BF is a bit of a slog especially at first when lots of babies need feeding 8+ times a day and each can be anything from 10 mins to 40 mins long. Also hard as it HAS to be you - can’t send the husband in for his turn.
However, if you can bear with it, it’s a hell of a lot easier in the long run. No sterilising, wondering if you’ve packed enough formula, less waste, poos are less smelly, you know it’s the right temperature etc.
I think if you can stick it out for the first 2-3 weeks then you are sorted. I would comfort myself at 3am BF marahins by googling BF stats like less tummy trouble, ear infections, hospital admissions, obesity rates etc for BF babies...........but the best bit was weighing my baby each week and realising that every ounce he put on and every poo he did was all down to me and that was worthy of a LOT of extra food. Way more than when you are pregnant.
However, I had no major bumps except the sheer time it would take. I think if my nips had been sore or the odd blocked duct I did get had ever turned nasty then I might have switched to FF. was very important for me to at least get the colostrum in though so first aim was to BF for 48 hours, then I targeted a week, then 2 weeks, then a month and by that point it was second nature. Perhaps give yourself mini targets like that if you are not sure either way.