May 2017 Mummies

Aidan watches and does a chewing motion with his mouth when he does. He's also lost the tongue reflex, which can happen between 4-6 months. I noticed it just his week when his interest in food led to him sticking his fingers in mine and the start of the chewing motion. He seems to be hitting everything but sitting up on his own unaided. He's close on that but not quite there.

I'm going through everything and trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. I'm just not sure. I'm hoping we'll have another in 2-3 years time, but you never know. With us in a 2 bed London flat, we don't really have the storage space. It's just that some items are harder to come by on the cheap, so I'm a bit hesitant to sell them. I've got a small box of the clothes I love and selling the rest. Just don't know about the next2me crib, cocoonababy, tripp trapp newborn seat and eventually the playmat, jumperoo and bouncer.
Hi all, hope you're all doing OK. We're good here, got our routine down with naps and night feeds and feeling much better physically and emotionally now. We're going to the lake district for the weekend too and I look forward to getting out the house now instead of dreading it! Daisy is growing so fast, she sits unaided, loves standing and even picks each leg up as if she wants to walk. Hates tummy time so I think she may walk rather than crawl, I'm looking at having to rearrange the whole house soon so there's nothing she can get to that she shouldn't. I've been working hard on getting my business up and running again and evening is generally going well. I seem to be forgetting how hard the pregnancy/birth/first couple of months were now! Which is good, because I've just found out I'm pregnant again. We can't believe it, we were being so careful! I'm literally scared for my life :( I've got a drs appointment Thursday to talk about implications so soon after an emcs. Oh and I had the chat only a couple of days ago about possibly trying for another in 2-3 years, not this soon! Xx
Oh my god Betty!!!


I'm so glad you are doing better and your little lady is doing well!


Wow Betty! Congratulations! My aunt had two sections very close together (and after a traumatic first where she nearly died) and she said the second was so much easier and better and she also had loads of monitoring. I'm also glad to hear you are much happier now, lots of people have said to me they didn't really enjoy the first few months and that they much prefered it a little way in.

My cycle has returned today, happy birthday to me! I'm a bit surprised as I'm still ebf all day and night, plus combined with my stupid erratic cycles I wasn't expecting it back for a while yet. We haven't dtd much at all since birth, we are using condoms while we think about another and age gaps and our advancing ages... !
kabuk we are keeping everything at the moment as luckily we will have space to store things once I've cleared out all the wardrobes (on my list to do before Christmas!). Do you have any loft space? I'm thinking of vaccum packing clothes and putting in there. I also kept the boxes from some things that I can repack and store up there too. Hopefully the basket will fit in the wardrobe. We are still using it downstairs at the moment, I need to decide what to put him in to sleep downstairs when he outgrows it.
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OH MY GOODNESS BETTY!!! I did not expect that! Huge congrats, they will be best buds.
I am so glad all is going better now and you feel good :)

I am not keeping anything, selling or giving away as I don't know of we will ever use the frozen embie and if we did then it may not take anyway. Until we know if there is a reason for heamorage after birth then would be silly to have another. A little part of me would like one more but we don't really have the space and i don't know if I could go through the hyperemesis again xx
Congratulations Betty! How far gone are you?
My OH keeps saying "one is enough." I'm not sure I want Harper to be an only one though so it makes me a bit sad when he says that.

Eeek congrats Betty! My older 2 are close in age (not that close though!!) and it's the best thing ever. They have grown up being best friends and play beautifully together. Xx
Wow, Betty - congrats! Glad you're feeling much better and getting out. It makes a world of difference.

We have a loft space, but the floor isn't solid so we are limited with what we can store there. Plus, we are hoping to start getting quotes and converting the space to the master bedroom with an en suite within the next 6-12 months. We have a small double 2nd br, so not enough space to store things. I'm currently working on sorting our storage out to enable us to hold onto some things. I have found places for the next2me crib and the cocoonababy now. But as we don't have a car, our pram stays in the flat and takes up space. Started driving lessons, so we'll have a car eventually, but probably not until Aidan is closer to a year old. Then the pram stays in the boot.

