May 2017 Mummies

I'mabsolutely dreaxing going back. I'm currently working out how to get sn extra room in my house. I have 3 options.... conservatory... garage renovation and delete spidering or trying to find someone who can make an arched door in a stud wall.
Aidan rolled over today! Of course, we missed that actual movement. We'd been watching and watching and in the few seconds I was looking the other way he completed his first roll. He'd been halfway there for a week or so, just that bloody shoulder. He'd also managed it in bed before, but never on the playmat. We got up and made a big deal and he promptly started to fuss. He hasn't done it since. Was just trying again and got frustrated with the shoulder again.
Awe bless. Anya hasn't tries to roll over yet. I think she do a somersault before a roll lol. She's far too obsessed with her feet lol.
Haha. Aidan doesn't pay much attention to his feet. Since that roll, he hasn't done it again. But you can tell he knows he can do it now as he gets supper frustrated when he can't.
Lol its weird how diffetebtly they develop isn't it! I'm sure anya is teething now she propper bites anything that comes remotely near her mouth lol especially pretty dresses.


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Ery, she is adorable x
So much to catch on, I lose track of what to reply to.
Sophie rolls on to her side but not front yet. She can roll from being on front, to back though but that is easier.
She is really not loving other people at the moment, she is ok if they stay at a distance but not if they come close or want to hold her. We went to in laws last Night, disastrous!! Major separation anxiety, I know people will blame me and say it's my fault she is like it :(
Hi everyone hope you are all well x I find no it hard to get on here much as busy and little lady is demanding!! She loves attention!

Ery she is so cute, cheeky little look on her face x

To say Leora is a prem baby she is ahead of most of the baby's in our group, they are all different aren't they!

Lisey it's not your fault! I don't think there is anything you can do they are who they are I think!
Amy brown from Swansea university has made some interesting u tube videos on breastfeeding and sleeping and routines etc, have a look and see what you think! Different way of looking at it I thought x each baby is an individual that's the biggest message I took from it!

Lou xx

This is exactly what I think and the way I do things, I'm not going to leave her to cry. People say 'oh so she's spoilt'...shes not even 4 months old, how can comforting her be spoiling her. It's so true when it says how would you feel if your partner refused to cuddle you and that's as adults where we understand these things.
Babies are so individual. I was very attached to my Mum for years and years, maybe she is going to be like that. We have a very strong bond, I wouldn't change that but you know people and their opinions :wall2: xx
She is too cute, Ery.

I don't let Aidan cry, only if I really need the loo. He doesn't really cry much anymore, only occasionally when he's super hungry. He mainly whinges. It's pretty cute. My dw heard those screams on Saturday when I went to get my hair done as he refused the bottle. Sometimes he just wants to sit on me. He'll chew his hands or a muslin and be happy as can be.
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This is exactly what I think and the way I do things, I'm not going to leave her to cry. People say 'oh so she's spoilt'...shes not even 4 months old, how can comforting her be spoiling her. It's so true when it says how would you feel if your partner refused to cuddle you and that's as adults where we understand these things.
Babies are so individual. I was very attached to my Mum for years and years, maybe she is going to be like that. We have a very strong bond, I wouldn't change that but you know people and their opinions :wall2: xx

I do the same Hun xx
I don't let Harper cry either. She only really whinges when she's hungry or tired so if she cries I know she's really not happy.

