May 2017 Mummies

I wonder if he is hungry for solids Kabuk? I found that with Sophie, she is more content now. I know you want to hold off though.
I got the myhummy and Sophie can settle back to sleep now. She needed me all the time when she woke before, I hear her stir, the hummy goes off and she's back to sleep. It's so hard to wake so often, I felt like a grumpy zombie most days xx
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I want a myhummy but we already bought a Ewan so don't think hubby is keen.

I think oli's 2nd tooth is just cutting so explains his grumpiness the last few days! Xx
Hummy is better. We have Ewan too so am going to sell it. I was reluctant as hummy was quite expensive but seems to be helping xx
I was wondering the same about food. He ate around 8:30 this morning as I fed him to sleep for his nap, but it's now after 2pm and he hasn't eaten since. I've offered several time, but he refused. We were out, so it meant eating with me sitting up. He gets grizzly, but he's also sleepy as he's only naps 40-60 mins, so needs at least 4 naps a day. He's currently on his 3rd. He really fights his nap at 12:30, so he only fell asleep about 1:45. He'll then want to nap again around 4, which I think is late. Yesterday we napped together for 2 hours, 3:30-5:30. Got up, gave him a bath, I cooked and he relaxed in the kitchen with me. Then we were in bed around 7-7:30. At night, his feeds are about 15 minutes, and he feeds at every wakeup. During the day, he'll feed 2-3 times after we wake up and only for about 10 minutes. He's gaining weight, but still. I want him to eat in the day, not at night. He also vomits during the day now, usually brought on my him shoving his fingers down his throat or by him playing with his vocal chords, screaming playfully until he coughs, then a coughing fit until he vomits. So I'm not sure how much is actually staying down in the day.

We were given a Ewan but don't use it. I have an app and use the white noise on that when he doesn't settle. However, it doesn't always work. It plays for 50 minutes. Sometimes it works in the middle of the night when he fusses after being put back down after a feed, but it depends on how awake he is at the time.

I'll have to look into possibly starting him on some food. I just wanted to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months. He seems interested, watching us eat and then sticking his mouth on my banana yesterday. He also loves the teething granules.

Wow, missy, a 2nd tooth at 4.5 months. Aidan's gums are clearly inflamed and everything suggests teething, but no teeth yet.
Eleanor watches us eat quite intently sometimes and looks as though she's copying chewing movements with her mouth too. We're not looking to start weaning until she's at least six months though but I'm thinking of getting her a highchair soon so she can sit at the table with us and give her some spoons and bowls so she can get used to the idea of cutlery etc.

She is only just draining six ounce bottles so can easily have more milk if she needs it. She's not showing signs of being ready for weaning yet and it is advisable to try and wait until 6 months if possible. That being said and some will need it earlier and some later. I started Cam at 4 months but just went really slowly with it, like just two spoonfuls of rice a day! Weaning terrified me so I started early so I could go really slowly with it but I'm feeling more confident this time round and going to give baby led weaning a crack I think. I'm just doing my research on it now and joined a Facebook group for advice and info.

No teeth here either, lots of hand chewing though! Two already is impressive!

G loves watching everyone eat, he spent 20 mins the other day watching my pony eat hay. It fascinates him. He will reach out for food but has no interest in eating it. I'm not planning on offering food until 6 months. He is happy with his milk.

He is eating a bit less in terms of time, however I think he is getting just as much milk out as before, if not more, as he is now better at sucking.

We don't get anywhere near as many naps as that kabuk. Saturday he got up at 9 and didn't sleep until 5.30pm. So far today he slept for 30 mins at 1pm, now he is demanding to play again! He is quite hard work at the moment as he is interested in something for 10 mins then wants to do something else. I'm not surprised his dad is the same...

5 months old today. He is now in 6-9 month clothes, he has really shot up from the 9th centile he was on at birth, I thought it would be ages before he fit in these big clothes! How wrong was I lol.

No rolling here and no interest in crawling either. He can very nearly sit up if you sit him on the floor and he loves it if you stand him on his feet. I'm only letting him do a little, I assume his joints aren't ready for that yet?
I think I'm going to wait it out on the solids. I know the 4 months sleep regression can last a month, but if there is no change at 5 months, I may decide to go for it then, just slowly.

