May 2017 Mummies

Hey ladies, lovely to see pictures of all these little ones!

We are all good here, Oli recovered from his mystery virus a few days after we got home and is back to his happy self! He had his next set of jags today as we are still playing catchup and was weighed at a huge 19lbs 13oz. He's been in 6-9 month clothes for a few weeks. He is just colossal haha! His hair is also falling out, he just has some wispy bits left on the top and the sides but I think they will fall out too.

In non baby related news the kit for our house got delivered so we should hopefully get it up next week!

Hope all you ladies and babies are well :) xxx
at the moment ive got a just turned 2 year old and 1 year old so very young plus aria lol

Something that we found helped little ones was for the parent/carer to give the child something to look after while they are gone (so they know they will be back), we had umbrellas and even a matalan card lol, don't recommend that as gets lost too easily. The 1 year old is likely too young for that though xx
Hey ladies, lovely to see pictures of all these little ones!

We are all good here, Oli recovered from his mystery virus a few days after we got home and is back to his happy self! He had his next set of jags today as we are still playing catchup and was weighed at a huge 19lbs 13oz. He's been in 6-9 month clothes for a few weeks. He is just colossal haha! His hair is also falling out, he just has some wispy bits left on the top and the sides but I think they will fall out too.

In non baby related news the kit for our house got delivered so we should hopefully get it up next week!

Hope all you ladies and babies are well :) xxx

Glad he recovered well. We had the jabs too today, she is not very happy and sleeping on me now, poor bubs. She wasn't weighed though.
How exciting about the house :) did they weigh Oli when he had jabs? they don't do that at my surgery xx
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Yes they weighed him then but they don't have regular clinics for getting weighed at like they seem to have most places? It equates to. 9kg so that's like the weight limit on his bouncer but I don't have anywhere else to put him to sit really so I'll just need to keep using it really!

Just reread a bit and we will be doing baby led weaning. I did it with the other two and although I wouldn't say it's made any difference to how they eat compared to traditional way some of my friends did I just found it easy as I didn't have to make separate things. I literally whacked most of a roast dinner in front of them at 6 months. They obviously don't really eat much for the first couple of months but they're still taking enough milk that the food is just for fun really :)
Anya has her jabs tomorrow!
My physio started today I'm in agony right now as they had to test my limits etc. It's not my pelvis but my hips that have issues. The mules around my hips are not working and they are very weak so I need to train them up. I have some exercises one looks so dimple vut it's a killer! Lol. Hubby's snip is Tuesday. We are looking at buying a buy to let property as an investment. We're lucky we are near a highly rentable area so it should give us a good yield. Hoping to get a management company in for the first property.. and then from there hope to build up a portfolio!
Hubby starts shared parentAl leave tomorrow!
Wow 9kg! That is impressive. Hope everyone who has had jabs is ok, this lot were the worst so far for us.

We had sling library this week, I've swapped for a different one to try, seems easier than the last one so far and little dude is happier in it.

Anyone signed up to any baby classes? We are starting sensory next week, thought it was time we went out and socialised as we haven't been to anything so far.
Sophie didn't get too bad this time with the jabs. Grumpy but temp not as bad as last time.
We are going to baby sensory next week too, there's a free sample class so thought worth trying before we pay. I am looking into baby swimming classes too xx
Eleanor has her jabs on Tuesday and being weighed again on Wednesday.

I hate jabs :-( hope she's OK after them. She was a very unhappy girly after her first ones :-(

I would love to go to a sensory class or baby swimming but there's none in my area! We go to playgroup on a Monday (I'm the chairperson so I kinda have to haha), sometimes a different playgroup on a weds morning and bumps and babies on a Thursday morning. I also have been going to baby massage but there's only 2 more sessions and then we're done with it. It's mostly the same group of mums that are at all these so it's not so daunting as obviously I've known them for a while but I was terrified the first time I went to them, I hate walking into these groups! Xx
I must get myself to some groups otherwise I'm going to end up with a severe case of cabin fever.

I feel so socially awkward initially at these things. Small talk is not my forte!!

Eleanor has her jabs on Tuesday and being weighed again on Wednesday.

