May 2017 Mummies

I just broke this morning. Owen didn't sleep much at all through the night, even after feeds and nappy changes. I can't cuddle him for long as my belly and wound hurt. He was just fidgeting and moaning all night. I got really angry and started crying, then had a go at my parents for not helping enough. They've taken him for a while to let me sleep.

The problem is that all of the relationship stuff is so raw. I'm so upset about it, I can't deal with a demanding baby and sleep deprivation on top of it :(
Flange doesn't seem to have made much difference. I'm wondering if it's still sightly too big although it's definitely a better fit than the other and pumping is more comfortable.

Awww Dovekie I'm so sorry you're having a tough time :-(

We will be getting an account for her and doing direct debit. I do that with my son too.

Does anyone find there are patterns to their baby's sleep yet? I don't think Sophie has a pattern, she may do for a few days and then it all changes. She has some really sleepy days (like today) and some where she can be awake for 8 hours with little 5 minute naps inbetween. Do they do this with growth spurts? She is waking for feeds today but then goes back off. I had a little nap with her too today, was lovely. I rarely do it but it catches up on me every so often xx
I just broke this morning. Owen didn't sleep much at all through the night, even after feeds and nappy changes. I can't cuddle him for long as my belly and wound hurt. He was just fidgeting and moaning all night. I got really angry and started crying, then had a go at my parents for not helping enough. They've taken him for a while to let me sleep.

The problem is that all of the relationship stuff is so raw. I'm so upset about it, I can't deal with a demanding baby and sleep deprivation on top of it :(

So sorry lovely. I hope you managed to get some rest and sleep whilst they watched him. Sleep deprivation makes everything feel worse, it is awful. It gets easier though as they get older. I know it doesn't help now but there is light at the end of the tunnel xx
Starting to feel a bit disheartened with all my failed attempts at increasing my milk.

I'm going to try one last thing and then if that doesn't work, I shall just accept that what I've got is my lot and that's that. I can't keep raising my hopes that this next thing I try might be the magic one that works and then feeling so disappointed when it doesn't. If it's starting to get to me then that's my cue to stop. I'm not beating myself up over it, after everything I've tried I can safely say I've done my very best but it's beginning to feel like I'm flogging a dead horse to be honest!

Anyway, my final attempt is Goats Rue. Apparently it is good for increasing milk and encouraging release of the milk you store. It's also supposedly good for mammary tissue development. My breasts didn't really grow much during pregnancy or after once my 'milk came in' (haha!) I've often wondered if anatomically I'm just not geared up to be able to produce much milk? Like maybe I don't have very many milk ducts or something?

So anyway, that's it. One last ditch attempt before giving up! I hope I can still bf for as long as possible but we'll just have to see if my boobs will play ball! Fingers crossed!

Certain people have more milk ducts than others. When im full i can physically feel the weight of the milk and jiggling them feels like sloshing containers around. So maybe it is that but you're still doing the best you can stress and emotion can also impact you're supply. When I'm happy relaxed or erm aroused I make more than if I'm bothered grumpy and tired.

Anya ha's some sleeping patterns she's awake 3-5am for cluster feeds like clockwork. She usually goes down between 9 and 12 in her basket. Trying to put her in the basket before 9 is pointless lol. Throuugh the day it depends today is sleepy day yesterday was wakey day!
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Oli falls asleep on the school run about 9am then sleeps till 11/12ish, then awake for about an hour and then sleeps for another 2/3 hours. Then he's awake till about 7 when he goes in his crib until about 10.30 and after that I've no idea what happens haha. It all goes a bit mental in the night. I guess he has a routine during the day because the other kids do and he just has to slot in. It's not always like that, today he's been really grizzly and unsettled and will only sleep on me. Hoping he's not about to get chicken pox too. Hopefully if he does it will only be mild since he's breastfed?! Xx
Missyeovil, I have no idea how you manage to get everybody ready and leave the house for 9am. I find it an achievement when I manage to get us both ready and downstairs for 11.30am to watch This Morning on +1, lol!

Seriously, no idea how you manage with other children. Probably a good thing I won't be having any more as there's no way I'd cope!!! Xx
Haha make the most of not having to be out at that time! It kills me sometimes as Oli will go back to sleep just as I have to get up. Also I wish I could watch this morning but the only channel on I'm this house is cbeebies haha! We have been known to record it with the intention of watching it during night feeds but that never happens lol xx
Eleanor always seems to want a feed just as we're heading out the door to school! Thankfully she settles relatively well in the car with her dummy until we get home again!

I think everyone in my life will just have to come to terms with the fact that from now on I will always be late! You think you're ready and then they need feeding. Ok that's done and then they do a big poop so it's nappy change. Then they decide to puke down themselves so an outfit change is needed. It's none stop!

Lol good job it's Saturday thought my son was downstairs playing whilst I was cleaning up the bedroom but when I got down and he wasnt there I freaked I'm he was having a lie in too!
Anya was majorly sick this morning almost like her brother was r eryday. Hopefully it's a one off.
I had to give daisy a formula at 4am as she couldn't seem to get anything out of me :( my supply is just getting less and less and as time goes on. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle :( so I know how you feel Emily xx
I'm going to try goats rue and then that's it for me. I shall just stick with what I've got and hope I can maintain it.

I'm getting fed up of flogging a dead horse!!

There's nothing wrong with formula. I'm deffo pro breast feeding but I'm against starving babies for it! Eleanor and me are both much happier since we started combi feeding.

Anya is having yet another sleepy day I think she's having a growth spurt. But she was really fussing during her feeds last night I'm quite sore today she's finally asleep but on me and I'm so thirsty lol. It's not good when I'm pinned to my phone I buy crap lol. Next week I'm putting my maternity stuff on ebay hopefully I'm can sell crap rather than buy crap lol
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I haven't expressed for a couple of days as I feel ill. Hope it's just the antibiotics. I also think I have pnd :( Just crying all of the time. Then again, I don't think i would be if my ex would listen to me, so maybe it's circumstantial? I feel really low whatever it is.

Anyone that had a section still finding it difficult to hold baby? I feel like I need to hold him high up but my arms aren't strong enough to take all of the weight.
I agree Emily. Daisy is better since we started formula feeding too. Eryinera daisy had a sleepy day yesterday and has been up since 2am! I haven't had more than 3 or 4 hours sleep in a row for months! At least I don't have to get up once an hour for a wee still!!!

Dovekie I struggle to breastfeed daisy and hold her in the right positions so I use lots of cushions but end up slouching a lot so my back is really bad too. I'm so much worse now movement wise than I was in week 2 pp. I actually felt like I was healing and progressing quickly and since week 3 pp I feel like I've taken a step backwards with it all. I went shopping yesterday and felt awful. My tummy is so bloated and bruised feeling it's horrible. It's twice the size it was in week 2 so I now look pregnant again! I'm waiting for the health visitor to get back off holiday so I can ask her about it all plus the little hole I have in my wound. It's not gotten any worse so I'm just keeping it clean but I'm still worried. Xx
I use my breastfeeding feeding pillow downdtairs and a pillow upstairs. If you're still struggling it's an arse but can you lie down to feed? I do a lie down feed at night before she goes to bed I'm hoping this is getting her into her first step of a bedtime routine! It has its drawbacks in that sometimes she gets too full and is sick (as what happened this morn...) she seemed chuffed with herself about it though lol glad it was on daddy's side lol


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