May 2017 Mummies

I will be interested about the pushchair too as we want to do the same. We're taking my son away for a birthday treat to a lodge (he loves hot tubs lol) and we are going to have a fair bit to take clothes wise so need to maximise space.
I like the recline on the high chair incase she falls asleep, my son also liked to chill in the high chair for a little while after feeding so thought be handy. Gesic, what are you feeding so far? We have done baby rice and now mixing veg into baby rice now. She loves parsnip so much xx
G isn't ready to start to eat yet, he is loving his milk. He has briefly sat in the high chair we have as I thought he might like to sit there when we eat, but he isn't quite sitting on his own yet and doesn't look that comfortable in there as it is very upright.

I think I heard someone recommend the Zest as a lightweight pushchair. I'm sticking with the pram, I love it so much! I'm a bit sad he will have outgrown the carrycot soon and I will have to move him to the pushchair seat, my little dude is growing up too fast!

We both have coughs at the moment. Is there anything I can give him other than as much milk as he wants? I'm just hoping he doesn't develop my cold. I'm going to town tomorrow so I will be able to go to Boots if anyone can recommend anything to stock my first aid cupboard with!
Thanks Snowbee am looking at that plus the Mee go Feather I just wondered if maybe it was better to get one that's long and thin when folded (so put along the back footwell as too long for the boot) or go for a one that collapses into a more compact square shape? Someone also suggested the Quinny Buzz and although I didn't like the look of it what a bargain at Mothercare with 350 off and down to 75.00!!
I started with rice but plain and she wasn't keen, we have since done rusks and porridge which she enjoys and also have bought a few packets of Ellas kitchen veg's the idea being try see what she likes then batch cook some myself for the freezer. We tried the sweet potato and carrots which she loved, she also tried peas and hated those! I thought parsnip might be too strong for her but I might try them now if you found them a winner :)
We are going to try carrots and sweet potato tomorrow. I want to avoid baby rice as I'm not keen on the cyinide content or rice nowadays.
I have a sensitive question for those with daughters. When changing anya I noticed sometimes she has a like a creamy white lumpy sort or discharge down there? Is that normal? At first I thought it was sudocreme etc but I bathed her made sure she was clean and find use sny creams and she still got it. I mean it know girls do have discharge but do babies I thought it was more an adult thing?
We brought a travel high booster seat for 12 months+ I couldn't resist it was on offer at £15 from boots and it's normally £25+ it has a pocket for nappies/food underneath it.
There's a pushchair by Joie which has good reviews. I can't remember the name of it though. It's apparently really light, can be folded down with one hand and I'm fairly sure baby can lie flat if needed as well.
Ery, Harper had that a few days after birth but hasn't had any since then.

Ery I've never noticed that from Eleanor. She had bloody discharge for a few days after birth but can't say I've noticed anything since. Maybe check with gp or HV?

I def noticed a white discharge when new born but assumed the white creamy stuff when I change her was residual nappy cream?
We use the recline on the highchair for having him up at the table with us but before he's ready for food. Or if he's Sat in it while I'm cooking or something.

I think the britax holiday has a small fold and there is also a pockit stroller but unsure how suitable either of them are for younger babies.

Hope everyone is doing well. Things got so busy these last few weeks and I was drained from our trip to Ireland. It was lovely, but it was good to be home. Aidan has been very fussy and waking every 2 hours again at night, so I've been exhausted.

I can't believe we are all talking about weaning already. Since Aidan refuses the bottle and we don't really need it as he's so close to weaning, we've opted to try a sippy cup and the doidy cup every day, just a couple ounces of breastmilk. He prefers the doidy cup, but it's messy. I'm hoping if we do it at least once a day that he'll get the hang of it by the time he's 6 months old. We'll be doing a mix of babyled and purees/porridge. He's very interested in food, watches us eat. I've been giving him teething granules, and he's fascinated by those. He's reaching for our plates too, but I'm not too eager to give him food. If he grabbed a banana or something like that from me, I'd let him try it. At this stage he's likely to be more interested in texture and taste and will spit it out.

We got the stokke tripp trapp second hand, which has been great as we got the newborn seat, so he's been in it. I use it to keep him in the kitchen with me whilst cooking. It's a good height to use at a table or in the living room when eating from the couch. He's been in his mama & papas snug seat and is sitting pretty well in it, but I don't think he's ready for the highchair yet. He can sit for a bit on his own, but as soon as he moves his head, his body goes.

As for a pushchair, we bought a secondhand Maclaren Quest. It was brilliant for travel and light. I tried a few and don't care for any really if I can take my Bee. They just don't handle as nicely. But they are ideal for travel.
Lol It's the dreaded sleep regression Kabuk, it's exhausting!! Glad you had a nice time in Ireland.

Sophie loves her food, she eats like a pro, once she sees her bowl, she knows food is coming and gets excited and impatient. Our highchair arrived today, got the Chico Polly 2start chicken one. It's lovely, it's suitable from birth, if I had known uni would have skipped the mamas and papas snug and gone straight for high chair. Sold the snug today.
Been to more baby groups, she really enjoys them and watching her little face is a treat xx
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I'm looking at high chairs too the only requirement I have is it needs to be height adjustable. I've been looking at a few around the £50 mark.
I def noticed a white discharge when new born but assumed the white creamy stuff when I change her was residual nappy cream?

