May 2017 Mummies

Lol the amount of pills it requires for us lot before during and after pregnancy i think we are single handedly propping up the pharmaceutical industry lol
Crazy isn't it!! Still, if that's what it takes to make a bit of milkies for my girl then so be it!

I decided to do 3 dom 3 x daily as reading through the info on the internet and the women on the fb page the starting dose is 3x3. Some women take 4x4 but I'll discuss that with the Dr when I go for my 6 week check.

I take so many pills! And I'm not normally one for doing so! At one point I was on 29 a day! That was when I was ill though, and that's including multivitamins and things like that. Glad you got your prescription sorted Emily, come on boobies! I've noticed while expressing that if I think positive thoughts and look at daisy I get slightly more out. I think about when she was first born and about how happy I am that my.milk nourishes my child, and I smile (even if I don't feel like it at the time!) Or it may just be the feenugreek starting to work! Xx
Betty, I hope your apointment went well and that your healing progresses on time. It took me 4 weeks to feel mostly normal. Now at almost 6 weeks, I'm feeling pretty good but still slower than normal.

I don't know if you've tried adding things to your diet. In addition to drinking lots of water, fats and carbs are great to help keep you supply up as well.

Aidan had is ultrasound the other day to check on the fluid they saw in his kidney in the final weeks of my pregnancy. It is now half the size that is was, so that is really good progress and they believe it shoulod resolve itself. Apparently this is common with boys and it usually does resolve itself, so I guess we'll see at the next appointment. My next pp appointment isn't until 8 weeks pp, so I'm hoping that I'll be signed off to go back to exercise!

I went to a postnatal support group yesterday and it was brilliant. This group is focused on the mum and is a place where you can say that at times you wish you didn't have a baby. It was really nice to hear of other's struggles and how things got better. Aidan was the youngest with the eldest being 3 months, so got to hear stories from various stages. If any of you who are struggling and have a group like this in your area and are able to go, I'd recommend it. It was really good to commiserate with other mums and to be told that letting them cry whilst you shower, go to the toilet, get something, etc. is okay because if you don't take care of yourself you can't take care of your baby.

Today I took Aidan to the cinema. The mum & baby screenings are fantastic, and air conditioned! I'll definitely be going to these when the film is of interests. I have two cinemas in my area that do these. I think I'll post it as a social on mummy social to see if others are interested and we can all do lunch/coffee after.

Aidan has been a trooper in this heat. During the day he has a big eat and then sleeps. He's almost never on me. However, my nights have been completelhy broken. It takes him a while to get to sleep. He'll sleep about 3 hours the first time but then wakes every 1.5 hours for a 20 minute feed the rest of the night, so I'm exhausted. Going to air conditioned places has helped. I so would pay for a bed in an air conditioned place for just a few hours of rest. Can't wait for this heat to break. Was so grateful for the lower temp and breeze last night. It was the first time our groegg was orange, even if only for a few hours.

He is getting so big. I want to have him weighed again. I have people telling me that he looks like he's 3 months old already. He's pretty much grown out of his up to 1 month clothes and is about to burst out of some of his up to 3 months clothes.

I too have forgotten to put the boobs away, or almost have. With deliveries coming in, I nearly answered the door several times before putting them away.
Quick question:

Is anyone else as freaked out as me by how little babies blink? Lol
Owen is wearing size 2 nappies already. He's a big baby though.

Today has been the worst. I had an argument with my Mam and we were crying and the HV came! She told the HV that I'm not leaving Owen to cry in his cot and I'm picking him up, and then I'm not sleeping because he wants attention? I don't believe in leaving them. I don't think I'm getting less sleep than anyone else with a newborn. I haven't spoken to her since. I'm thinking of moving into my flat asap so that I have my own space with Owen.
I take so many pills! And I'm not normally one for doing so! At one point I was on 29 a day! That was when I was ill though, and that's including multivitamins and things like that. Glad you got your prescription sorted Emily, come on boobies! I've noticed while expressing that if I think positive thoughts and look at daisy I get slightly more out. I think about when she was first born and about how happy I am that my.milk nourishes my child, and I smile (even if I don't feel like it at the time!) Or it may just be the feenugreek starting to work! Xx

My boobs leak when we do skin to skin. He was having a little nibble on one nipple and the other was leaking.

Emily - I'm kinda confused. I've been expressing but it still seems to be colostrum in very small amounts. If Owen got latched on soon, he wouldn't get much out?? But you said you're still breastfeeding?
Yep, I put her to my breast and then top her up after with whatever I've managed to express and then formula after that.

