May 2017 Mummies

We went to a baby group yesterday and baby sensory today, Sophie loves the songs. She gets lots of attention wherever we go as she just stares at people, smiling at them until they talk to her lol. Met really nice Mum today at the group, we got on so well, will probably meet outside the group eventually.

Ery, I can't believe your mat leave is over already. Emily, I hope she feels better soon. So glad that is it until they're 1 now. I hate the jabs xx
Hubby had snip on Tuesday and can't walk well lol. I can't believe my mat leave is over either! Luckily I've not had to go back to work yet as I'm now on holidays but I will be going back in soon. I really don't want to. She's too tiny!
Congrats on 4 months Emily!
We've not made it to any groups either. Huby is hoping to go when she's a bit more aware. Our groups are quiet far away to walk to (I'd have the car) so we won't to make sure she's interested first. We've got lots of toys music and she meets new kids at the playground but she's quiet happy at home.... maybe when I go back to work she won't be! So play group is what hubby's hoping to be a good distraction tool.
My oh hasn't even mentioned having the snip yet! We'd agreed that's what we're going to do but he's not made an effort to get it done! Not that it's an issue right now as we're both too tired for nookie..

Little miss was up at 4.30 for a bottle! Really hope it's not the start of the sleep regression but bracing my self just in case!

My OH has said numerous times that he only wants us to have one child but has happily packed up Harper's clothes and hasn't mentioned getting rid of them/selling them. Plus he made a comment about the prams with the boards for the older kid to ride on and when I said "hang on, I thought we were only having one," he said "we'll see." I think I'd want at least a 3 year age gap if we do have a 2nd, which means I would be 38+.

I would totally have another if circumstances allowed (which they don't abs hubby is deffo not on board!) The thought of going through the miscarriages again terrifies me but when I look at Eleanor, she's so worth every second of it! She'll be our last though as it's not practical to have another but hubby said we could have another if we win the lottery! Lol!

I think I would like another. He is great and I can see I will be keen to have a tiny one again when he is bigger, although I do wonder how you get enough time to have more. Problem is if I waited until he was in school I will be nearly 40. I will just wait and see for the time being. My oh is happy to use condoms so we don't need to think about anything more.

We went to a lovely rhymes session today, G really loves these groups at the moment, he loves to see all that is going on. I've signed up to 13 weeks of sensory and 6 of rhymes.
Sophie loves them too, isn't it lovely watching their little faces taking it all in. We signed up to six more sensory sessions and am going to some trials of music ones before paying for any sessions. She loves the singing part of the group's so definitely something I want to explore with her. It is nice to get out and speak to people too.

I don't know if we will have any more, we have one frozen embryo bit we don't know if that would take and I think it's unlikely we'd get pregnant naturally. I would also be scared about all the blood loss and transfusions again although it does seem likely i have a blood disorder according to the specialist on Monday. Just got to wait for results of blood tests and then if we were to have another it would be managed beforehand with medication xx
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I've surprised myself with my uncertainty about having another. I've always said I'd like two kids but now I'm not so sure. It's not that Harper has been really difficult but I have found the complete change to my life quite difficult. I miss work, adult company and my independence, but I know that when I do go back to work, I'll miss being at home with her so I'm really trying to make sure I enjoy this time and make the most of it. I don't particularly want to go back to work full time either. I'm not sure I'd want to do it again though. I do feel bad for Harper that she might not have a sibling though and that she'll feel lonely. I have a great relationship with my brother and when my mum died it really helped having him here. I would feel very alone now without him. I don't know, it's difficult. I also don't want to stretch finances to the point that we can't afford holidays etc.

Holidays for us have been a rarity for years since my son started school. But it's nice to see the bank balance go up for time being. I'm working on hubby to let me have a conservatory .... but I don't think I'm winning the battle there lol.
Any had one of her first bumps today. She was on he tummy time roll. I hot distracted moving something small off the floor and she launched herself with her legs and face planted the floor. She quickly forgot about it though..... err :worry: lol she also now demands ice pop if I have one she grabs it out my hand and locks it to death with huge grins. Looks like she's telling me she's ready for food. I'm going to spend some time in the kitchen tomorrow cooking and mashing and freezing veg!
We like to watch food and grab at it but isn't that interested in putting it in his mouth, which is good as it means I can get it back! I'm not intending to offer until 6 months, right now he is far too interested in milk so still sticking to that plan. 20 weeks old now!

