May 2017 Mummies

She loves the bath and water on her head and yea we took her in the pool we sat at the "shore" for the waves and they splashed up to her belly she giggled every time lol. We found having I think it's think he splash about vest and short set stopped her getting cold too so we could stay in for longer. Also the baby and outdoor pole were lovely and heated if she did get cold. I fed her a few times at the side of the pool too.
Oh and Emily get a swim dress and there's less shaving necessary! Lol that's hat I do. I've used an epilator on my legs for a while and now I hardly get any hair growth on them which is awesome. Just two patches where I'm excema prone.

I'm struggling think he find time to do anything but my physio even that's a chore and now I've hurt my toes ankle hip neck and arm down my right side not sure why :'s and my newly developed arthritis in 4 fingers is playing up. I think it's all related to my high iron but I'm still waiting on those appointments. I'll nag again soon.
My weight is all on my belly too. I was an 8/10 before now I'm a 12/14. But a lot seems to be excess skin so I'm hoping that will tone up! Ive brought my christmas dress and realised it looks almost identical to the dress I picked out for anya except she has some funky Xmas tights to go with it so I'm debating getting some matching tights lol. I'll almost so get a Santa's dress too I think lol. (But I'll leave the Mrs clause outfit for bedtime lol)
As far as weening anya now has 3 purees a day and the odd supervised "solid" food. I know when she's older it should be one puree one finger food. But she hates even the tiniest lump it grain in her food at the moment. We know she's got a slight tongue tie so I'm hoping that won't affect things too much.
We are able to sit supported at the hops for a long time but with jo support its about 20 seconds at most then face plant and a giant grin lol not sure if she can't do it or if she just doesn't want to lol
How was everyone's Halloween?
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We did swimming a month ago for the 1st time and very surprised that she loved it! She managed a full hour...not sure if I should have let her have the full hour but she was enjoying herself and the pool was really warm.
Am I having a senior moment, I was sure Ayda is now 6 months old but your tickers Ery and Emily say 5 months 2 weeks and we are the same age exactly?? I am confused lol
Mine will change to 6 months on 13th November.

I think different tickers calculate it slightly differently going by weeks rather than the date each month iykwim?

So they're 24 weeks which could be classed as 6 months if you go by 4 weeks in a month but obviously some have 5 weeks in a month. I go by 13th of each month is when she turns another month older.

Yea me too. I think it's just that weird thing where we should have 13 months a year lol it would make life easier! 0
I go by the 5th of each month so little miss will be 6 months tomorrow :) A friend of mine goes by weeks and she put a pic on fb a couple of weeks ago to say he was 6 months. There's only 4 days between them xx
I went by the 27th. However I would have gone with 26 weeks (which was the day before) as being 6 months rather than 24 weeks if I was going by weeks (which I suppose you would have to do if they were born 29/30/31 as otherwise not all the months have those dates), as otherwise the second half of the year would have been longer with there being 52 weeks in the year. Just go with whatever you fancy I think haha!

I think we have another tooth coming, been grouchy again chewing his hand the last couple of days. I might steam him a bit of carrot later, may as well do a load for us for tea. He hasn't put any food in his mouth yet so I've not really been giving him too much, just a little bit here and there.
Still no pegs here! Lots of biting though. And Lil miss gets so grumpy if she doesn't get her solid foods. It must be working she's tracking along the 25th percentile line on her growth charts which she has done ever since her first weight loss. I go by the 13th of each month too. Time is going so fast and they are getting so big!! It's scary!
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I go by the 13th of each month for months, and each Saturday for weeks. I tend to just estimate in months now though. If I want to use weeks, I need to look at my Bounty app.

Aidan is having a puree in the morning and sometimes when we are out. With it getting a bit chilly now, if he is hungry and we are outside, he gets a little puree to hold him over until we can get inside for a feed. Then we do blw for dinner. I want to do more blw, but so frequently he can't even pick up the food as it gets too mushy, but he does enjoy pushing it around his tray until the frustration sets in. Going to try potato tonight!

We think he's already getting one of his top teeth. I swear we see white and his gums are swollen again, all over. Slobber everywhere.

So glad to have our flights booked to the US. Now we just need to book our flight to the Netherlands. Aidan will be a pro at travelling before he reaches a year old. We're also hoping to go to Palermo in Feb and back to Ireland for Easter with my in-laws coming here in May for his birthday.
Eleanor will be having her first meal on Sunday. We always have a roast on a Sunday so that'll be her first meal! I'm not expecting her to eat very much initially but that's quite normal for BLW. She'll be able to explore her food through sight, smell and touch before tasting it. I'm actually quite excited to start weaning but also sad as it's another step growing up.

I'm so excited for Christmas this year too. We're doing a Christmas Eve box this year (hubby wants to organize it all), we're doing stockings for the first time (usually just do a sack of presents from Santa) and we've got Hubby's mum, sister and bil coming to spend Christmas with us. We're going out to my parents for dinner and my grandparents, brother, sil and nephew will be there too. There'll be 11 adults and 4 children!! A proper big family Christmas!!

Exciting times Emily!

No food even been put in his mouth yet here. Tried various things, steamed or cooked veg like carrots and beans, toast, bread, pancakes, a chip, pineapple, cheese, pasta etc. He will pick it up and wave it about but no interest in eating it. He watches us eat and copies the chewing we do but not with food! Will he suddenly just do it or do ineed to try something else?
Also I hate teeth. The screaming is really starting to grate now, I think this has to be the least enjoyable moment so far.
Just keep offering it to him hun and he'll eat eventually. It's important that you sit with him and eat meals together as he'll learn a lot from watching you and mimicking what you're doing.

Eleanor had a tiny bit of Greek yoghurt this morning- I just dipped the very end of the spoon in it and gave it to her. Her expression was priceless!! I'm not sure she was overly keen! Lol!

Lol bless. I think I make hungry babies lol anya gets grumpy if she doesn't get at least 2 food meals a day already and con for medical reasons was weaned onto solids by 4 months.

We're still waiting on our first tooth too. Poor mite has been suffering for so long on bad days I give her calpol it helps all of us!

We both have our Christmas dresses now we've gone silver lol.
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We've been giving food the past few days, but we have discovered an allergy already!! He came up in a big red rash with aubergine so won't give him that again till he's older. Bit worried as the others have never had any food allergies and for him to be allergic to a vegetable... I'm panicking about things like fish and eggs which obviously are more common allergies! He has eczema as well so I guess I just need to be a bit more careful with him compared with the others. He's really enjoying food though. He picks it up and crams it straight in and have had a wee bit come through in his nappy already so I think he will be full on eating quite quickly!xx
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Eleanor will be having her roast dinner today!! Eeek!!

I'm excited but a bit nervous too!

She did so well with her food! I can't believe she did so well! Very little gagging and a lot of food making it to her mouth. I'm not entirely sure how much she actually ate but I guess I'll find that out at some point tomorrow with a fun nappy surprise! Lol!

Aw so cute!

We have no interest in eating. I tried puree as I wondered if blw just wasn't for him, but he didn't eat that either. I conclude he isn't ready. So do I keep offering finger food every day or just give it a break for a while? Weaning clinic later this week so I shall ask them but I've heard mixed things about these clinics so a bit worried now. He is now 6 and a half months old so plenty of time to get the hang of it, if I hadn't seen how much all your babies were eating I wouldn't be concerning myself!
Snowbee - we did blw with our daughter and she was probably around 9 months before she really ate anything substantial, until then she was just tasting really. If you're still going down to the blw route just offer him food like you are doing and he will start eating when he is ready.

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