Betty and Dove, that's awful. The only time I wanted to strangle someone at the hospital was when I still had my catheter. Overall, the care was great, but I was in a lot of pain and I tried to tell them that something was wrong with the catheter. I felt like I had a full bladder and had to pee badly but couldn't. They swore that the urine bag was filling up. The pain continued to get worse, a full bladder and the buildup of wind. They gave me morphene after I started screaming because the pain became unbearable. Once the pain went, my bladder emptied all over the bed. Then they were finally convinced that there was an issue with the catheter. They wanted to replace it. I was like hell no. I managed to get them to just remove it with an agreement that if I didn't urinate on my own by the time my scan came around, that then they could put it in. I wasn't keen on getting up as I was in so much pain, but was off to the toilet before they finished changing my sheets.
Snowbee, they really do put the weight on quickly. Aidan is already 10lbs. I don't have a 6 week appointment, it's not until 8 weeks for me. I think I'm going to take him to the clinic next week to get him weighed. He has his scan to check his kidneys on Monday (small amount of fluid in them before birth), but I'm sure everything is okay as he is weeing all the time. But he's on antibitoics until given the all clear, so hopefully he'll be off them next week.
My dw has just gone back to work and I'm already beyond exhauseted not having her around. Aidan likes to eat a hell of a lot around 11:30-12 at night. Last night he started is feed at 11:30 and was still going at 1:30. I tried puting him down several times but he'd start to scream. Eventually caved and gave him formula. Then he was wide awake, but I refuse to engage with him as I want him to know it's night time. So I cuddled him and eventually hadto put him back on the breast, but this time he was out cold within 10 mins. I was exhausted, but by 2am, we were both sleeping. He was up again at 5:30 and slept again this morning just long enough for me to have some food and a shower. Everytime he sleeps in his crib its a battle for me to choose whether to sleep, eat, shower or tidy a bit. I wish I was comfortable co-sleeping. I'd get so much more sleep if I let him sleep on me. The only time this happens is in the evening when my dw comes home. After we eat, she watches TV and keeps an eye on us as we then sleep on the couch together. I just stick him on the breast and relax. But again, it's usually only 2 hours of sleep. However, he does sleep well in the pram when out.