May 2017 Mummies

Seems like you'll have to go back to your doctor Betty, to make sure it doesn't get worse.

I'm thinking of making a complaint to the NHS. I could have died from the urine retention due to incompetent doctors and ignorant midwives. It's such a common thing to happen too. Why did no one pick it up? Why was I begging for help for six hours, after days of pain, thinking I was going to die? Why did they lie about the volume of urine they removed? I missed the opportunity to establish breastfeeding because of it :(
My cm also went orange...I wondered if it was normal too, thanks for asking the question as it goes out of my head and gets replaced by many others lol
Ayda gets hiccups more or less after every feed, but she also had them frequently prior to birth, she doesn't seem bothered by it.
I am unsure if have a touch of baby blues or pnd. Some people today (2 separate occasions) asked me how I am in a no really how are you manner and it took everything I had not to have a complete breakdown. Of course I said all was fine and on the whole it is but I am struggling and trying so hard to give the impression I am coping ok. My other half has not helped the situation this week as he is not and never has been all that hands on, instead preferring to try and look after me rather than saying here let me take her so you can get what you want to drink/eat etc. I am a fussy bugger and always been stubbornly independent so I really find it hard letting people help. Consequently I hardly ate or drank for three days due to not being able to get away from baby duties (however I did get some sleep...bonus) ;) . He also said I am paid to be a full time mother as on mat leave.....he works from home and tbf he has it easy, maybe I should start just working the hours my stat mat pay would cover on basic minimum wage and leave him to cover the rest ;) I cant though, I am not just paid to look after her, I am her mum and I don't need a "wage" to be there for her (well maybe when she kicks off and will not be pacified!!) Putting things down on here is helpful as getting it down in written form gives me a little release
Hun if you're struggling, then please don't pretend to be OK.

If you genuinely think you might have PND then please go and see your gp as soon as possible. The sooner you get treatment the sooner you'll be better.

I'm sorry you're struggling hun. I had PND after Cam so I know how horrible it is.

Aww gesic, I think there are a few of us that feel that way. How long is it since Ayda was born? I don't think it should go beyond two weeks after the birth, but I'm sure everyone's different. It's been two weeks for me and as I'm quite bad he HV sent me to see a doctor this morning. They think it might be circumstantial rather than an underlying clinical depression. So, I'm being referred to a support team. There's something on 5 news about it now!
Hey ladies,

Sorry things haven't been good for you Betty and dovekie! Sending big hugs to you both and hope your problems are resolved quickly xx

Emily you are so amazing for trying so hard! Hope your supply continues to build.

Gesic if you think you have PND please speak to someone. I immediately felt a lot better after admitting how I was actually feeling and knowing that someone was going to try and help me feel better, that I was no longer struggling alone.

I had a crap night last night. My daughter has chicken pox so I had her in the bed with me and oli the other side. Between them both crying I had a couple of hours sleep tops. I'm so crabbit today!

Oli is 6 weeks today. Had the HV round and he now weighs 13lbs 7oz and is 59cm. He's pretty close to needing to move up a size in sleeps its and nappies. He's still got a touch of jaundice but they are happy it's clearing up and is just breastmilk jaundice. Xx
I can't hand express, it freaks me stupid really, I don't even like looking when using pump!!

Sophie gets hiccups all the time too xx
Gesic, like the others said, if you feel like it could be pnd then speak to someone for some help and support. My OH tends to look after me rather than helping with baby but she doesn't want him or anyone else apart from me so it is hard to help xx
Sorry for quick replies btw, one hand messaging on phone xx
Eleanor gets hiccups most days.

When they last for ages she gets all annoyed and agitated, bless her.

She had hiccups most days when I was pregnant too.

Same as above with the hiccups. Gesic I know you say your oh isn't very hands on but could you ask him specifically to help the way you want sometimes? Dovekie I feel like I also want to complain about the nhs, it's been so bad on numerous occasions. I don't even know where to start though and wish I had the energy. Xx
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Anya didn't really get hiccups inside but outside she gets them daily!

Everything5pound has a sale on atm I'd anyone is looking for any cheap clothes lots of stuff at £1.99 Everything5pound sale

Also spent lots of time at banks and sorting out my finances there are some great offers out there here's a linkcurrent account offers to some of the best you can get upto £130 just for switching accounts not to mention the benefits the arudl account gives like 3% interest and £10 bonus each month or for savers nationwide are doing 5%!

You should definitely complain girls we have when they nearly killed my uncle there are routes you can go down I'll see if I can ask my auntie what she did. And Deffo speak up if you think you have PND you're not alone and parenthood is bloody hard get all the help you can even if you have to scream a few times!
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Just clicked on the link Ery and I have £5 discount to shop with!!

Thank you!!

;) fantastic x I had a suspicion but wasn't sure if it was a one time use thing
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I'm going to attempt to have a clothes clear out today. I have winter clothes in under bed storage boxes in one of the spare bedrooms but Harper has so many clothes that I really need to free up a box for at least her 6-9 months clothes so that her current size clothes actually fit in her drawers. I feel like I'm going to forget about some of her outfits and not get any use out of them. People have been so generous with gifts and I don't want them to go to waste.

Gesic hope you are ok. Be specific about what you want your oh to do, for example hand him your baby and ask him to change her. He will soon get the hang of it. Do ask for help, the sooner the better as it will make you feel so much better.

Rachel I really need a clothes clear out, I've got boxes of them everywhere. I've been putting it off as thought I should try things on and see what I want to keep. I've also had to buy a whole load of nursing tops so won't be wearing my normal ones for a while so I really should put them away for the time being and keep the wardrobe for clothes I'm actually wearing. As for baby clothes I am a bit more organised, things are sorted by size so hopefully I won't miss him wearing things. I'm unsure what I'm doing with the things he has outgrown though, I can't bring myself to part with them yet, plus I'm undecided as to whether we will try for another one. Getting this far has taken so much that it might never happen again. I think I will put them away for the time being but save just in case. I think I will also keep one of his tiny outfits just as a reminder of how small he was.

Has anyone looked into childrens bank accounts? G has been given a little bit of money and I might put it in an account for him rather than buy something he will outgrow and not remember.
I've got an appointment next week to open an account for Eleanor as she was given money too.

I did the same for Cam and I want to open the same for her. They can't access the account until they're 18. I set up a direct debit to pay in each month and any money they get for birthday or Christmas I put in too.

I've got an appointment next week to open an account for Eleanor as she was given money too.

I did the same for Cam and I want to open the same for her. They can't access the account until they're 18. I set up a direct debit to pay in each month and any money they get for birthday or Christmas I put in too.


I started with an account like that but the-interest was pants 0.25% So now I Move them around and I currentlyhave my kids account in my name with a 5% interest rate
My new smaller flange has arrived.

Will have a pump in a bit and see if it's any better.

Hope so!!


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