May 2017 Mummies

Snowbee, no need to worry. Like lolie says, most maybe are allowed to wean themselves tend to play with the food for a while before really eating anything. I've heard it's best to have them at the table with you whilst they are eating, that way they will start to imitate you. We have done some purees, but Aidan is more interested in what we are having. If I try and give him food at any other time, no interest. Right now he's obsessed with my cup and wants to drink from an open cup, but he just lets the water run right out of his mouth. Yet he goes back for more because it is what mummy is having. I got a free flow cup, but no real interest. Loves his doidy or just my cup. We'll be getting him a straw cup too, probably the one with the weighted straw. Be able to use a straw is a skill that helps with language development apparently. It'll take time, but he'll get it.

My sister did a mix, but she was worried her son wasn't eating much with blw, so she would give a little puree. But it's not necessary. We are still using purees, but it's only at breakfast- either yoghurt or brekkie/oatmeal. Right now I'm not making much at breakfast for him to have as I'm not ready for him to try eggs yet or I have cereal. If I have avocado with my eggs, he'll get some of that. He has tried peanut butter- thankfully no allergy and he loves it. Just gave him a tiny bit off my finger.
Weaning clinic yesterday was interesting, I'm glad I went as it has made me feel better about what we are doing. I'm sticking with blw and no purees. Plus last night I gave him a pasta shape with cheese sauce on and he actually put it in his mouth. He didn't eat it but he did get the sauce in his mouth. He also put a parsnip crisp in his mouth too. So there we go he was just building up to it. I'm only going to offer food once a day at the moment until he actually eats something, going to rearrange the kitchen over the weekend to make it a bit easier too.
Glad you found it useful. I wanted to attend one, but the local ones have been on Tuesdays during his swim lesson.

That's what we did. We started off once a day until he was really interested. We started at 5.5 months as he already decided to launch his mouth onto my banana. I've stopped purees and have been looking at blw recipes for breakkie and snacks. We now do breakfast and dinner with a snack at lunch time. He's not as interested at lunch, so just a banana or babybel keeps him happy as he mainly just wants as I'm eating. But he is having a field day with breakfast and lunch now. Banana pancakes were a hit. Next week when I make pumpkin cheesecake, I'm going to use the leftover pumpkin puree and make some pancakes. He has an omelette today. I'm looking for more breakkie ideas that work for us both so he can feed himself. I tend to have porridge through autumn and winter, so looking at making that for him to eat too.

Some eating pics. He's manage to take some massive bites of food, but each time he spat them out without even a gag. He just seemed to know they were too big.


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I never thought of pancakes, I am going to try that. Sophie has a mix of prurees and finger foods but she is definitely more interested in the finger foods as she likes to feed herself, its messy business but I love watching her.
I am amazed at their natural reaction to spit out, Sophie does the same, if its too big, she pushes it forward to get it out of her mouth, we have had a few little gags but nothing worrying, she seems to know whats shes doing, has a good chew with her toothless gums lol.
At your groups, what have they said regarding purees vs blw? Just interested in the reasons not to give purees? xx
Kabuk - porridge fingers is something you could make for your little boy? There's a great blw cook book out by Gill Rapley (if you haven't already got it) which has some lovely recipes in. I loved doing blw with my two year old and can't wait to start again with my boy.
lisey- most of us are doing blw or a mix. In regards to purees, the only thing that has been mentioned is not to forcefeed. Babies know when they are full. it's quite a support group and not a judging one. We've been sharing photos of our babies eating and food ideas.

Lolie- I found one this morning. He had banana porridge block. I'm looking forward to trying other things and finding new recipes.
That makes sense, I wouldn't force feed any way, that would just cause food issues in future. I thought it was maybe something more than that. I think Sophie prefers baby led really, just need some more ideas, esp as she has milk allergy x
Lisey the blw cookbook by Gill rapley is good, and I bought an App called the baby led weaning cookbook which has some good ideas too. The recipes on the app are very simple but just things that you might not have thought of. I think it is good at suggesting alternatives for allergies... I've certainly seen posts on the Facebook page about egg alternatives. Xx
hi girls i havent been on in so long! aria is 6 months and 1 weeks now i cant believe how quick its going. How is everyone? i just joined the fb page x
Lisey the blw cookbook by Gill rapley is good, and I bought an App called the baby led weaning cookbook which has some good ideas too. The recipes on the app are very simple but just things that you might not have thought of. I think it is good at suggesting alternatives for allergies... I've certainly seen posts on the Facebook page about egg alternatives. Xx

Thanks so much. Will look into these :) xx

hi girls i havent been on in so long! aria is 6 months and 1 weeks now i cant believe how quick its going. How is everyone? i just joined the fb page x

Look forward to seeing you on the fb group xx
i dont know who everyone is on there now but their normal names haha i only know your forum names!
Haha it s weird isn't it after knowing people as other names.