We have been invited to meet a newborn in our local (open invite to all their friends). Do you think it is ok to take our baby or would that be weird/they be annoyed? If you think I shouldn't I will stay at home with him and just send my oh on his own.
Has anyone else got teeth? Oli has just cut his first today! Wasn't expecting it till around 6 months going on the other kids! Xx
Oh that is quite soon for a tooth isn't it?! When I mentioned teething to the doctor he pretty much said it was impossible. I can't see any, but he's dribbling and chewing a lot.

Yes, Owen looks around at everything at the groups. He's very nosey! He likes the swing and the crunchy foil stuff, and loves the nursery rhymes (if he's still awake / not feeding!). We had our first massage class on Thursday. It was the leg session and he liked it. I'm doing it every night now. I don't have to book any classes here, except the massage. I can just turn up.

He rolled onto his side for the first time yesterday! At least I thought it was the first time, but when I told my Mam she said he'd done it days earlier! It's so exciting seeing him doing new things :)
Anya started going on her side too but not on her back/front yet. I think we are teething but no teeth she's drooling and biting a lot. Babies van be born with teeth so I don't think it''s too young for it! We're gong to try mushed carrots later she gets really annoyed at tea times when we're all eating and she's not and she keeps grabbing food and trying to put it her mouth. So far she's tried ice pops (she will now want her own ice pop when we have one she's we let hers go more mushy before giving it to her) hunters chicken sauce and I manged to stop her from trying chicken tikka lol. That would border child cruelty I'm due lol
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Sophie is teething but no teeth yet. Doctor said she can feel them and that they can be born with teeth as Ery says. That would be freaky lol.
We have started weaning, baby rice and then for the first time today, a little pureed carrot mixed in the rice. She is doing fab, she was definitely ready to start. I decided to go with my gut feeling to start before 6 months xx
I'm wanting to do a more baby led approach to weaning this time round and hoping to wait until six months. Eleanor is interested in food in that she watches us eat quite intently but that's it so far. What are you guys doing about high chairs? I've read that the IKEA antilop one is brilliant - cheap and easy to clean but the downside is it doesn't collapse.

I am planning to go more baby led once she is 6 months. She could easily pick food up and put in her mouth but just a bit worried about that at the moment. For now we have the mamas and papas snug seat but when she is a bit bigger will get a proper highchair, not sure what one, I do want one thag folds and reclines though. Haven't looked properly yet xx
We will use the ikea one we have and if we need to we also have a cossatto one that reclines and is a bit more padded. Will just see what he's needing support wise when he's ready to wean. Xx
I've just brought a travel one its for 12+ months but I couldn't resist it folds into a bag and has space for nappies changing stuff and food stuff in it and it was £15 instead of £25 at boots. I brought a non foldable wood one with my son that then went down to a table but it was a nightmare to clean. Asda baby event has a super cheap one at £12 or something. I'm not sure! I need one soon though. We don't have a dining room table so height is awkward I think I need one with adjustable legs.
I bought the Chicco Polly Progress 5 one and quite like it. We only just started using it once a day this last 5-6 days but find it much easier on the old back when feeding (we were using the bouncer on the floor). You can leave them in it to play too I guess and the recline function is handy now as we don't want her completely upright for feeding as she looks uncomfortable at the moment, the seat reclines right back so if in for longer periods I guess they can have a nap too? You also have the option of buying a toy bar so that's for use in the recline position, its use from 0 months and most do not start feeding till at least 4 so the reclines useful for the really little babies. I also wondered if anyone has any recommendations for compact lightweight strollers? I spent a fortune on a pram system which I really like apart from putting it in the still takes up too much space and is a pain collapsing and taking wheels off etc. We are going away for a few days and thought a stroller just to chuck in the boot might be the answer as we may then be able to take some of our own luggage. I am debating the umbrella folding ones?? as opposed to those that fold down. Most of the ones that remain long though are still 100cm in length and our boot is only 95cm at its widest part?? I do not want to spend a lot either as have a perfectly good pram but obviously want something that's up to the job and not too flimsy and easy to sell on afterwards. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance

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