I know. I can't believe how big he is already and how much personality he has. It's been mostly gradual, but then there was this 2 week period of development where it felt like the changes were overnight- more vocal and more sounds with so much better control when sitting and on his tummy. He is such a happy boy when he isn't tired or hungry.
I so wish I could sleepwalk through night feeds. He's being very fussy with sleep and daytime feeds. He doesn't want to feed sitting up, so when we are home, I generally take him to bed to feed lying down and then he will also usually take a good nap. He sleeps well most of the time when out. At night he gets very grizzly. I've tried to put him down in his cot and leave him for a bit at nap time and night time but he won't settle. He still feeds to sleep when at home, most of the time. I'm now having to put him in his pram at times to get him to nap when he isn't hungry at nap time. It's exhausting getting him to sleep. At night it's lots of wake ups when you include his early sleep. He goes down between 6-7pm. He'll wake at least twice to feed, but he is then down in his cot between 9-10pm. He'll sleep for about 3-3.5 hours then. After that he's up every 2 hours. He used to sleep until 7am, but now he wants to wake between 6-6:30am most mornings. When he wakes around 5am for a feed, he doesn't go right back to sleep. He gets quite grizzly, so I change his nappy, he plays a little on the changing table, and then I can put him back down. He's still in the next2me crib, which is really small now for him, so he can't move anywhere in it. But his cot is arriving on Saturday. The crib has a 9kg limit and he was 8.28kg about 3 weeks ago now, so he's pushing 9kg. It'll be interesting to see how he deals with the extra space.
I'm missing putting him down at 7pm with him waking once to feed before going into his crib and then him sleeping through with just one wake up.
He put his mouth on my banana today and started sucking on it, even making a chewing action. Nothing went into his mouth, but he seemed to like the taste and texture. He hasn't had any food yet. I'm holding off on it for now, although I'm wondering if I did feed him a little if it would help with night feeds. I think he's feeding so much at night as he's eating less in the day.