She's on my breast now while her bottle cools down.

I've no idea how much she gets from me but I hear her swallow so she must be getting something.

Expressing isn't a good indicator of how much milk you have. Baby is much more effective at getting milk than a pump is.

You must be producing milk by now. What makes you think it's still colostrum?

I wouldn't leave a baby to cry either hun. Sorry you're getting a hard time from your mum about it.

Owen is wearing size 2 nappies already. He's a big baby though.

Today has been the worst. I had an argument with my Mam and we were crying and the HV came! She told the HV that I'm not leaving Owen to cry in his cot and I'm picking him up, and then I'm not sleeping because he wants attention? I don't believe in leaving them. I don't think I'm getting less sleep than anyone else with a newborn. I haven't spoken to her since. I'm thinking of moving into my flat asap so that I have my own space with Owen.

I don't believe in leaving them either. There seems to be a generation thing with the attitude to this. Even my health visitor (who is older) said I need to be firm with her?!! And this was a couple of weeks ago!! Xx

Kabuk, glad the scan was good. I didn't know there were mother and baby screenings at the cinema xx
No I found believe in letting babies cry they a tiny in a big scary world how can you over spoil that. I'd rather by know I'm here when they cry rather than get used to the fact that if they cry it doesn't matter as no one us coming breaks my heart. I'm not adverse to letting her cry in the moses basket while I go pee or make breakfast though I need some time to do things I need to do. The more baby latches the more he stimulates bobs to make milk too as Emily says pumping is no indicator of how much milk. I get twice as much with my tonnes tippee pump as I do my medulla I get nothing but I drip hand expressing. (I had to let the mw milk me in the hospital that was kinda weird lol think if my hubby hadn't been traumatised by the birth he would have been droolng lol). And recently I'm not even sure if heaviness of the boon is an indicator of how much is in there. I'm baffled by if lol its just not consistent at all! Sure it was simpler with my son lol
My boobs get really sore when she is due to feed, does anyone else get that? Sometimes even if I think about the fact I need to feed her, they get sore and feel very full. I am dreading the pain when I stop feeding altogether xx
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Kabuki great news about the scan. My friends little boy is similar story to yours. He had to be born early due to him having an infection inside mum and they found fluid in places that it shouldn't be I've been updating her on your story as it's been giving her hope.
I can't wait to take anya to baby screenings hope the films I wanna see are available though
kabuk great news about his scan. I didn't know cinemas did such a thing, going to look into that.

I only let G cry if I'm in the shower, then he has to wait until I'm out. He seems ok with this and is usually happy to sit about and wait. I've only had the one midwife say about this and he was less than a day old!

lisey my boobs go tight if he has gone a while, eg overnight and it is a relief to get him on there and empty them.

How many nappies is everyone getting through? We seem to be using loads.
I bought nipple shields to see if it helps him latch on.

I'm changing nappy about every 2 hours!
My boobs get really sore when she is due to feed, does anyone else get that? Sometimes even if I think about the fact I need to feed her, they get sore and feel very full. I am dreading the pain when I stop feeding altogether xx
Yes!!totally get this sometimes my- nipples get super sore before a feed to as well as the full feeling it wakes me up at night. And as for nappies!we have gotten an extra black bin fromthe council, she loves to be changed sometimes she cries to be changed when there is nothing there! Maybe its the cool changing that she loves it! she also likes staring at the elephants on it too! she is a proper lady loving baths and changing Slejust loves being clean! (except wet wipes to the face Lol)
Thanks. As for the mum & baby screenings, most cinemas do them but not at all branches. I have an unlimited card with cineworld, but it's now useless as they don't offer these screenings at any London locations, but they do offer them elsewhere. New releases are usually what are shown, but it changes every week, so if you miss it, that's it. Bad timing for Wonder woman as the screening was when I wasn't up to venturing that far yet.

My nipples tingle when he does his hungry cry. When feeding on one, the other starts to tingle as well. Mine get heavier when he hasn't fed for a while. He also gets a breastmilk shower sometimes. I don't know what he does, but he does something and then pulls off and the its squirting him in the face from several locations. He got it in the eye yesterday before I could cover it.
Having milk in the eye can be good for babies as their tearducts haven't fully development.
When she feeds from one boon it feels like the other is filling up if it's been a while the other will aldo drop over her as well.
Owen has been restless all night :( I don't know what's wrong or how I can help? Between feeds hes wriggling and grunting in his bed. Any ideas?

I thought I might try gripe water or Infacol. What are these anyway??

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