I think it's a generation thing. It's the older aunties saying about leaving her to Thanks!! Xx
I agree I don't let her cry either unless I'm busy cooking or peeing lol. If she misses her afternoon nap when she's tired at night she will proper screamy cry (while being held by hubby usually it makes my boobs hurt when she cries like that lol) as she's overtired but once that's over she's zonked for hours. Lol I think the waiting and heartache we went through let us have a super cute baby lol i woke at 3am needing a wee thought id look in on her and shes just lay there wide awake playing with her blanket and gives me a massive smile when she notices me. So now she's asleep on my chest I mean who could resist a massive cuddle after that? she doesn't mind being held by others as long as she is full and changed lol. Still not sure where her ginger comes from.
Today we were having a weird conversation about apples. If you said apple strudel anya burst out laughing. Apple and pears was a confused look but if you said apple custard she burst out crying until you said apple strudel again lol. She's a funny one. I don't even know what apple strudel is :rofl:
Had a letter today saying my haematology appoint has been cancelled grrr. It was only a few days away too!
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Eleanor has got rolling nailed, there's no stopping her! There's no way I could leave her snoozing on my bed now like I did when she was tiny as she'd wake up and roll right off!

I go to her if she's properly crying but if she's fed, dry and just whinging I'll leave her for a few minutes while I finish washing up or whizz round with the hoover etc. She really likes being held or just sitting with me and can be very demanding which makes it hard to get stuff done. She's the same overnight and ends up coming in with us most nights although this morning it was nearer to five am. She doesn't wake and want to eat but wakes up and starts flailing her arms around and grunting and chatting but put her in our bed and she immediately relaxes and goes back off to sleep. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and look at the tiny bit of the edge of the bed I've been asleep on and wonder how on earth I've not fallen out!!

I'm trying to get a bedtime routine going with her and last night she had her bath, boob tube feed and into bed for seven ish and she stayed down!! I'm sure it was a fluke but we'll keep going and hopefully she'll get used to it. Daytime naps are still all over the place and often quite short unless she's on me. I'm hoping once Cam goes back to school on Tuesday I'll be able to get a bit of a better routine going with her but we'll see.

I can't let Aidan alone in the bed anymore either. Whilst he's not all out rolling when on the floor, there is no stopping him in the bed. If he's in the middle whilst I'm doing things that have me leaving the room for a short period, he's okay as he can't roll from back to front yet, so it's just the one roll. When he gets tired of holding his head up and rests with his mouth on hand, giving him enough space to still breathe.

They say their head circumference really grows between 15-19 weeks. Seriously? Aidan is going to have a massive head to grow into at this rate. His head circumference is big enough. It's been above the 90th percentile since before birth.
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Eleanor rolls from her back to her front and then holds herself right up to have a good look about. When she tries to go from front to back she just sort of falls into position! Lol!

I think I can see a tooth too! She's been very dribbly, chewing on everything and also had some icky nappies which is all signs of teething. When I was changing her nappy and she was giving me huge open mouth smiles I spotted a small white bit on her gum and I'm wondering if it's a little toothy peg making it's way upwards. Of course it's impossible to get a decent look and as soon as I put my hands near her mouth to have a proper look, she just tries to eat me! Lol

She's started showing some interest in her toys now. Although still less than coordinated, she's making attempts to grab toys and put them to her mouth too.

Oh yeah, everything goes into his mouth. And his poo also indicate teething. Not sight of a tooth yet though.

He is so social. He loves being at the table with everyone and gets frustrated when he's not. He has these long conversations with Mr. Turtle on his playmat and uses his voice well to get our attention and has a convo. He also now notices himself in the mirror and is fascinated by that. When he does get fussy, he love the song, "5 little speckled frogs". It's the one song that completely calms him. I've tried others, but only that one seems to work when he's fussy. There are others he likes for sleep though.
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Lol anya likes soft kitty from big bang theory and Britney Spears one more time.... don't even ask how I discovered that one I'm so ashamed lol. Anya still isn't rolling but she's really getting there with sitting and loves standing (with help of course). And has two favourite toys that she recognises and actuvely plats with. Ive been up since 1:30 for our first of the every 2-3 hr feed and she's still asleep. Little mite didn't sleep much through the day though and had a mega feed before bed on and off (more on than off) for about an hour 20! My poor left boob now though it's gone past feeding time!
Anya does that shuffle and grunt thing in the morning. Usually a nappy change then time to sleep on my chest. She also has a major giggle fit if you tip her upside down or at her brothers face when she's on her swing.
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