May 2017 Mummies

Aidan grunts a lot, including in his sleep. He strains with wind and poo, but he's pooing regularly and it's rather liquidity, which is apparently normal for bf babies. My dw was doing some reading and it seems that if the baby is pooing regularly that all is okay. They call it grunting syndrome and many babies have it. They're still developing and learning and it's them learning how to use their muscles for wind and bowel movement. At least that is one theory.
G really thrashes about when he is brewing a poo. Having him on his side and rubbing his back helps a little but it seems ti be a case of just waiting for the poop to come out. He does seem to be getting the hang of it but he is still upset about it at times.

Typically the nearest cinema to us that do baby friendly films is an hour away. Shame as we might have tried that.

Much cooler here today, I'm actually debating putting a sleepsuit back on him.
Daisy is awful for grunting! It's another reason I hardly sleep. It's rare she'll go into a deep sleep where she's quiet and calm.

So the Dr was no help! I'm thinking about changing my surgery as he is very dismissive. He told me I was being silly and then basically pushed me out the door! My tummy is really tender these days and my scar hurts now where it didn't so much before. Anyone else who's had a section had this? Xx
My scar is still tender, but not painful. I get these occasional twinges there as well, but they aren't often and are fleeting. I still have a lot of numbness above the scar, which is normal, and the areas around that are tender to touch, but not really painful. My pp followup appointment isn't until next month at 8 weeks pp.

It's much cooler here today too. The high should be 26, but that is 4-5 degrees cooler and it's cloudy today, so that helps. There is also a nice breeze. I don't even need the fan in the back bedroom. However, we get lots of sun in the living room in the morning and early afternoon, so whilst that has dropped significantly, it's still 25 in that room. I'll move back in there later this afternoon though. I don't know that it's sleepsuit temps here yet though, but he is back in a bodysuit after spending the last few days only in a nappy. And he's also being covered with a light blanket, although he keeps kicking it off.
Betty, my scar hurt for a few days last week. I had an infection in mine and it was hurting a few days into my course of antibiotics. It feels so much better now at 4 weeks post section.
So Harper had her tongue tie snipped on Tuesday. She's now latching on and feeding but she gets quite worked up before she latches on. It seems like when she cries that's the only point at which she opens her mouth wide enough. I don't know whether I'll bf or just continue with expressing as I'm unsure how much she's actually getting when she's on the boob.
It was so warm last night but it's cooled down today.

Rachel, they usually get more than what you can express. I was worried too at first, but with latch problems when we came home, I started using a nipple shield and that showed me he was getting quite a bit out of there as you could see the build up in the shield. Now that my supply is way up, I can really tell as I can hear it as he sucks it in and I can see it coming out of the sides of his mouth when he really goes to work. I'm sure if she is latching that she is getting enough. But it's still up to you to move ahead with whatever works best for you two.
Aidan laughed for the first time today. Of course it was in his sleep and I'm sure he had no clue what he was doing, but it was so cute. He had a wide open gummy smile to go with it. I can't wait for him to laugh for real.
I don't know what to do- my wound is now bleeding. It's swollen and red round the open bit. I think it might be slightly infected. I can't go back to my usual Dr and it takes 10 days to register at another surgery but I can't get there unless I drive but I've been told not to drive until 6 weeks pp. I've been discharged by the midwives, and anyway she is ignoring my messages as I asked her if we could arrange the meeting to discuss the birth but no reply. So I guess I can't even do that now? The nhs here is just awful. What do I do? Wait until it becomes an emergency situation and have to go to a&e?! The health visitor is on holiday until next week so can't get through to her even. Also my vaginal bleeding has stopped but it's become like a bit of orange cm every now and then?! Is this normal? This whole pregnancy and cesarean and everything is like a nightmare that never ends! I love daisy and I wouldn't change her being here but honestly sometimes it's just too much. Xx
can you request a different doctor at the same practice, or request to see the nurse? Pain, heat and swelling are all signs something is wrong and your doctor should not have dismissed you so quickly. I personally would try to see the prescribing nurse...the usually deal with most wound management cases anyways.
We did not have a good day yesterday, she was basically awake for more or less 12 hrs, small naps and then generally more fractious as day got on to the point she was sobbing/screaming so hard I was worried she couldn't breath properly. She was farting loads but as yet its well over 24hrs since she pooped and is on the colic n constipation formula. Ifelt so bad as she was so worked up she wouldn't take a bottle from 5pm till I woke her at half 2 this morning to try her again. Everyone I speak to kind of gives me this knowing smile when I ask opinions and then tell me yes sounds normal and will get better! Was I naïve about motherhood, is this some unwritten secret initiation sent to test us and when exactly will it get better?!
It can be tough and I have had it easy but things do improve. Or you you get more used to it I can't exactly remember when though it was 9yrs ago I last went through this. Hopefully after bring awake do much and all that crying she's tired herself out for today! It's definitely hard work but worth it. Kabuki anya giggled the first time a few days ago absolutely no idea what at and she hasn't done it since but definitely so so cute!

