May 2017 Mummies

Are all your babies sitting unaided yet? Sophie is close but just reaches for something and topples over...she is 5 and a half months and I have read thay they usually sit between 4 and 7 but I am concerned that she's not yet. She had a click hip when born and had a scan at 6 weeks, the first woman who checked said scan showed it was slightly immature and would need to scan again but then th4 consultant scanned and said it was perfectly fine and normal. I can't help worrying :( the doctor did check again after as I was worried and she said the click was ever so slight and her legs are symmetrical of you know what I mean, one not showing longer etc.
Emily, was she up on her hands? With arms extended? We were at a party recently and there was a 6 month old doing that with her arms and legs, she looked like a little spider monkey :) xx
That was meant to say she cannot sit unaided. She balances if I sit her slightly forward but as soon as she moves she starts to tip over.

Thanks Rachel, Sophie is the same. I have been getting paranoid as others that I know with babies the same age, seem to be sitting, although it's pics on fb that could be taken before they topple over xx
Lisey, yes she was up on her hands, up properly on one knee and partially on the other. She can sit unaided for around 5 seconds, longer if she puts her hands on the floor. I'm trying to practice with her ready for weaning. Her highchair was supposed to come yesterday but didn't arrive so hopefully it'll come today.

I was thinking, would anybody like me to start a little Facebook group for us? Be easier to share piccys and videos of our bubbas. No worries if not.

Sounds like a good idea to me Emily, if other people are up for it.

That sounds like a fab idea Emily :)

From what I have read, they don't have to sit fully unaided for weaning, if they can sit with support then it's ok. Some babies don't sit fully unaided until 7 months plus. The High chair will get her in a good feeding position.

As if by magic, she started sitting today and does it for quite a while before toppling over. Little madam, getting me all worried. She wouldn't be able to do the arms fully extended on her front though, Eleanor must be a strong little one! She will be on the move before you know it xx
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lisey, it really varies. At the support group I go to, there is only one 5 month old that is a pro at sitting. There is a 7 month old who just started sitting unaided. Aidan can for a short period, but any distraction and he moves his head along with his body. I think he is more than strong enough to, but he doesn't because he just forgets he needs to readjust when he moves for something. He sits so well in his tripp trapp, nice and tall. His floor sitting has improved in the last week, but we aren't quite there yet. The other 5 month old and some 6 month old babies I know can't sit unaided yet. Like everything, it all varies from baby to baby. Aidan already has his bottom teeth whilst there are old babies who just have them coming in now.

Adian also attempts to get in a crawling position. He gets on one knee and hand with his other leg bent and rocks, so sorta sideways. He is now a pro a turn around and moving as much as possible whilst on his tummy.

He's loving food too, but I'm hating purees. I'm ditching them. He wants to play with it in his mouth which leads to a mess. I've continued with banana rice as I can make it thicker by adding less breastmilk. We are going to start blw this week. He grabs my hand with the spoon in it and pulls it to his mouth. Going to steam carrots and courgettes. Also got avocado.
OK, I'll make a group for us :-)

Lisey, my understanding is that they need to be able sit unassisted for one minute so you know that their trunk muscles are strong enough for them to gag effectively to reduce the risk of choking. That is for baby led weaning though, so if you're doing traditional weaning with purees I'm not sure if the same applies?

Eleanor was just fully on hands and knees rocking backwards and forwards!! She's going to be on the move soon I'm sure!! Then I'll have no peace and quiet! Lol!

I'm trying to create the group but I need to add at least one person to it before I can create it. If you guys want to friend me on Facebook - Emily Stevens - profile pick is same as avatar on here and then I'll create the group and add everyone :-)

Sounds good Emily. I couldn't find an Emily Stevens with that pic on fb.
Oh?? How strange!! Let me double check that it's deffo still my profile pic!

Just checked and it's the same pic but it's got a baby loss awareness banner along the bottom edge.

I can't see you either Emily.

G is now sitting beautifully. He does still have the occasional crash but will sit and play with his toys happily. No crawling or anything yet. He also sits in his high chair, he is still on milk no other food. I'm booked in to a weaning clinic as I want more info on my options. He has taken food from our plates, he loves to squash it between his hands and wave it about but he has made no attempt to eat it yetl
Aidan got carrots today and chewed on them and squashed them in his hands. He's not really eating much of it, but more playing with it in his mouth. That's normal with blw. It can be 2 weeks or so before they really start to eat it. At first they are just curious about taste and texture and explore all of that first.
Just checked and it's the same pic but it's got a baby loss awareness banner along the bottom edge.


Still not seeing you. Are you sure you have it so anyone can find you with a name search?
How odd! I checked my privacy settings and it says everyone can send friend requests.

Shall I search for you instead as once I can add one person, I can create the group and then everyone should be able to find it.

Kabuk, I know what you mean. It does vary so much. I am a bit obsessed with hitting milestones as my son was always way behind and that's to do with his autism. I get a bit fixated :(

Emily, that makes sense about the weaning and sitting. I am going to search on fb for you now xx
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