***May 2020 Mums***

I've got bad new girls. I won't be having my May baby. Screening showed high risk. They referred me to do NIPT test. After 7 days of terrifying waiting results came back as high risk again. Doctor suggested to do needle test tomorrow
before termination. Words cannot describe how I feel. We will try again once doctor allows. All the best to you all girls xx
I've got bad new girls. I won't be having my May baby. Screening showed high risk. They referred me to do NIPT test. After 7 days of terrifying waiting results came back as high risk again. Doctor suggested to do needle test tomorrow
before termination. Words cannot describe how I feel. We will try again once doctor allows. All the best to you all girls xx
Oh no, I'm so sorry this is happening to you :(
I have to ask though, is the termination and the needle your choice? I had my nuchal translucency and blood test yesterday to find out if I was high risk, but have refused the needle if I am, it was purely to prepare myself for the possibility of downs because the baby will be loved either way. I just want to make sure that it is what YOU want and not what you've been told to do.
I've got bad new girls. I won't be having my May baby. Screening showed high risk. They referred me to do NIPT test. After 7 days of terrifying waiting results came back as high risk again. Doctor suggested to do needle test tomorrow
before termination. Words cannot describe how I feel. We will try again once doctor allows. All the best to you all girls xx

I’m sorry hun, will the needle test give you a definite no/yes as to whether there are any problems with baby? Can’t imagine what you are going through xx
Needle test is not my choice. Doc recommended it. My both hormones bhcg and pappa are very low. Its so heartbreaking to go through this. I've got no idea how to get through this. Tests showed very high risk and NIPT confirmed it's 99% risk. And with hormones being so low there are now chances. :(. Needle test will give yes/ no answer, but NIPT is 96% accurate. :cry:
Needle test is not my choice. Doc recommended it. My both hormones bhcg and pappa are very low. Its so heartbreaking to go through this. I've got no idea how to get through this. Tests showed very high risk and NIPT confirmed it's 99% risk. And with hormones being so low there are now chances. :(. Needle test will give yes/ no answer, but NIPT is 96% accurate. :cry:

I’m so sorry, my heart is breaking for you. I’m here if you need to chat or vent or anything x
Needle test is not my choice. Doc recommended it. My both hormones bhcg and pappa are very low. Its so heartbreaking to go through this. I've got no idea how to get through this. Tests showed very high risk and NIPT confirmed it's 99% risk. And with hormones being so low there are now chances. :(. Needle test will give yes/ no answer, but NIPT is 96% accurate. :cry:
So sorry to read this. Must be the hardest decision, I hope you have a lot of love and support around you.
I've got bad new girls. I won't be having my May baby. Screening showed high risk. They referred me to do NIPT test. After 7 days of terrifying waiting results came back as high risk again. Doctor suggested to do needle test tomorrow
before termination. Words cannot describe how I feel. We will try again once doctor allows. All the best to you all girls xx

So sorry to hear this. Were all here for you xx
Got the drs tomorrow, got to have an ecg and blood tests, I just don’t feel well at all and have been having heart palpitations. Hoping it’s just low iron and they can give me some tablets to sort it out.
Oh my word, we've skipped a week! Had my dating scan and consultant appointment this afternoon and now dating at exactly 13 weeks instead of 12, so firmly in the 2nd trimester now. :D
Was amazing to see the wee one moving, it kept turning so the lady kept having me put my feet up to wriggle my pelvis about, lol. Very active bubba!

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Hey congrats!

Whens your due date? I'll add you to the list! What team are you on? X
I feel the same, I’ve got a haematoma that is causing my bleeding and although I feel less panicked now I know what is causing the bleeding, I keep thinking it’s stopping and then it’s back again. Feeling very low about it today
Hey whens your due date and what team are you on? I'll add you to the list! Xx
Hey congrats!

