May 2019 mummies

Our little lady made her entrance to the world this morning at 2:37 am at 36 weeks, weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces. With her being a little bit premature she has had a few problem maintaining her temperature but seems to be doing well now. Just still working on breast feeding and hoping we can go home tomorrow :cheer:
Congratulations- does she have a name yet? Did you just happen to go into labour a bit earlier or did she need to be early because of a problem? Sounds like she’s doing well though. Hooray on the first May baby (although sort of the second but keep trying ended up in April instead).

Who will be next? Probably NOT Meghan Markle -hers seems like the longest pregnancy ever!
Thanks piglet, we’ve named her Olivia. We just happened to go into labour early, on my last day at work before mat leave haha.

I know I did think of Meghan, she announced her pregnancy when I was 8 weeks so she must be due/overdue now!

Excited for more may babies to arrive xx
Thanks piglet, we’ve named her Olivia. We just happened to go into labour early, on my last day at work before mat leave haha.

I know I did think of Meghan, she announced her pregnancy when I was 8 weeks so she must be due/overdue now!

Excited for more may babies to arrive xx
Congratulations - such a lovely name, hope your both doing well xx
Olivia is a pretty name.

Ha! Speaking of labour on last work day - I finished on Wednesday- didn’t get back till 7pm ish as it was parents eves etc and soon as I sat down I had the biggest BH contraction that was even a little bit painful (which they hadn’t been up till then) and I thought ‘Blimey, just my luck, not even 1 days rest!’ But luckily it was just a one off. Think I was just stressed and dehydrated which made it more ouchy.

Hope it wasn’t too stressful starting labour at work. No mahoosive water breaks whilst pitching to a client or chairing an important meeting.
Congratulations Lucy.

I'm being induced tomorrow due to all the issues I've had so far.
Congrats Lucy, Olivia is a beautiful name! Hope it all went smoothly, perfect timing with the mat leave ey!

Yes I was thinking of Meghan Markle too, surely her baby must be quite over due by now, unless she’s had it and just not told the world lol!

Ooooh good look for your induction tomorrow Aurora, hope it all goes well.

I’m just patiently waiting, it’s my due date on weds, would love for my little man to make his arrival this week! Can’t wait to meet him now! Xxx
I think Meghan and Harry are just enjoying some private time with baby before going public.

Being induced is long and boring. One lady has been here since Thursday and they still don't have a bed for her on central delivery. She been crying and her husband is trying to get her discharged so he can take her to a hospital who will do something. All fun and games here
Oh goodness! That sounds awful! I know labour wards can be very busy, but waiting since Thursday does not sound fun! Hopefully they make some room soon! Keep us updated! Will keep my fingers crossed for you!! Xx
Feel happy whilst it’s at the boring stage - the next bit is NOT fun!

I’m having Braxton Hicks lots and lots bit mildly uncomfortable rather than painful and very intermittent. Have declined a sweep at 40 weeks but will probably let them at me by 41.

My first was 10 days late but I went into labour naturally (2 sweeps but they were ages before so not sure if any influence) so hoping to start naturally this time too......although it was super quick which worries me slightly as the hospital is just I’ve half hour away plus I’ll have to wait for some childcare to drive over which might be another half hour on top!
Baby boy born at 15.53 after my waters went on there own at 2.30 this morning so missed the induction process after a long labour he came out in 2 pushes.
No name as yet weighed 7lb 4oz.
Congratulations. How exciting to finally have him here. Well done.
Congrats Aurora! So pleased for you!
Officially my due date today, but no signs of baby as of yet.

Also, wondering how many of you ladies will be breast feeding or bottle feeding?? Xx
Breast feeding defo. Way way too lazy to faff about with bottles esp in middle of night. I might do a spot of pumping too but I was a bit rubbish at that last time. I will probably introduce a bit of formula around 5 months ready for weaning as it’s easier to make up baby porridge etc with formula so easier if they are familiar with the taste.
Breast feeding defo. Way way too lazy to faff about with bottles esp in middle of night. I might do a spot of pumping too but I was a bit rubbish at that last time. I will probably introduce a bit of formula around 5 months ready for weaning as it’s easier to make up baby porridge etc with formula so easier if they are familiar with the taste.

I’m hoping to BF as wel, but a bit anxious as a FTM, did you still try and get your baby into a bit of a routine, or just do demand feeding?? I’m worried I’m constantly going to feeding and not have time for anything else!
Any tips??
Wondering wether it’s worth having some formula on standby xxx
Congratulations Aurora!!

I was planning to breastfeed but she wouldn’t latch and when she did she just wouldn’t actually do what she needed to do to get any milk. She’d just get really frustrated. Luckily I was able to express colostrum and am expressing now my milk has come in but topping up with formula as my milk supply isn’t enough for her atm. I’m glad she’s still getting the benefits of breast milk though even though it didn’t go to plan xx
BF is a bit of a slog especially at first when lots of babies need feeding 8+ times a day and each can be anything from 10 mins to 40 mins long. Also hard as it HAS to be you - can’t send the husband in for his turn.

However, if you can bear with it, it’s a hell of a lot easier in the long run. No sterilising, wondering if you’ve packed enough formula, less waste, poos are less smelly, you know it’s the right temperature etc.

I think if you can stick it out for the first 2-3 weeks then you are sorted. I would comfort myself at 3am BF marahins by googling BF stats like less tummy trouble, ear infections, hospital admissions, obesity rates etc for BF babies...........but the best bit was weighing my baby each week and realising that every ounce he put on and every poo he did was all down to me and that was worthy of a LOT of extra food. Way more than when you are pregnant.

However, I had no major bumps except the sheer time it would take. I think if my nips had been sore or the odd blocked duct I did get had ever turned nasty then I might have switched to FF. was very important for me to at least get the colostrum in though so first aim was to BF for 48 hours, then I targeted a week, then 2 weeks, then a month and by that point it was second nature. Perhaps give yourself mini targets like that if you are not sure either way.
I had no formula in the house - might have tempted me in first week and I told myself I could always express a little if need be. Newborn only has walnut size tummy anyway.

Fed on demand till 8 weeks or so but then realised a lot of his scream8mg wasn’t due to wanting feeding, more comfort, so then started stretching him out to three hours minimum between feeds and he actually fed a bit better then but I wouldn’t have tried to impose any ‘rules’ for first few weeks.
Hi ladies. I had my little angel Elizabeth Grace yesterday at 4.32pm, 5 days early. 7lb1. In love
Sorry thread crashing here!

Totally agree with piglet about breastfeeding. Definitely harder in the short term but easier in the long run. I'm also a FTM and I have to say that the first weeks for us were really tough!! Short term goals are good and if you told me in the early weeks that we'd still be doing it nearly 6 months in I wouldn't have believed you!!

In the early weeks I felt like feeding was literally all I did and I won't lie it really felt relentless especially as you can't share but nothing lasts forever and it really is so much easier once you've got through that. Like piglet I'm also way too lazy to faff with bottles in the middle of the night! Also agree about not having formula in the house. I know I would have used it as we did have a difficult time establishing feeding. Tesco is open 24 hours so it's always within reach if you really do need it.

As for a routine I've just sort of gone with the flow as little man has sort of started to fall into one on his own so I've just tried to be guided by him. Definitely wouldn't try and impose anything in the early weeks as you'll just end up putting yourself under pressure.

Hope that helps.

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