***May 2020 Mums***

Re-introduce myself to the May mums today :)
with 12 week scan now done. measure 12+1 i still say i ovulated when i did so id say i am 12+4, baby was -4 days behind now -3 so catching up!!
Baby had head tilted to side away from sonographer (typical haha)!
but heres the pic, its not the best but its still the best :) xx

27.5.2020 given by NHS

Hi ladies. Hope your all well.

Had to call in sick to work again. Been bleeding on and off all day, got heavier about 5:30pm, midwife is on annual leave so rang gp. Couldn't get a scan as closed until monday. Sent me to the surgical ward for them to check me over. Babys heartbeat was nice and regular and 166bpm on the doppler so they were happy with that. Finally someone thought to give me an internal (no one has on all the other spotting occasions) found out that I have cervical ectropion so looks like that's why I've had it so many times. Was alot more blood today tho but typically stopped when I got there, feel like they think I'm lying.

But they were pretty confident that baby was fine and that's where bleeding came from. Told me I still need to get checked out everytime it happens though. Where going to keep me I'm but it stopped then. At least I have a reason for it now. Was told to go home and rest

Feel so guilty for being off work again.

@maythe4thbewit atleast u have a reason now. Tbh i would like my cervix checked to ensure closed and not "incompetant" as they call it. Still not DTD with hubby cause too scared too and its not worth risk. :)
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Hi ladies. Hope your all well.

Had to call in sick to work again. Been bleeding on and off all day, got heavier about 5:30pm, midwife is on annual leave so rang gp. Couldn't get a scan as closed until monday. Sent me to the surgical ward for them to check me over. Babys heartbeat was nice and regular and 166bpm on the doppler so they were happy with that. Finally someone thought to give me an internal (no one has on all the other spotting occasions) found out that I have cervical ectropion so looks like that's why I've had it so many times. Was alot more blood today tho but typically stopped when I got there, feel like they think I'm lying.

But they were pretty confident that baby was fine and that's where bleeding came from. Told me I still need to get checked out everytime it happens though. Where going to keep me I'm but it stopped then. At least I have a reason for it now. Was told to go home and rest

Feel so guilty for being off work again.

Glad they found an answer even if it doesnt have a solution as such, rest up xx
@maythe4thbewit atleast u have a reason now. Tbh i would like my cervix checked to ensure closed and not "incompetant" as they call it. Still not DTD with hubby cause too scared too and its not worth risk. :)

Yea I was like that. This is he 8/9th time I've had bleeding. If heyd checked earlier then everytime I bled I wouldnt have been in complete panic.

Strange how I havent had bleeding after dtd tho as that's supposed to set it off, always a good few days after I've dtd. Hy didn'tdsay to refrain from sex anyway just said it might agrivate it abit but then it can et agrivate on it's own. J only had a smear a year ago so that's why no one checked me untill now cause theyd all insisted that that would have picked it up. Obviously not, dr said its hormones that's caused it from pregnancy xxx
Had some more spotting again last night and this morning. This is getting me down now. Its only a tiny bit tho but when will it bloody stop. Thoroughly fed up now :(
Had some more spotting again last night and this morning. This is getting me down now. Its only a tiny bit tho but when will it bloody stop. Thoroughly fed up now :(
Have the docs said anything about it stopping or will it continue through? I hope it stops for your sake xx
I know the feeling of worry not that I have anything to blame the worry on, I'm so scared I'll go to my scan and get bad news, my metal health isn't coping too well atm either, lack of sleep is causing me to get quite run down and emotional :/
Had some more spotting again last night and this morning. This is getting me down now. Its only a tiny bit tho but when will it bloody stop. Thoroughly fed up now :(
I feel the same, I’ve got a haematoma that is causing my bleeding and although I feel less panicked now I know what is causing the bleeding, I keep thinking it’s stopping and then it’s back again. Feeling very low about it today
I feel the same, I’ve got a haematoma that is causing my bleeding and although I feel less panicked now I know what is causing the bleeding, I keep thinking it’s stopping and then it’s back again. Feeling very low about it today

Ita horrible isnt it. I thought It'd stopped yesterday and then more. Although km sire it's down the the erosion ,It's so hard to remain positive when your bleeding because your not supposed to bleed in pregnancy.

@Countrylife the docs said it had stopped friday night when examining me but did say it probably would start again later, and probably would have it on and off again throughout. But did day obviously need It checked everytime. Although didn't think they meant in the next few days. Who knows. They all tell me different things. Midwife always just says keep an eye on it. Shes on annual leave anyway and its the weekend so cant get a scan in any case so would just be the same as Friday evening.

Yes i also feel like im going to get bad news at scans, especially after this bleeding now. I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks too and havent been sleeping well either. It's such a worrying time isn't it. I had to phone I'm sick to work Friday night again when I went to get checked and my boss is making me feel guilty because were so short staffed atm. Xxx
Hi ladies, hope you don't mind me jumping over here a wee bit early. :)
I'm 12 weeks today and going for my dating scan, followed by my first consultant appointment. I know it sounds silly, but it's been so long since I had my last scan at 7+3 that I'm terrified they'll tell me baby stopped growing at 10 weeks or something like that. Some days I can feel what seems like a long triangular shape across my tummy below my belly button, other days I can't feel anything at all. I'm very overweight, so nothing is visible yet and I have a tilted uterus which doesn't help there. I've not had any bleeding or serious cramps apart from the odd twinge that is probably my uterus growing, so I guess that's a good sign. I'm also pretty sure I felt some movement the other night. I have IBS so I'm VERY familiar with what gas/wind feels like, but this was like a popping/tapping sensation to the right side. Fingers crossed that everything goes well today!
Oh my word, we've skipped a week! Had my dating scan and consultant appointment this afternoon and now dating at exactly 13 weeks instead of 12, so firmly in the 2nd trimester now. :D
Was amazing to see the wee one moving, it kept turning so the lady kept having me put my feet up to wriggle my pelvis about, lol. Very active bubba!

Great scan hun! I’m so pleased for you! Have you done an announcement now? X
Great scan hun! I’m so pleased for you! Have you done an announcement now? X
Thanks! Aye, got my announcement done, though family already knew anyway, but most of my friends are a few hundred miles away, so a big Facebook post was done. So relieved to be able to tell people now, I'm terrible with secrets.
Hows everyone's bumps? I've got sciatica on both sides and finding everything quite painful atm. I tried to find out if my appointment date had been scheduled for 20 weeks only to be told they wont be seeing anyone before 24 weeks.. I'm feeling quite emotional and we only have one other scan place here and they arent doing private scans as too booked out also. All I can hope for is that everything is ok and they're both growing well.. feeling like it's been forever since I saw them <3
My daughter likes to rub my belly and talk to it alot and lately I have felt a bit of movement so hopefully one or both are doing well in there x

Had my consult appointment. They found a very small amount of Protein in urine? So now a sample is being sent off for testing.
Dr/Consultant himself has said scan looks very normal & hes not concerned but will see me after 20 week abnormality scan. :)
Protein can suggest a uti, just try to keep very hydrated until you get the results xx

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