I hate jabs :-( hope she's OK after them. She was a very unhappy girly after her first ones :-(


They told me to give Calpol an hour before this time and think it may have helped as temperature wasn't as bad this time. Gave Calpol just before going last time xx
I am not a fan of small talk or meeting new people. Put me in a room full of dogs and I am happy as anything, humans? Not so much lol.
I am lucky in that someone i know had her baby the day before me and we are going together.
I have had to buy a diary so I can note down all the group's we're trying as I was getting myself confused (easily done). Sophie is super clingy and I am hoping going to all these groups may help her a bit.

Had my hysteroscopy today (whilst awake!!) To remove the placental tissue, it was actually fine, they injected local aneastetic into womb so didn't hurt, just a few little cramps. Apparently I am the first person the nurse has seen who showed no discomfort, it was mad watching it on the screen. So glad it's done now as was nervous about having it done awake, esp as could only take paracetamol and ibuprofen, do have some aching now though. Prob be fine tomorrow xx
Glad it went ok lisey, sounds pretty awful! Hope this resolves your bleeding.

I'm still on a paper diary, I find it much easier than using my phone. I also hate meeting new people, I'm really bad at talking to people and just find it awkward and difficult to know what to say. Once I know someone I'm ok but I find it hard to start with, I'm really outside my comfort zone signing up to these things but really hoping I can make some friends so going to give it my best shot! I'm a bit upset actually, a lot of my husband's friends have had babies around the same time (and they all live quite locally, whereas my friend who has just had a baby lives over 100 miles away). I've invited two that I know the best over twice but so far not managed to actually meet up. I've heard that they have all been having get togethers though and I've not been invited, so found that a bit off and it really puts me off trying to meet people.
Just popping in to say hi as not been on for a while and baby free today/tonight!! I am so lost and so missing her :( Hoping your all well. It seems weird seeing a May 2018 thread, slightly surreal to think this time last year we were only just starting on this journey. We are only managing to roll to the side at the mo but we love to stand so perhaps we may miss the crawling stage? She is still quite petite at 12.6 pounds and 4+ months old but thankfully looks quite tall (am relieved as I am short). Sleeping well (touch wood) and started to introduce rusks etc about a month ago which she seems to enjoy. Anyways I better go and try and enjoy some free time....translated to keep busy so I don't think about her too much lol.
Awe she's beautiful. Love those photos. Anya is just sleepy after her jabs. Hubby has had his last day at work. My mat leave is now over. I went swimming yesterday and started my excercises. It's weird. I used to do cross country. My legs were my strongest muscle now they are useless. Oh well. Let's hope the physio works. It's weird having a man move my legs about and spread them that isn't my husband lol.


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So adorable Ery! I can't believe your mat leave is over already, time is really flying past.
I have been going to one group for the last couple of months, but a whole load of new groups are starting since the holidays finished. I have one on Monday morning and two to choose from on Monday afternoons (sensory and baby social). Tuesday mornings I have a big baby and toddler group at the church. Baby massage is starting this Thursday for 5 weeks, and in a few weeks I've got a baby yoga taster session booked in for Fridays.

Sometimes it is a struggle to get motivated to go as I'm usually very tired in the morning. However, I tend to feel worse when I spend an entire day at home with Owen. 12 hours together cooped up is just too much!
I *think* I've got to the stage where my hair has begun to be less thick and crazy and starts to fall out and go thin...... lol

I'm losing so much hair at the moment too! It's actually scary. Big chunks are coming out when I wash it and there's always a lot in my brush :(

Here's a smiley Owen from a few weeks ago....


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He has such a cheeky smile!

We went to sensory today and he loved it :) hoping the rest of the term is as good. Going to a different group on Thurs to see what that is like. There do seem to be a few things popping up now the summer holiday is over.
I've still not made it to any groups! Lol!

Eleanor had her jabs yesterday and she's all out of sorts today bless her. Poor little lady is very tearful and needs lots of snuggles. Had her weighed today and she's exactly 13lbs. It makes me so happy that she's growing but so sad that she's getting so big! I just want time to slow down a bit!

Her Christmas presents have all arrived except for one. She's got a toy box, big play mat, stacking cups, stacking rings and my favourite a glow worm. I had a glow worm when I was a kid and it makes me feel all nostalgic and I love the fact she'll have one too.

We've made it four months combination feeding today with the help of the SNS. I didn't think we'd make it to three months let alone four!! I started weaning Cam at four months but going to wait until six months for Eleanor. She's only just reliably taking six ounce bottles so going to start offering seven ounces soon.

Ery I can't believe you're back at work already! I can't imagine leaving Eleanor yet and the thought of going back to work makes me feel so anxious!


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