May 2017 Mummies

hi girls me and aria are poorly today so were having a duvet day
got her weighed today and shes 13lb 7 cant believe she is 5 months tomorrow ive tried with some food as she constantly tries to grab what im eating so tried her with some purees but she just pulls a funny face lol she can nearly sit unaided but might be a little while longer till shes stable! sorry for your loss betty
Awww, he's lovely kabuk! He looks a bit like Owen, actually.

This was Owen a few weeks back...


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So sorry Betty. Hope you're ok xx
Dovekie, he is a cutie xx

I am trying to help Sophie sit unaided, she can kind of sit but then caterpaults forward to chew her toes lol. It seems to vary so much on when they sit unaided. She amazes me every day though, she is just so interactive and tries to be so independent. Tries to take spoon to feed herself!! And If I am holding her when I drink a glass of water, she grabs the glass (with me holding too of course) and puts to her mouth, I don't let her drink it though as just tap water. She just a wants everything I have! Xx
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Sorry to hear your update Betty :(

We aren't weaning yet. I'm still planning on waiting until 6 months as I think he is happy with his milk right now. That won't be long anyway now! He does sit at the table with us now and likes to watch us eat but he just wants milk. I've ordered him some spoons to play with, not arrived yet. He can now sit up and play if you sit him to start with, he can't get into sitting position by himself. He also like to stand with you holding him and he will make walking type movements. He has shown no interest in crawling at all yet, nor is he much on rolling.

Teeth are being bothersome, not got any through yet but they are clearly annoying him. I tried the granules but they didn't seem to do much other than distract him for about 30 seconds while he ate them. Using calpol when he is really upset by them and teething gel, not sure that does much either. He isn't interested in any teething toys, only his hands or other people.
Betty, so sorry for the loss. Hope you're doing okay.

He is a cutie Dovekie and they do look similar.

This experience was looking at rhythm- he was walked in a carrier at a quick pace for 10 mins and then the cap was put on with the rhythm they were walked at playing. They were looking for activation- looking to see if one or two regions activated. The doctoral candidate is interested in how and why we dance as there doesn't seem to be any need for it. The previous one was looking at how babies responded to touch with their heart rate being monitored. I did my masters in Educational Neuroscience at Birkbeck and found the babylab research interesting, so I decided to sign Aidan up.

Time is flying. I can't believe Aidan is 5 months on Friday. My sleep is interrupted a lot at the moment with his teething, but it doesn't feel like it did during those first 8 weeks. I'm sure his greater independence and being more interactive helps. He's so cute to watch.

We started weaning. Aidan likes the baby rice, but I think it's because there is some familiarity as I make it with breastmilk. He was just too interested in food and trying to take ours and constantly making a chewing motion. We do no more than 2 tablespoons of food a day. We won't go more than that until he reaches 6 months.
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I had a terrible night last night. It was the worst ever! It seems he has a cold and he couldn't breath properly through the night. He was snuffling and and choking. I was up about every hour. I hope he sleeps better tonight. Does anyone know how long these things last? I've been giving him Calpol since 6am. Should I be? Will it help? Is there a limit to how many doses he has? He's had three, but I'd like to give him another before bed.
If he doesn't have a fever, not sure Calpol will help at all. If he is quite congested, I'd use saline drops and an aspirator to try and clear things out, especially before bed. I did that with Aidan and it helped loads. He was also vomiting mucus his congestion was that bad. Also, try to elevate one end of his mattress, this should help. This was easier when we had the next2me crib and I had him in his cocoonababy. I also put snufflebabe on a muslin and put it at the foot of his crib, but he was under 3 months at the time. Now I would put a small amount on his feet.

Hope he feels better soon so you both can get some sleep.
I think my calpol bottle said they can have up to 4 doses a day, do you still have the packaging to check?

G has had a cold on and off for two weeks, some days he seems fine, others really snotty. Keeping him upright during the day does tend to clear it for a bit. I put the vapour rub on his feet too and that does seem to help.
Oh it's so hard when they are unwell. I don't think Calpol will help the cold unless there is a temperature. Sophie has had two colds, she was ok during the day but was stuffy and croaky throughout the nights. Just gave lots of cuddles through night and extra feeds to help with dry throat and for the comfort too. I hope he's better soon xx
We've not started weaning yet. Oli isn't far from sitting and he is very interested in my food but I will wait a bit longer because I can't really be bothered haha! He's hardly wasting away on just milk, his latest weigh in was 21lbs 5oz!!