At weaning clinic they said they recommend blw now at 6 months as it reduces the number of babies coming in to doctors with digestive issues as their systems are more mature, plus it reduces the risk of choking as they learn t chew before swallowing rather than the other way around. Also you don't need to buy any baby specific food or do any extra prep as they just eat what you have. We will give it a bash anyway, he chewed beef tonight before spitting it out.
Nikki, maybe e should do a little intro thing on there to link of names with real names etc
Yeah, blw is suppose to be easier on you as you don't have to make things specific for them. Just don't add salt or sugar when you're cooking. If you're making pasta, you can always make two separate sauces and freeze some for the little one to use when needed, that way you can enjoy your a store bought sauce or one with added salt or sugar if you prefer. I like to make a variety of things with mince, and that's when it becomes difficult. I'm trying to keep things less messy, so I prefer making more solid things for breakfast, like pancakes or porridge bars.

Aidan got a good bite of a sweet potato today and swallowed it. Worked it well to mush it up in his mouth before swallowing. I was a big nervous as I saw it in there, but he put his jaw to work. Having 3 teeth and a 4th coming in is making it rather easy to bite big chunks.
I made porridge fingers for Eleanor this morning. She didn't seem all that impressed! Lol! Most of it ended up on the floor!

Last night was her second night in her own room. She really wants to sleep on her tummy but was getting stuck trying to roll over in her crib so we decided to try her in the cot. I still have to get up and pop her dummy in to settle her a couple of times in the night and at 4am I relented and brought her in to our bed as I had been up and down to her repeatedly for close to an hour. We may end up bringing the cot into our room but I'm not sure if it'll fit by the bed in which case I'll still have to get up to settle her so she might just as well in her bedroom!

We have Aidan's cot in our room. I'm up and down often. I was co-sleeping, but it was taking him over an hour to settle when first going to bed. So I've stopped feeding to sleep. I feed him before his bath and after his bath and then we have some calm time with baby piano music and some slow dancing before I lay him in his cot sleepy. It's been 3 days and the 1st and 3rd day were awful but the 2nd day shows he can do it. Day 2 I didn't have to pick him up to resettle him but I had to day 1 and 3. My aim to get him to fall to sleep on his own without nursing and to resettle himself to sleep with no more than 2 feeds in the night. His fussy sound is different when it's for food, so if I have to feed a 3rd time I will, but I'm trying not to. He used to sleep with just 2 feeds in the night, so I know he can do it. But I do think he's going through a growth spurt as he feeds before and after his naps, so about every 2 hours in the day. Of course he is still teething with number 4 now showing under the gum. We plan to move him into his own room after the holidays. With all the travel, he'll be in the same room as us so we didn't see the point in changing that beforehand.
She won't go into her bed sleepy. Her eyes ping open as soon as I put her down unless she's fast asleep. She's been the same since day one on that count!

She's not had night feeds for months and I don't think teeth are imminent.

She's not properly awake and not really with it. Just enough to be sat up and whinging which obviously disturbs me. I get really worried about her disturbing hubby when he has to get up and go to work so I find myself rushing into her every time I hear a sound from her. Sometimes she's only moaning as she's turning over and isn't awake at all. Still, it won't last forever.... Feels like it at 4 am though! Lol!

I have decided to co sleep until he stops eating at night as it is easier for me and selfishly I get more sleep this way. No idea when he will drop his night feeds, can't see it being any time soon as he eats multiple times over night still.

He has two teeth now. I really don't like them! It is a nightmare with all the screaming when they are coming, then he ends up biting me when feeding for a couple of days after they break through while he gets use to having them. I also like his little gummy smile and will be sad when it is gone.
I don't particularly like co sleeping and I'd rather she sleep in her own bed at night but more often than not she ends up in our bed!

aria is still in with us she was so good at getting herself to sleep but shes been ill for the last 2 months so weve been rocking her to sleep again :( she normally wakes up about 4am and ends up in with us but she takes up the whole bed and i cant sleep. im just too tired at 4am tho to try and get her back to sleep in her bed

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