Aidan shows signs of tiredness. If I let it go, he will get another wind and be happy playing again. I've been prioritising naps as it has helped a little with his sleep at night, but not as much as I would like. He's just a different boy when he isn't hungry or tired. He does well with entertaining himself. We mix it up between mummy time, the jumperoo and the playmat. He loves his jumperoo and with him upright, I can interact with him more. He can sit on his own for a very short time, as soon as he moves his head though, his body moves. He does his baby crunches in any seat that reclines a bit as he just wants to sit upright. He likes tummy time now, but whilst he can roll, he doesn't ever really role all the way over, he prefers to keep one arm under him.

As for eating. He just ate around 2:30pm for 8 mins, and that was his first feed since 8:30am. His feeds will pick up now. He'll be hungry around 4:30-5pm, then his night feed around 7pm and then again around 8:30pm, then midnight, 2:30, 4, 5:30 and 6:30. Those are the rough times. He's pooing alot more- twice in the morning and again around this time. I have to be quick to him as he's been leaking our the side or it goes up the back.

I so hope this sleep regression ends soon. I know development is quite big at this stage. Between 4 and 6 months they really do grow up so much.

The lack of sleep combined with dealing with whatever keeps feasting on me is driving me insane. This is the 3rd time in the last month that something has bitten me that I really react too. First my forearm, then my upper arm and now my ankle. The swelling is pretty bad and it gets rather painful and itchy. I keep icing it, but that only does so much. I'm taking an antihistamine that was recommended as the safest when bf. Then I also put a safe cream on it too. Not helping all that much.
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Sophie rolled over today, she has been trying so hard and she finally did it. I managed to capture it on video too which I am happy about as was scared to leave the room when she was on mat as didn't want to miss it.
I am really enjoying our days, we are going to groups or meeting with friends with babies most days and it is just lovely. Went to baby massage with a friend and her baby today, it was lovely watching them interact with eachother xx
Aw well done sophie! Oli is trying sometimes but he's so big I think it must be super hard work to move any of him haha!

Toothy peg finally popped through during the night so fingers crossed he might actually sleep a wee bit tonight! Yeah right!! Xx
Yay, Sophie! I was watching Aidan like a hawk and then someone called for my attention and I looked away for just a few seconds, turned around and he was on his belly. Saw it the next time though.

Missy, Aidan was the same. He still doesn't fully roll over with ease. He gets there but then leaves his arm under him. He's a big boy. He's not too fussed with it. I just put him on his belly for tummy time a few times a day and he loves it. Now he just works to pull the toys off of his playmat, kicks as the poles and has even managed to kick a pole out. Strong little guy he is.

Aidan has grown in length again. We got his jumperoo on Sunday and had to have it on the lowest setting. But today I put him in it and his waste met the top part of the seat when he was standing and he looked like he could roll himself over it and tumble out. Had to move it up a notch. Noticed yesterday that his jeans that he hasn't worn in a week also no longer needed extra cuffing.
Anya now has 1 baby porridge meal a day. She gets grumpy if you don't let her eat. It got to the point she kicked off if anyone are any thing in her sight. We can now all eat again lol. It helps when I'm at work too. My son had to be weaned at 3 month. And whilst anya hasn't lost the weight like he did she still is under the 6kg mark. A baby born 1 wk after her 3 weeks early weighing 1kg leas has overtook hee in weight so I think she was needing the extra meal. As for moving were very similer to snowbee no interest on rolling. Nearly sitting and loving to stand.
Kabuk, that's typical, I just knew she was going to do it that day so kept the phone on video so could record for Oh. Sounds like he is growing well and quickly!!

Ery, glad the porridge is going down well. Every single person I have spoke to has weaned early (as in, before 6 months), I think if they're ready then they're ready xx
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I'm actually not looking forward to introducing food so I'm holding off as long as possible, I'm pretty sure we aren't going before 6 months unless something drastic changes. It is just so easy at the moment and mostly mess free! Got to call the HV tomorrow and see when their next weaning information clinic is as I'm still undecided about blw or traditional.
Since getting the jumperoo it's like he's speeding ahead even more. He's now rolling regularly and loving tummy time until he gets frustrated that he can't move forward. He does turn himself in a circle on his tummy, but he's been trying to get up on his knees (looks like he's trying to do this and go forward) and then the frustration begins.

I think I'm going to steam some veggies and let Aidan play with them. He really watches us eat now and was sticking his fingers in my food the other day. I converted the tripp trapp from newborn to the 'big boy' seat and he loved it. He's sitting so much better. I just need the tray for it so I can put food on it for him to play with. No porridge or purees yet, just going for the veggies to see what he does. Plus, he is gaining plenty of weight with just breastmilk.