Emily you are bloody amazing! Anya was asleep and so was hubby but my bobs were getting just a bit full and I didn't know where hubby had put the bottle for my electric pump so I thought OK I'll hand express OMFG.... 45min later a sore hand and two very sore boobs later I got..... 2 drops I don't know how you do it. It's 1.5hrs on now and my boobs are still singing but thankfully anya has fed.

And yes my cm went orangey too for a bit.

Anya seems to always have the hiccups anyone else?
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It doesn't get better exactly, just the 'tests' change.

I still have trying times with my nearly five year old.

Trust in yourself hun! Motherhood can be tough but you got this!

Betty, I would request to see a different doctor as it sounds as though your wound is infected. The vaginal loss you mention sounds normal - mine went orange right at the end.

Awww thanks Ery!

I guess it's just different strokes for different folks eh as I have 'success' with hand expressing but less so on the pump.

Someone on a fb page I'm on said Gatorade can help with supply! Guess what I bought at Tesco this morning?! Lol!!

Grrr! Just hand expressing now and it squirted out (which I love it when it does that!!) But it bloody squirted out away from the pot!! I don't have enough milk to be squirting it across the room and wasting it!!lol!!

What is gatorade?! I'm glad to hear orangy cm is normal towards the end. I'm thinking the worst lol! It's a small surgery with one other Dr and she's worse than he is! My neighbours are all registered at different surgeries because they don't like this surgery! I might try and see if there is a nurse I can see xx
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Yea, don't get me started on my 8 year old! he's more hassle than thebaby. Oats are supposed to be good too Emily I'm eating lots of Porridge and oat bars. I love when it squirts tooit makes such a satisfing sound!
It's a soft drink from America! It's quite nice actually - well the blue one is anyway. No idea if it'll help but worth a shot eh?!

I combi fed Cam for 7 weeks before switching to formula completely. He was getting really agitated at the breast and dissatisfied so I stopped. I had stopped bf overnight with him and stopped expressing too so my already diminished supply just dwindled even more! I'm hoping to keep going for longer with hef . I'd like to for as long as possible but for at least 12 weeks, which means I'm nearly half way there!! :-)

I'd love to think that I could keep combined feeding until we start weaning at 6 months but we'll see eh? What will be will be!

Betty I changed does a few years backbest decision ever! In my introduction meeting they diagnosed something my other GP failed to spot in 9 years. And stopped a repeat prescription clash that raised my chance of stroke 4x over
I'm eating porridge for breakfast with a spoonful of milled flaxseed and brewers yeast, 3 x fenugreek tabs 3 x daily, 3x domperidone 3 x daily and now Gatorade! Oh and I'm snacking on nature valley oat bars too! I feed Eleanor and express when I can! Seriously don't know how I can have supply problems with all this!! Madness!!

Betty, I hope you can find someone to see you. I can't believe your doctor just pushed it aside like that.

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