Rachel, I really want one more as I don't want him to be an only child, but my dw is the same as your OH. I'm hoping she'll change her mind. The initial plan was for us to each have one, so I'm hoping she'll come around to it. I would love for her to start trying when Aidan is around 15 months. An age gap of 2-3 years would be ideal. She's an only child and I'm one of 6. It's nice to know I'll have siblings around after my parents are gone. It's also nice to have nieces and nephews. Hopefully they'll both come around.
I'm hoping my OH will change his mind too Kabuk, but I don't think he will. I would like a 3-4 year gap so have some time for him to change his mind but he's quite adamant.
He has two older brothers but they bullied him growing up and they don't get on so well now. I have an older brother and we've always got on well and are very close now. I hate to think she'll miss out on that bond. When my mum passed away it was a comfort to know I still had my bro. I'd hate to go through that as an only one.
I'd love another girl.

I hope your other halves come round to the idea. I'm sure they will eventually. Once these little ones are toddlers or older, they will miss the little baby phase. I originally wanted 4 children but it turns out it's not that easy for us. I am quite happy with two, it would be nice for Sophie to have a sibling close in age as 15 years is huge but she has her cousin who is one year older and sees her lots so I'm sure they will be close and have lots of fun times together xx
My hubby was adament that he didn't want any more children after we had Cam but he changed his mind so there's hope ladies.

Congratulations Betty! How far gone are you?
My OH keeps saying "one is enough." I'm not sure I want Harper to be an only one though so it makes me a bit sad when he says that.

My period was due Sunday so not far gone, by my lmp I'm due 10th June, just 1 year and 11 days after daisy arrived!! Xx
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I have always wanted 4 so we are thinking we will go for it after Christmas but it really depends how we are getting on with the house build. We would need to be in before another baby came along so would need to be certain that was gonna happen before we went for it. I also reeeeally want another girl so think I'm gonna end up going loopy with timings for when we can have sex haha. God help my husband!! Xx
Anybody else battling with the 4 month sleep regression? Harper was sleeping really well and actually did an 8pm to 8am and then about two weeks ago she started waking loads through the night. Last night she woke pretty much every hour to two hours and was wide awake at 4 so gave her a feed (she hasn't had a night feed in a couple of weeks now before last night) and she went back down at about 5. Stirred about 7.30 and then back to sleep till 9.15 ish. She's napping now.

Rachel, it's awful. Aidan was sleeping well with 2 get ups for about 6 weeks and then the waking every 2 hours started again. He's now waking at 6am and it's killing me. But he's content to come in bed with me until 6:45-7am. He started at 17 weeks and is still going. I'm really struggling with it. I think I also have a trapped nerve that acts up at night. I get pain down my right harm into my hand, but only 3 fingers fall asleep and then it gets painful. It was so bad at 5am this morning that I had to wake my dw to get Aidan out of his cot and into the bed. So my sleep is awful at the moment. He's also not feeding well during the day. He'll be hungry but refuse at times, especially if I try to feed sitting up. Yesterday he fed at Costa but then wouldn't feed at another cafe and cried himself to sleep on the walk home. Even holding him didn't help. His napping is all over the place now too. He wants a nap at 5-5:30pm now because he fights his morning and afternoon naps and doesn't always sleep that long. I'm just trying to go with the flow. I'm going to wait until he's 6 months before I attempt a strict sleeping schedule. For now I'll let him lead. I think it all varies depending on his teething pain.
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Touch wood but we seem to have got away quite lightly with the sleep regression. Eleanor wakes briefly in the night but settles again really well as soon as she comes into our bed. Age does fight her sleep and gets herself overtired and then gets herself really upset until she falls asleep.

I'm all paranoid now since Betty's news! Can't remember when my last AF was but I'm sure I should have had another one by now! Might have to take a test just to put my mind at ease! Mind you we've only dtd twice since Eleanor was born and used condoms both times but I'm really on edge about falling pregnant again. My oh deffo doesn't want any more and it wouldn't be the best for us practicality wise. We'd manage, you just do don't you but it really wouldn't be good news as such. Hubby has made no effort at all to get the snip so I might go back on the pill once Eleanor is six months and I'll be (hopefully) ready to stop bf.

We had the horrid sleep regression, then got better, then she got a cold and we have gone backwards. Waking every 2 hours!! Doesn't help that Ohs snoring has gotten terrible, it's like sleeping next to a train!! I struggle to get to sleep and then when I do, little miss wakes up. I am seriously considering buying a travel cot and sleeping downstairs on sofa! He says it's worse because he has put on weight (which he has) but then doesn't seem to be doing anything to help matters. I have asked him to go doctors to see if they can advise on anything to help as I think the snoring is waking her at times too which adds to the need to get it sorted xx
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