I think it's 4 doses of calpol in 24 hours. I would give him it if he seems really out of sorts but if it's just snot thats annoying him it won't really help much. I've been putting snufflebabe on Oli's chest or feet. Also maybe sitting in the bathroom with the shower running hot for a bit of steam inhalation? I'm anticipating 6 months of colds in our house :(

For the colds we have a calpol plug in that really settles anya. Sorry to hear your update Betty nut at least it's let you know your true feelings. I'm desperately hoping af turns up today or tomorrow as I'm on holiday next week! I'm hating being back at work. :( I have so much to do and so little time. I'm still waiting on all my hospital appointment's. I still look 5 months pregnant as I can't exercise well. Physio is allowing me to move more but when I do I get heart pains and have to sit down. I feel I'm never going to be thin again!
Anya is loving her food. I've decided I'm not going to use baby rice as the epidemic in arsenic in rice worries me and unlike adult rice you can't cook it right with the excess water to boil it off. I k ow the levels are really small still but I'd rather be safe. I'm missing cereal so so badly! I can't have any kellogs stuff I even write in to double check and they confirmed I can't have anything by them. Which sucks! Im getting bored of porridge and toast lol. I really want something with milk and a spoon. So I've ordered some organic weetabix as I think that'd the only thing I can eat!

She's just over 13lb now still in her moses basket. I'll be getting the cot set up in here soon then we will move the cot into her bedroom when she's stopped the night feeds. She will happily get herself to sleep but I'm not sure how she will do in her own room!
I do secretly harbour a wish for an accidental pregnancy but it's so not practical and hubby has been neutered now lol. Plus I feel I can start my career now I don't want to stay in retail my whole life. I want a job where I don't have to work bank holidays. Or weekends.. or every single Christmas eve bozing day new years eve and new years day like I've done for the past 12 years. I want to look forward to Christmas not dread it!
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I'm so exhausted. It's been a month of waking ever 1-2 hours in the night. I really need a good nights sleep. Poor little guy went from 4 month sleep regression to cutting a tooth. I'm up at least 6 times in the night. Sometimes I settle him only for him to fuss again just as soon as I fall asleep. He's only eating 2-3 times, the rest is comfort. One tooth as cut through and the 2nd is working its way through. I so hope at least one 4 hour block returns after he cuts his second tooth. For those who have kids, is the worst part the tooth cutting or does it continue as the tooth continues to come in completely?

I really need some sleep. Most days he's pretty good during the day with good naps and plays well on his own. Not today though, but we had 2-3 days like that just before the first tooth cut and his gums are completely swollen again and he took two 30 min naps today and doesn't want to be put down. I so hope we get a little break between these and his upper teeth. The top gums are swollen, so *fingers crossed*. I just don't know how I'd manage if this went on for another month.

I was doing really well with exercising until this hit. I'm just too exhausted. I've managed to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but not fitness are built. I was this weight but muscular, not I'm all soft. I miss working out, but I do make sure I go for long walks, including hills, with Aidan.
Once the tooth has cut through they definitely settle down a bit assuming there aren't others on the way too. Anbesol is pretty good if you haven't tried that already. Xx
We are also being bothered by teeth, no sign of them yet though. He is eating every couple of hours overnight but I'm mostly managing to keep him asleep while he eats. Tried gel and granules, neither seem to do much but the gel occupies him a bit longer.
We had a thrashy night, some crying, lots of latching on then pulling away. We do have a tooth now though! hoping he is a bit happier now.
I hope he is too, snowbee. Aidan is getting both of his bottom teeth and we are just waiting for the 2nd to cut. I think it'll happen in the next day or two. He's very clingy and fussy. Last night was awful. This 2nd one seems to be worse, or maybe it's just because it's been non-stop for awhile now and he's fed up with it. He's so tired as he isn't sleeping well at night and his naps have now shortened. So glad my dw took today off, otherwise I would've had to cancel my driving lesson. he usually comes with me, but no chance right now.
Anya is still working on her first tooth. Hoping it won't be long now she's been ratty for the past week!
Aidan's first came through within a few days of us noticing it under the gum, but his 2nd one is taking longer. We've been able to see it for about a week or so now but it still isn't through. It now looks like the hole has finally formed, so hopefully it'll cut throughout by the end of the weekend. It's been hourly wake ups from 2-6am for far too long. I sure hope you don't have to wait to long.

A sleep consultant in a fb group I'm in did say that if they baby slept well before development/teething disrupts their sleep that they usually go back to those good sleeping habits once they get through it. So I'm holding onto that.
I hope the sleep consultant is right Kabuk!
Harper is doing a similar thing to Aidan, waking up between 2 and 6. Last night she was lifting her legs up in her sleeping bag and crashing them into the mattress of her crib. I got very little sleep until about 6.30-7 when she calmed down.
Eleanor does that with her legs too. She wakes in the night but not properly but enough to disturb me and hubby. Generally popping her dummy in is enough to settle her back down again but if not she comes in our bed.

She's trying very hard to crawl! She was on hands and one knee earlier rocking back and forward!

Her highchair should be here tomorrow so she can sit at the table with us! Yay!


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