May 2017 Mummies

Oh my God! Daisy is starting to be sick more and more, is that normal then?

I'm supposed to be going to the neighbours tonight for a girly night but daisy has been so fussy I'm going to be so late if I make it at all. The annoying thing is my best friend and partner are home and there's still all the washing up and the washing is still in the machine...

I did do laying down feeds but with my dwindling supply we don't do that any more. Going to have to get up in the night to make up formula now too as my supply has just gone and daisy gets upset after a minute or two of trying. I really am quite upset about the breastfeeding thing. I can't believe something so natural is so so hard! Xx
They can get quite sicky I think it depends my son had a sickness problem and so I'm not sure what's normal. Anya gets major sick when she over eats. Some times she eats when something else is wrong (needs a poo needs to burp is too tired) a lot of those times she's very fussy on the boob and not settling.
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Betty, my back is sore too. I can't get comfortable at all. Could I lie down to bottle feed too?

Does everyone's babies have a spotty rash on their face?

I'm now getting hardly anything out of my boobs with the hand pump! I got even less with the electric medela the other day. It puts me off trying Owen on my boob. I got some nipple shields to try at some point.
Betty if you're supposed to be going out, ask your oh to sort the washing etc and have daisy.

Dovekie, Eleanor has a few baby acne spots on her face. Apparently it's all completely normal.

Baby will always be more effective at getting milk out than a pump will be ( don't i know it eh?!) So don't worry about latching Owen on, give it a try and see how you go.

I'm totally exhausted. I've just had a weird dizzy spell and thought I was going to pass out. I've also been getting a pain in my chest through the night. I'm not sure what that could be.
You could always call NHS 111 hun and get some advice.

Hope you're OK?

Daisy has baby acne at the moment too.

Dovekie definitely talk to a health professional if you're having chest pains. I have had chest pains, they didn't last long at the time but extremely painful. Haven't had any for a week or so though. I think it's related to the back pains I've been having which I've been told could be trapped gas from surgery. And I don't see why you can't bottle feed lying down.

I managed to get out to the neighbours eventually. Had a lovely three course meal and my first glass of wine for nearly a year! My oh had daisy overnight in the other room so I could get a whole nights sleep too, my first since before pregnancy! Because of the carpal tunnel and constant weeing I never had a good night's sleep when pregnant. I didn't even have to worry about breastfeeding as I'd saved up expressed milk for the night as I knew I'd have a wine. I feel so much more healed after a good sleep emotionally and physically. Is there any chance your mum may consider doing that for you dovekie? I did still wake up whenever she cried but that wasn't often, oh is very good with her and settles her quickly. Xx
dizzy spells are common with lack of sleep hubby gets drest pains with anxiety maybe its something similar hopefully its nothing serious!
How's this for multitasking....I put daisy in the sling to settle her, then realised I needed the I was going I can feel her going to the toilet too...then she starts crying so I put my breast to her as she looked in the right position for it! Xx
Lol amazing! Peeing whilst holing baby is N interesting experience lol. Anya looked at me all confused like.... "where's your nappy?" Lol and yes she's full of little red spots in her face and neck. Glad you gel better after a full nights sleep too. X x x
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So jad a dream last night I was sorting things into piles of stuff to keep sbd stuff to thriw/sell. (EBay us getting addictive again lol) I woke up to find I had made two neat lines one of foam shrimpnsweets one if foam banana sweets. I'm going mad!
Oh my Ery is that really all sick!! I'm lucky, if G overeats he just gets a bit running back out of his nose, nothing projectile so far.

Great that you had a good night Betty, it really does make a difference.

We are getting the hang of night time feeds now, he is sleeping between us and I just roll him on the boob for a feed without having to get up. I'm still tired but nowhere near as bad as I was.
So my cycle has most definitely returned to normal right away.

Had a bleed 16 days ago when Eleanor was exact 4 weeks old but I was not 100% sure if it was AF.

Since 11.30 last night I've had pains on my left side which I am sure are ov pains as they bloody kill and (as you do at 4 in the morning) I've just done an ov test and yep - positive!

Hubby better get snipped pronto if things are all back in business my end! Can't believe it's all happened so quickly and that I have to deal with the horror of ovulation pain again already! Grrrr!

Hope my cycle doesn't impact on my milk supply!!

Oh my god I'm in agony!!

I'd forgotten how much this hurts!


Oh no Emily. I hope periods don't affect milk supply as I'm not ebf I assume mine will come back soon too. I've stopped bleeding now and we've ordered a lifetime supply of condoms! I'm terrified of getting pregnant again! It's the opposite way round now to how it's been for so many years, so strange! Do you think it's OK to dtd 4 weeks pp if you've stopped bleeding?

Daisy certainly made up for my good nights sleep the hight before, she's been up all night, I've had an hour and a half sleep! I thought babies were supposed to sleep a lot? Sometimes daisy is on the go for 12 hours with hardly a rest?! Xx
Does anybody else miss being pregnant? Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy that Harper's here, she's amazing, but I do miss being pregnant. I miss feeling her moving about inside me and I miss that bond of having her all to myself, which sounds a bit weird when I try and verbalise what I mean.

I do miss being pregnant and I'm sad that I'll never have a bump again or feel a baby move inside me again.

I wasn't ready to DTD at 4 weeks pp but then I had stitches and a second degree tear! Obviously you need to be careful with your wound etc. I'm not sure what the advice is with DTD after a c section as it's such major surgery.


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