't feel that long but that's like 1/10 of our journey!!

Glad your oh can make it to your net scan and I hope it brings you closer together. With our first my hubby was a bit distant through it all as he didn't feel ready but when he was born he was definitely ready he's a great dad!
With my first I was over 20 weeks before I felt anything. I was size 12 at the time. I may have felt movements earlier and just not realised. Don't worry if you don't feel them just yet. They will come :) xx
My dad has mentioned a few times he is waiting for us to get a move on (as he wants to clear out his loft of baby stuff!), my mum isn't that keen on children so who knows about her reaction. I could happily not tell them yet as at the moment it still doesn't seem real!

Betty I've had random on and off pains in my side, some of them surprisingly painful. Usually when I turn over in bed or stand up. I think it is things stretching in there. It tends not to last too long.

kabuk I'm not really expecting to feel anything until much later on, which if you think about it is really odd having something that size bouncing around inside you and not noticing!
Snowbee, I am sure they will be happy for you x

Betty, could it be round ligament pain? I get it if I love quickly or sneeze, quite painful xx
Oh the sneezing pain ouch! It's like you sneeze your legs off!! Lol
I seem to be getting lots of aches and pains esp after a dog walk this am! And I am also feeling random uncomfortable tight type feelings in my abdo, not sure if it's braxton hicks or bloating/wind ha ha!! I have had loads of flutters this am, so much so I don't want yo move I just want to sit and feel every little thing!

You tell them when you are ready and it feels right snowbee there is no rush xx I am sure they will be happy for you when they see how happy you are xx
I don't think it's round ligament pain as I get that as well so I know what it feels like, but this pain is constant. It feels like a tight ache, I've been thinking it might be trapped wind lol!!

I just imagined my first pregnancy to be like a fairy tail and I've been totally disillusioned! I've been sick as a dog, my CTS means I have to sleep apart from oh, despite us wanting this child he now seems distant and sad and the NHS have been less than helpful. His mum is very happy and keeps messaging me saying things like " I bet my son is so happy" and I just can't reply as I don't know what to say!

I know I'm probably just making everything seem worse than it is, I felt fine a couple of weeks ago! I got scan pictures from the hospital the other day and I'm scared to share them because it looks like my baby doesn't have a face compared to other people's scans! I've turned into a worried moody cow!! I'll post them for you all to see in a minute..xx

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