***May 2020 Mums***

How's everyone going :) sounds like everybody is doing well and growing slowly but surely <3
Goodluck at your gender scan @maythe4thbewit !!
Thank you @Countrylife !

Hope everyone is ok?

Had more spotting last night in work again. One wipe again. Text midwife when I got home this morning and she text back asking did I know what blood group I was. I dont.

Shes going to ring the lab when they open and get my blood tests from the other week to look at and check I'm not rhesus negative and get back to me later. I'm not aware that being rhesus negative causes spotting tho, but know you have to have a jab if you do spot and are negative.

Not sure what's going on but she hasn't mentioned anything about actually checking me out again, or checking to see why I'm spotting again.

Havent been able to keep up my normal exercise as Hoped because I'm constantly worried about this spotting and that it might set it off.

I've got my private scan booked Tuesday anyway so not long I suppose.

I'm shattered now after working. Have had a very demanding two nights so far. Back in tonight so going to try and get some shut eye.

Hope everyone has a lovely day xxx
MW just rang me, not RH negative so that's good. Same advice as before. 12 week scan was fine, so more than likely nothing because they would have picked any major problems up on that.

She said just watch and wait again and see what happens, and if it gets heavier, phone GP. Rest up and no strenuous activities. She doesn't know why, she said could be anything but they dont want to go rummaging around looking for a cause. Anything major would have apparently been picked up on the scan.

Ugh, fed up of this spotting now.

Feel so stressed.
MW just rang me, not RH negative so that's good. Same advice as before. 12 week scan was fine, so more than likely nothing because they would have picked any major problems up on that.

She said just watch and wait again and see what happens, and if it gets heavier, phone GP. Rest up and no strenuous activities. She doesn't know why, she said could be anything but they dont want to go rummaging around looking for a cause. Anything major would have apparently been picked up on the scan.

Ugh, fed up of this spotting now.

Feel so stressed.

I’m so sorry you feel so stressed and you’re not getting answers. Just keep looking Forward to your scan on Tuesday. Hopefully when you see bubba again you’ll feel a bit more relaxed.
I’m so sorry you feel so stressed and you’re not getting answers. Just keep looking Forward to your scan on Tuesday. Hopefully when you see bubba again you’ll feel a bit more relaxed.

Just woke up. Bit more blood when going for a wee, just phoned in sick to work and now waiting for on call GP to give me a ring, their on a house call atm. :( xx
Just woke up. Bit more blood when going for a wee, just phoned in sick to work and now waiting for on call GP to give me a ring, their on a house call atm. :( xx

try not to panic! You’re doing the right thing I have everything crossed for you xx
try not to panic! You’re doing the right thing I have everything crossed for you xx

GP just rang, she doesn't think its anything to worry abot but is going to try and get me checked/scan out at the hospital but probably wont be untill Monday because it's not classed as an emergency. I have my bloody gender scan tuesday anyway.

I'm just fed up of this worry now. Xx
GP just rang, she doesn't think its anything to worry abot but is going to try and get me checked/scan out at the hospital but probably wont be untill Monday because it's not classed as an emergency. I have my bloody gender scan tuesday anyway.

I'm just fed up of this worry now. Xx

Tuesday can’t come soon enough! Have a nice relaxing weekend xx
GP just rang, she doesn't think its anything to worry abot but is going to try and get me checked/scan out at the hospital but probably wont be untill Monday because it's not classed as an emergency. I have my bloody gender scan tuesday anyway.

I'm just fed up of this worry now. Xx
Fingers crossed everything is fine and hope Tuesday comes round quickly!
Thanks ladies. No more spotting since Friday evening so far. Fingers crossed. Scan at EPU is booked for tomorrow morning at 9 am. Feel sick with worry. Have been a mess all weekend. Hopefully baby will be ok xx
Thanks ladies. No more spotting since Friday evening so far. Fingers crossed. Scan at EPU is booked for tomorrow morning at 9 am. Feel sick with worry. Have been a mess all weekend. Hopefully baby will be ok xx

I’ll be thinking of you, sure it will be fine xxx
I’ll be thinking of you, sure it will be fine xxx

Thank you. I hoping so. Not sure weather I need to take my maternity notes with me to EPU tomorrow?GP didn't say on the phone, just said go with a full bladder xx
Thank you. I hoping so. Not sure weather I need to take my maternity notes with me to EPU tomorrow?GP didn't say on the phone, just said go with a full bladder xx

Sorry I’m thread hopping. Any time you’re seen throughout pregnancy lovely always take your maternity notes, no matter where you go. Lots of luck for tomorrow - I’ll be checking for an update <3 xx
Just got home. Everything looks normal, didn't do a detailed scan but they couldn't find a reason again for it.

Although midwife I saw said j should be getting checked out everytime it happened. Contradictory to what my midwife thinks xx

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