I was wondering the same about food. He ate around 8:30 this morning as I fed him to sleep for his nap, but it's now after 2pm and he hasn't eaten since. I've offered several time, but he refused. We were out, so it meant eating with me sitting up. He gets grizzly, but he's also sleepy as he's only naps 40-60 mins, so needs at least 4 naps a day. He's currently on his 3rd. He really fights his nap at 12:30, so he only fell asleep about 1:45. He'll then want to nap again around 4, which I think is late. Yesterday we napped together for 2 hours, 3:30-5:30. Got up, gave him a bath, I cooked and he relaxed in the kitchen with me. Then we were in bed around 7-7:30. At night, his feeds are about 15 minutes, and he feeds at every wakeup. During the day, he'll feed 2-3 times after we wake up and only for about 10 minutes. He's gaining weight, but still. I want him to eat in the day, not at night. He also vomits during the day now, usually brought on my him shoving his fingers down his throat or by him playing with his vocal chords, screaming playfully until he coughs, then a coughing fit until he vomits. So I'm not sure how much is actually staying down in the day.
We were given a Ewan but don't use it. I have an app and use the white noise on that when he doesn't settle. However, it doesn't always work. It plays for 50 minutes. Sometimes it works in the middle of the night when he fusses after being put back down after a feed, but it depends on how awake he is at the time.
I'll have to look into possibly starting him on some food. I just wanted to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months. He seems interested, watching us eat and then sticking his mouth on my banana yesterday. He also loves the teething granules.
Wow, missy, a 2nd tooth at 4.5 months. Aidan's gums are clearly inflamed and everything suggests teething, but no teeth yet.