May 2017 Mummies

You could search for me but i have quite a common name and there are so many to search through xx
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I've altered my settings slightly but I don't get why nobody can find me?!

I just need to add one friend to be able to create the group and then everyone else should be able to find it.

I've altered my settings slightly but I don't get why nobody can find me?!

I just need to add one friend to be able to create the group and then everyone else should be able to find it.


It's like you have everyone blocked. It's weird. I searched for reasons on fb and they say everyone should be able to search for your profile, it's adding someone and what they can see that can be controlled. As a teacher, my control settings are as high as possible.
We are not sitting either (6 months this Saturday) :( She manages a second if I balance her just right or can sit happily if I hold her hands, I guess it will come eventually as they are all different.
We have been on food (puree) for a while now and she seems to enjoy most things, we tried chicken for the 1st time on Sunday (I figured she was near enough to the 6 month marker) but she has since developed serious diarrhoea (from the following Tuesday) I am unsure if its that or she has picked up something. She is well in self so hoping at passes soon!
I would find keeping up with everyone so much easier on FB as on that most of the time, here I have the tab open but rarely read through all the posts as frequently.
I like the facebook group idea as well. A closed group on there will mean I can share more photos and the like. I don't share certain things on here as it's an open forum and I have to be mindful of what can be searched.
I like the facebook group idea as well. A closed group on there will mean I can share more photos and the like. I don't share certain things on here as it's an open forum and I have to be mindful of what can be searched.

Same here. I have altered a little detail here to stay anon too. I will pm you my facebook Emily then you should be able to find me as there are only a couple of people with the same name as me.
Ok, I've friend requested Snowbee.

Once she's accepted I'll make the help group and then you guys can find it and I'll add you.

I've literally no idea what is going on with my Facebook and why nobody can find me??!!

OK, I've made the group! Its called PF May 2017 Mummies.

It's a closed group at the moment but once everyone that wants to has joined, I can make it secret if everyone would prefer.

sent request, its under louise pic of my dog as profile pi, hoping that way I can keep up with you all a bit better x
I've added you hun!

Your dog is gorgeous!! I love Leonbergers!!

I've just added a question on the fb group so that when you try to join it will ask for your pf username. Just so we don't end up accidentally adding randoms!! Lol!! Or so I don't end up adding randoms I should say!

Hello. I don't have Facebook but it OK x
Were still not sitting up but we are close. We just got back from center parcs anya really loved the wave machine and the splishy splashy water. She's such a hungry bubba now she's wanting 3 purees a day plus milk. She's had her first night at home in a travel cot while we wait for her cot to you my son was in that cot or a year when we moved into this place lol. She's lOving the extra space and still getting herself off to sleep. I'm loving bing able to see her more clearly without having to get out of bed too! My cousin had her son a few days ago elective c section after an awful first birth and emcs and my friend had their daughter a month prem as her placenta had come away. My other friend is due in 2 weeks!! And my other friend at the end if Nov. Babies babies everywhere! I'm still not broody lol I hope that continues. Though some woman had the cheek to ask me when I'm due whilst I'm holding anya. I was like erm.... 5 months ago...... I know im still fat I'm not that bad I'm a size 12 now. I'm hoping to start exercises soon. But my heart had been playing up and i can't take my pills as I'm still breastfeeding oh well. Perfect excuse to stay fat lol
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My tummy is where all my weight is and the skin is all loose so I look like I've got a bump still sometimes! Especially if I slouch!! Lol!!!

My tum isn't back to what it was yet. I am a size 12, I was a 10 before. I need to exercise but I just can't find the time!!
Sophie was doing so well with eating but she is not loving purees at the moment. She is totally refusing, I do wonder if it's to do with teething. Might try some BLW now and see how that goes.
She is still waking loads in the night, I know it's to be close to me. Wish I could just have her in the bed with me really but OH sleeps too deeply for that xx
Did you take her in the pool with the waves Ery? I've not been swimming yet, he hates getting wet and bath time so thought he needs to accept that before trying a pool!

Still on the milk here, he like looking at food but isn't interested in putting it in his mouth.

My hip finally feels a bit better, so if my husband can ever make it home before 10pm I might get around to some exercise. He had his first day off work since G was born this week!
I could find the time for exercise, it's just the inclination I'm lacking! Lol!

Eleanor loves bath time and now that she can sit up for longer she was loving splashing. I'm not sure how she'd feel about swimming though. I'd like to take her but there's so much that goes into it and it's so much effort, pack the bags, shave everything, get there, swim for a few minutes, baby gets cold, get out, you get cold while trying to dress baby, baby is starving from their three minute swim, baby screams for food, mummy is a frazzled mess!! Lol!!!

Eleanor has mastered sitting up and can do it for well over a minute now. I think she might still have the tongue thrust reflex though but not sure if she's just licking me! Lol! But she's not six months for another two weeks so got plenty of time yet before we'll start weaning and it'll hopefully be gone by then.


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