May 2017 Mummies

Glad all is well with everyone. Cute photo kabuk, he looks like a big boy now! How do they grow so fast.

I have a stupid question, what do they need to wear when the weather gets colder? Do I put more clothes on under a sleepsuit or over it? If I put a cardigan over what about the legs? Also we were given some trousers and tshirts, how do you wear them without getting a gap up the back when they play or you pick them up? feeling stupid!
Snowbee, you can put a little bodysuit underneath. Sophie wears them already. Sleeveless ones in warm weather but if hot then I don't put one on, just her clothes. You can get long sleeve ones too.
I will just layer up, cardigan and coat wry. For legs it's harder, indoors they should be ok, when out just pop some blankets on. I do know that some of my family put tights on under their boys trousers to keep them warm in really cold weather.

What are everyone's plans with weaning? Waiting til 6 months? Sophie is showing definite signs of being ready but I don't want to take any risks with doing it too early. When I had my son it was 4 months thay you weaned and they told me to do it earlier as he wasn't satisfied with milk anymore. I am going to hold off as long as I can but I am sure she is going to swipe something when it's on the way to my mouth when I'm holding her lol xx
We do use vests underneath already but I wasn't sure if I needed to buy something different for the winter. I'll just try with the longer sleeved ones. I hadn't thought about tights, I was wondering about putting leggings and socks on but that might be easier. I might try both and see what is easier.

I'm planning on waiting until 6 months. Are you going to try traditional purees or do baby led? G has already stolen some food from his dad when I was out one day, I was unamused (it was chocolate cake) but my oh said he got most of it away from him before he put it in his mouth! G loves watching people and animals eat, he spent ages watching my pony eat hay one day.
Thanks, snowbee. He his getting too big. At 12.5 weeks he was already 16lbs. If he's gained 6oz each week since then, then he's over 17lbs already. Such a big boy. He's very very wiggly when being changed now. We have to keep everything away from his legs as he kicks it off. I love the babbling. All the vowels sounds are being used now and his intonation varies too. It's soooooo cute.

Anya, I feel sorry for you that it's Britney. Wow. How did that happen. Aidan loves warm kitty too, but only when he's already dosing. He also loves to practice sitting and standing. He is so social as well, gets pretty damn fussy when everyone is at the table for dinner talking and he's on the floor.

I'm using vests with Aidan, and if it's colder when it's sleep time, then a 1 tog sleepbag as well. During the day I use a vest when he wears t-shirts, but not when he has a longsleeve onesie on as part of his outfit. As for legs, it's usually okay at home with nothing over trousers, but when out he has a footmuff for his stroller and pram. If I'm taking him out in the sling, then I'll put on slightly thicker trousers. I always have a jumper, jacket, socks and a hat with me.

As for weaning. I'm planning on waiting until he's 6 months. We plan to do a combo of purees and baby led weaning. Aidan is interested in food, watching us eat. His hand to mouth coordination has improved greatly- everything goes in his mouth. He's sticking his fingers to the back of his throat, which apparently helps to develop a gag reflex, and he is getting better at sitting. Now, show he sit on his own earlier and he goes and crabs food from my hand before 6 months, then I may have to rethink.

Right now I need to really focus on getting him to take a bottle. I'll be trying various bottles and temps to find the right combo. Until he takes a bottle, I can't really leave him with anyone as he just screams, as my dw will attest to.
I am not sure. Haven't really looked into baby led weaning. That is something I need to look into xx
Eleanor will be in long sleeved vests, onesies, dresses and thick tights with a cardigan over. Plus a hat and blanket when we go out. You can get thick snowsuits for when it's really cold but don't put them in car seats with snowsuits or thick padded coats etc as it's not safe.

I'm going to wean at 6 months and do a mix of traditional and baby led like I did with my son. I started him at 4 months though but went suuuuper slow as I was really stressed over it. I literally gave him 2 spoonfuls of baby rice the first time and that was it!

How does baby led weaning work?
I also won't be putting coats on in car, will buy one of those blankets with slots in for harness to go through and wrap her up in that. I love winter clothes, she has so many hats already!! Xx
Baby led weaning is basically where baby eats what you eat or near enough. You don't puree just allow baby to pick up the food feed themselves. I'm going to give purees and fingers foods so mix both ways. Broccoli florets are great for blw as they have their own handle basically!! Lol!!
So they kind of go straight on to finger foods? That seems scary :shock: I think I will do a mix of both too, mostly purees at first as will be worried xx
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Yeah pretty much or at least that's my understanding of it anyway. I liked doing both with Cam as I knew he was actually eating the puree but he was able to feed himself and experiment with different textures etc with what he fed himself.

Yeah pretty much or at least that's my understanding of it anyway. I liked doing both with Cam as I knew he was actually eating the puree but he was able to feed himself and experiment with different textures etc with what he fed himself.


Yeah that sounds ideal, will do the same, ready for the mess!! :lol:
Yea I think we'll do both too she's very much into dipping her hands into food then quickly suckling it so technically she's tried ribena beans and bacon already lol. Oh and a bogie lol. I'm hoping to wait til 6 months my son was 3.5 months so the age anya is now really. Also need to get her on bottle I'm at work in 2 weeks!
I *think* I've got to the stage where my hair has begun to be less thick and crazy and starts to fall out and go thin...... lol


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What on earth would make you think that? Lol!!

I've got proper thin spots right at my temples. I look a right sketch when I tie my hair back! Lol!

hi girls i havent been on in ages been so busy with childminding hope you and your babies are all good :)

aria rolls from front to back and back to side but thats it. shes grabbing toys now and moves around! she lies on her back and pushes off with het feet to scoot along lol cant leave her anywhere. shes so close to sitting aswell cant believe shes nearly 4 months!

here she is :)


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Wow look at all her hair! How much hair has everyone elses babies got? Very little here, less than he was born with now. How is the childminding going?
Eleanor's hair is all falling out! She's near enough bald on top and has a strip all round the back! Between us we're doing great on the hair front! Lol!

shes got quite alot of hair lol its stressful at the moment trying to settle them from crying when they have never been away from.their mum but im going to keep going
Sophie doesn't have much hair but it is growing. I looked like a boy til I was 2 as mine didn't grow, I think hers will be better.

How old are the children you're looking after Nikki? Xx
at the moment ive got a just turned 2 year old and 1 year old so very young plus aria lol

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