I thought that too nut it's not as we haven't used the cream in a while. I didn't ask this week as it was very busy. But Dr Google said it can be normal or it could be a yeast infection but she shows no signs of that no fever no signs it's hurting etc.
I just hope he moves on from it quickly. Today he was tired around 5, so he got a bath and was asleep by 6. Had me worried about a 5am wake up, but he woke just before 9 and stayed up for about 1.5 hrs and had two poos and played. He's sound asleep again. It'll be interesting to see what the rest of the night will be like.

We picked up the baby Einstein jumperoo today. He loves it. His eyes just light up and he cracks the widest smile.
Did he go in the jumperoo Kabuk? My cousin is giving us one but haven't got it yet, wasn't sure if she's too young? Sophie (touch wood) seems to be coming out of the other side of the sleep regression issues. Have had weeks of hourly or two hourly waking, absolute nightmare, was hardly sleeping in the day. Last few nights and days have been far better, its getting a little more predictable now. Last night, she woke once!! When I saw 5am on the clock, I was in utter shock, she went down to sleep at 10.30 though which is late for her, usually closer to 9 but still, was a long block of sleep for her xx
Glad you're coming out the other side. Oli has been horrendous for weeks. Praying it's nearly over and he'll at least give me a couple if decent hours at the start of the night!

So after chicken pox at 8 weeks old and that mystery virus at 13 weeks I'm now watching out for scarlet fever :( my daughter has it. Google says babies don't usually get it so fingers crossed oli is Ok cos for someone so wee he's definitely had more than his fair share of nasty bugs! Xx
lisey, glad you're coming out on the other side. I can't wait for it. He's been very fussy with his naps too and very clingy. He'll work himself up into an all out scream when I try to put him down, so I've been feeding him to sleep again. Last night was interesting. He was exhausted, even with good naps, by 5pm, so I gave him a bath and put him down at 6pm. He then woke around 8:30pm and played for 1.5hrs. He was back asleep by 10:30pm. He did sleep until 1:30am, but then it was every 2 hours and he wanted to wake up at 5:30am, so I pulled him into bed with me until 7am. He's been wanting to wake up by 6ish recently.

missy, I hope everyone is okay and that your little one gets better. Hopefully Oli will be okay.

Oh, and here is a pic of Aidan in his jumperoo.


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Aww so cute x I can't tell if anya went through sleep regression as I've developed a wake every 2 hrs pattern myself lol. Sometimes she's awake sometimes she isn't. ... I didn't know the mums could have sleep regression :rofl: I survived my first day back at work. I was nervous as all hell. Looka like the comfort zone on my agrophobia has closed in somewhat. So I need to push that back again! The joys!
He is a proper big boy now kabuk, no longer looks like a baby. Isn't it amazing how fast they change.

G will be 5 months tomorrow, where has the time gone! I don't want to jinx myself but I think we skipped the 4 month sleep regression, he sleeps ok at night (once he goes to sleep, he will fight it in the evening as he doesn't want to miss out)! I honestly am not sure how often he wakes and feeds in the night as I can now feed him in my sleep. I think it is usually 2-3 feeds depending on what time he goes to sleep. He also goes back to sleep after his 6/7am feed, which is the only one he actually wakes for.
I know. I can't believe how big he is already and how much personality he has. It's been mostly gradual, but then there was this 2 week period of development where it felt like the changes were overnight- more vocal and more sounds with so much better control when sitting and on his tummy. He is such a happy boy when he isn't tired or hungry.

I so wish I could sleepwalk through night feeds. He's being very fussy with sleep and daytime feeds. He doesn't want to feed sitting up, so when we are home, I generally take him to bed to feed lying down and then he will also usually take a good nap. He sleeps well most of the time when out. At night he gets very grizzly. I've tried to put him down in his cot and leave him for a bit at nap time and night time but he won't settle. He still feeds to sleep when at home, most of the time. I'm now having to put him in his pram at times to get him to nap when he isn't hungry at nap time. It's exhausting getting him to sleep. At night it's lots of wake ups when you include his early sleep. He goes down between 6-7pm. He'll wake at least twice to feed, but he is then down in his cot between 9-10pm. He'll sleep for about 3-3.5 hours then. After that he's up every 2 hours. He used to sleep until 7am, but now he wants to wake between 6-6:30am most mornings. When he wakes around 5am for a feed, he doesn't go right back to sleep. He gets quite grizzly, so I change his nappy, he plays a little on the changing table, and then I can put him back down. He's still in the next2me crib, which is really small now for him, so he can't move anywhere in it. But his cot is arriving on Saturday. The crib has a 9kg limit and he was 8.28kg about 3 weeks ago now, so he's pushing 9kg. It'll be interesting to see how he deals with the extra space.

I'm missing putting him down at 7pm with him waking once to feed before going into his crib and then him sleeping through with just one wake up.

He put his mouth on my banana today and started sucking on it, even making a chewing action. Nothing went into his mouth, but he seemed to like the taste and texture. He hasn't had any food yet. I'm holding off on it for now, although I'm wondering if I did feed him a little if it would help with night feeds. I think he's feeding so much at night as he's eating less in the day.

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