His new cot arrived. I'm going to miss having him in the next2me crib, but he has really outgrown it and is very near the max weight of 9kg. We'll see how he gets on in his cot. Hopefully better. His constant waking is killing me. I'm exhausted from a day of cleaning and rearranging the bedroom to fit his cot into it. I've also been posting items on ebay that I want to get rid of and reorganising everything. Our 2 bed flat is feeling very small now that we have all this large toys with more toys on the way.
Aww. Yea need to cracking on either eBaying too. Anya. Still hadn't reached the 6kg mark at last weigh in but the moses basket is starting too look a bit small. I need to pick up the cot From my parents!
Eleanor was just under 6kg at her last weigh in. I only go once a month now so she'll be weighed again around 13th October.

I'm still thinking of doing baby led weaning but she's not showing signs of readiness for that yet. She needs to be able to sit up unaded for 1 minute, lost the tongue thrust reflex, have the start of a pincer grasp and be at least six months old.

She is certainly interested in watching us eat but she's definitely not ready just yet. She goes in her swing at mealtimes but I'm thinking of getting her a highchair so she can sit at the table with us as all she does at the minute is just shout at us while we eat! Hopefully she'll be happier if she feels more included and I'll give her a spoon and a bowl to play with at the same time.

She's very much a mummy's girl and often I'm the only one who can settle her! She'll literally be screaming and crying even if her daddy has got her and stop as soon as I've got her. Age ends up in our bed most nights but I have to say I don't really mind too much! She obviously feels safe and secure with us and it means we all get some sleep!

She's starting to get into a little bit of a routine throughout the day and I'm persevering with trying to get her into a bedtime routine. Sometimes she'll go to bed and other times she ends up with us downstairs again.

Breastfeeding wise, we are still going and she'll nurse generally at least once a day. I try and use the SNS for bedtime but sometimes she'll just fuss about with it and try and use it like a straw without actually latching onto the breast! Lol! She's a lot more willing to nurse without the SNS and will sometimes just latch for comfort and nurse to sleep. Once she's five months I'll start weaning myself off the domperidone and should finish those just as we start weaning her at six months. I'm not sure how my minimal supply will fare once I cut down on the Dom but I'd like to think we can keep going with breastfeeding until six months at least, if my supply will last that long. After that then I'll stop the Dom completely, stop the hand expression and just nurse her with the SNS or just for comfort if she wants. I'll also feel like some sort of superwomen if I get to six months after all the struggles we've had!!

Went to a baby music class today and a woman was saying how 5 months is such a nice age, no weaning etc. I said that I am weaning and I don't follow everything the health visitor says. Her face was a picture lol, obv a first time mum, I felt like saying, speak to me in 15 years!! Been there, done that am and surviving the teens, nevermind giving a bit of baby rice :lol:

Sophie is trying to be so independent already, wants to hold the spoon and can put in her mouth, her coordination is fab. She is into everything though and wants everything, the remote, mewspaper, letters, my hair!! EVERYTHING xx
Harper watches us when we're eating with real interest but I think she's happy enough with her milk for now. I was thinking to try some baby porridge and/or rice at 5 months. I'm not sure what she weighs but she was 10.1 at birth and is big, not fat but very long. I don't think milk will satisfy her to 6 months.

I guess as a second time mum you feel more confident to make your own decisions. I know we aren't following the guidelines for co sleeping as Eleanor sleeps between us and on top of the duvet but I feel happy with what were doing. Apparently it's advised that baby sleeps in the presence of an adult at all times until six months old! How anyone is supposed to achieve that I don't know!! Eleanor has fallen asleep so I really should be getting on with some housework but I can't really be bothered! Lol!!

I guess as a second time mum you feel more confident to make your own decisions. I know we aren't following the guidelines for co sleeping as Eleanor sleeps between us and on top of the duvet but I feel happy with what were doing. Apparently it's advised that baby sleeps in the presence of an adult at all times until six months old! How anyone is supposed to achieve that I don't know!! Eleanor has fallen asleep so I really should be getting on with some housework but I can't really be bothered! Lol!!


I didn't know about that! Like you say, how would you get anything done?!
I think a lot of it is just going with own judgement. With my son I would have listened to everything they said, now I take it on board but use my own common sense. One health visitor did say to me once that Mum is expert and we know our baby's best, so true.
At one of the baby groups, mum was telling me that her health visitor said she must set an alarm for every 90 minutes to breastfeed baby! She was saying that she wouldn't listen next time and she was exhausted, it's no wonder! Xx

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