Sorry for the delayed reply ladies. Finally getting a risk assessment in friday night! Not with my manager though, with my supervisor. My manager has decided to go off sick this week.
Had 20 week scan monday, no abnormalities found, baby is still a boy! DH is delighted!
I've been feeling off last two weeks, extremely tired, racing heart, look very pale, vertigo and I'm bruising extremely easily. All symptoms I had last December when I had glandular fever and low iron levels (they blamed it on my heavy periods and it sorted itself out by January)
I've text my midwife for advice on tuesday because I'm not due to see her now for 5 weeks. And because at the 16 week appointment my bloods from 12 weeks showed I had low MCH levels, which they rushed me to a pointless consultant appoint for, where consultant didn't even know untill I said about it. They gave me a leaflet about being a possible carrier for thalassemia and or iron deficiency and sent me on my way saying it was comon and no need to test babys father.
When looking it my notes it says my iron levels should be regularly checked but neither consultant or midwife have said anything more about it, so not due a blood test untill 28 weeks now.
I tried ring and texting midwife explaining my symptoms and asking was it work getting an appointment with her (shes only there Thursdays) or a GP and as usual no reply.
Dont know weather to make a GP appointment monday as Thursdays are difficult appointments for me to get too due to working wed and Thursday nights and needing to sleep in the day beforehand.
Hope your all well?
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