Whens your due date? I'll add you to the list! What team are you on? X

Due 25th May, but I'll be booked for a C section two weeks early because my little boy was stillborn at full term last time. No idea what we are having and not sure we will know unfortunately, our local NHS trust policy is to not say in case they get it wrong etc. Might go for a private scan if we have the money, otherwise I'll be hoping to catch a glimpse when we have our anomaly scan.
Needle test is not my choice. Doc recommended it. My both hormones bhcg and pappa are very low. Its so heartbreaking to go through this. I've got no idea how to get through this. Tests showed very high risk and NIPT confirmed it's 99% risk. And with hormones being so low there are now chances. :(. Needle test will give yes/ no answer, but NIPT is 96% accurate. :cry:

Oh my goodness. I just came back on and wanted to check on my old may buddies. I'm so so sorry. Did u get anymore results?
I've been through a medical termination at 24weeks if u want to chat about anything please mail me but I really hope the results were better news. Massive hugs to u @Charlotte9
How’s everyone doing?

17w4d for me, my bodies starting to change now and I’m definitely getting a belly although it’s not a nice bump, I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies at the moment.

mine and dh’s sex life has really gone down hill and I don’t really see it improving only getting worse until the baby is here. I’m used to 2-3 times a week but dh seems to have no sex drive at all and he says it’s because he’s too conscious of the baby being there and it’s off putting, and when I question if it’s because of my largening belly, he’s adamant I still look attractive to him but he says it’s more in a loving way, than wanting to jump my bones. I suppose it’s nice that he is so sensitive but it’s making me a little insecure.
How’s everyone doing?

17w4d for me, my bodies starting to change now and I’m definitely getting a belly although it’s not a nice bump, I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies at the moment.

mine and dh’s sex life has really gone down hill and I don’t really see it improving only getting worse until the baby is here. I’m used to 2-3 times a week but dh seems to have no sex drive at all and he says it’s because he’s too conscious of the baby being there and it’s off putting, and when I question if it’s because of my largening belly, he’s adamant I still look attractive to him but he says it’s more in a loving way, than wanting to jump my bones. I suppose it’s nice that he is so sensitive but it’s making me a little insecure.
Well if it helps I've been feeling like sex but also far to conscious about the babies too (not that I have the option anyway, my partner has left me now, good riddance!)
I'm also growing/expanding fairly quickly, however it's probably because I'm eating too much I've got the worst sugar cravings constantly and yet my blood test came back good! How I do not know?!
How’s everyone doing?

17w4d for me, my bodies starting to change now and I’m definitely getting a belly although it’s not a nice bump, I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies at the moment.

mine and dh’s sex life has really gone down hill and I don’t really see it improving only getting worse until the baby is here. I’m used to 2-3 times a week but dh seems to have no sex drive at all and he says it’s because he’s too conscious of the baby being there and it’s off putting, and when I question if it’s because of my largening belly, he’s adamant I still look attractive to him but he says it’s more in a loving way, than wanting to jump my bones. I suppose it’s nice that he is so sensitive but it’s making me a little insecure.

hi thought id jump here and say we havent dtd since about 7dpo.. looool. thats me tho, very worried about cervix being crap and causing problems he agrees at the mo but does ask when we will know if cervix is ok!
i wouldnt get insecure, it is probably the hurting the baby idea thats off putting and i can honestly see why.
Oh my goodness. I just came back on and wanted to check on my old may buddies. I'm so so sorry. Did u get anymore results?
I've been through a medical termination at 24weeks if u want to chat about anything please mail me but I really hope the results were better news. Massive hugs to u @Charlotte9
Thank you lovely. I will pm you as don't want to upset may mummies with sad story.
Well if it helps I've been feeling like sex but also far to conscious about the babies too (not that I have the option anyway, my partner has left me now, good riddance!)
I'm also growing/expanding fairly quickly, however it's probably because I'm eating too much I've got the worst sugar cravings constantly and yet my blood test came back good! How I do not know?!

sorry about your partner but I’m glad you are feeling positive about it! You’ve got so much more exciting things coming into your life, you’ll have a perfect little family, you, your daughter and the twins!

When you are carrying twins I think you are supposed to eat more than when just a single pregnancy so don’t worry too much about the amount you are eating xx

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