May 2017 Mummies

Oh wow! Sounds amazing I hope it continues for you!
I think anya is teething after she's finished feeding I have to judge it and whip my boob out her mouth coz she starts biting me and it bloody hurts lol. My poor left boob took a right chewing today it's so sore! I don't know what to do my son understood the word no before he started teething! Anya just gives me big doe eyes before getting a look of determination then chomp chomp then a big grin. It hurts bloodyoobigut *** but (wtf did my predictive text ti then:rofl:) shes so cute lol. Darn babies!!!
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So hard to keep up. I've been pretty busy helping my friends with the twins and she gave birth a few days ago to a little girl. Lucky for her it was an easy labour and quick birth. I get to see them tomorrow!

Betty, there is a lady at the support group I go to and she is also hypervigilant after a traumatic birth. We are lucky that one of the retired mws has offered to go through our notes with us if we want, and she is going to take her up on it. She doesn't even want to leave her little boy with her husband. I wish everyone had access to this post-natal support group as it's been fantastic. I dread the day we have to graduate, which is when Aidan is mobile. We are having a mass graduation in 2 weeks for those with mobile bubs now. Someone a little while back set up a whatsapp group so we still meet up with the graduates from time-to-time as people take turns organising coffee/tea meetups.

I've also be busy preparing for our trip. We leave bright an early on Sunday morning. I'm sure hoping Aidan will feed when we are on the plan for take off as he doesn't take a pacifier.
Any other babies still not rolling over? I'm not fussed her Bro was a late roller too lol. She loves to stand and I think she's going to be a much better talker than her brother. She's practicing "hiya" a LOT getting the sounds right she even "shouted" hiya and got it right once we all were in shock but it was more flukey than actual speaking if you get me. Like my catstatus meow is "heh-woah" when we first hears it we thought we were being burgled lol!
She's on infant gaviscon but it only seems to take the edge off now and sometimes doesn't seem to work at all. I hope she's better when she's on solids.. I'm counting down the days! She likes baths but I'm not sure I'm confident enough to take her to a swimming pool as much as I'd love to.

I've just had two nights of no sleep due to her fidgeting all night. I do all I can - she sleeps propped up and sometimes on her side too. I stay up so she can sleep upright on me after a night feed too. And after getting medication to help me lactate she's doesn't like breastfeeding anymore because it hurts so she's formula fed now except the occasional little feed when she's on top form. Xx

Betty you are not alone Hun x I hardly get on here much but just seen your post and could not not reply x we have struggled with reflux since 3 weeks and congestion and CMPA, you def need to go back to the doctors and ask to be referred to a paediatrician, ranitidine works better than gaviscon and she could be dairy intolerant so just switching formula could make a massive difference! Leora wakes every 2 hours overnight and will not sleep in her cot so she sleeps next to me on her side propped up on the pillow and this is how she sleeps best, it's hard but if you can get daisy happier during the day and make it easier or more enjoyable for you and her then u might cope better? Look into CMPA and honestly get the doctor to refer you and explain you are not coping xx reflux is more common than you think and not always easy to control or get to the reason why x good luck take care of yourself happy to help you in anyway I can as we are going through it although she is much better but still has bad days, esp since teething and sleeping is def an issue still! Xx
By the way this is my other charm necklace I made after one of my losses.
One side it has an "I love you" heart, 2x angel wings and a remembrance ribbon. I was one is miscarriage association colours but I couldnt find one.
The other side are the words "mom", "hope", "love" and "Believe".


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Hope you have a lovely and stress free holiday Kabuk :)

That sounds great Emily! Smashed your three month aim, now see how far you can go.

Ery we aren't really rolling much here, he will tip himself onto his side and then onto his front but not often and he only does it on the bed, not on his playmat. If we lean on the mattress he will go over with the gravity!

Third lot of jabs today. Much screaming again but not as much as before. Weighed again, now up to 7kg and has risen to just over the 50th centile. I can't believe he is shooting up the centiles like he is, we started on the 9th for weight and under the 2nd for length! Now having a sleep, so hopefully he will be ok and not have side effects.
There is a May 2018 thread up in First Tri!

I had my bfp a year ago yesterday. Wow.

Jabs were fun, after I wrote my last post we had screaming all day, he was not a happy boy and has only just stopped crying now. I hope when he wakes up he is feeling better.
Poor little man. Jabs are the worst!

I found out I was pregnant on 28th August. Can't believe it's been nearly a year since I found out about her!

Aww bless him. It seems crazy from Our worried first weeks to now.

Weird thing just happened I won a bid on ebay on a cute dress 12-18 months for anya next year.... and my mum pops round with the exact same dress she just brought for anya 12-18 months for next year!
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I'm so in love with my SNS it's untrue!!! Eleanor has had three feeds at the breast today and two by bottle. I can't believe how much difference a thin piece of plastic tube has made to my success breastfeeding!! I'm feeling so good about it that I might even have a go in public with it!! I think I'll start at the local breastfeeding group to ease me in gently and build my confidence in a breastfeeding friendly environment. Really wish I'd found out about it sooner but I guess it's better late than never.

This time last year I was wondering if I was pregnant or not as I'd had a faint line on a cheapie but my frer was negative.

Haha Ery, my dad and sister both bought G the exact same sleepsuit.

Great news Emily, sounds like a real success.

I can't believe we are here, this last year has been such a huge lot of emotion and it still feels surreal at times. I find it hard to believe I have a little boy sometimes it just seems like a dream.
I still can't believe I have Eleanor sometimes.

Sitting here now and thinking back to all those months peeing on sticks, the disappointment, the elation, the heartache, the repetition, the blood tests, the scans, the worry and so on. And.... Now she's here. It seems like a lifetime ago now.

Yea. Thi's point last yr I thought af was arriving early again I was pissed off in 2 days I'll get my bfp it feels worth all the heartache now. But geez I felt broken back then. Good job I'm stubborn and determined lol. I remember spending hours on the bathroom peeing on everything I could then spending hours looking at every test I did that month just in case I missed a bfp then the photos!!. I still have my tests lol. I dont think I believed them until the birth lol
Haha I have mine too. I think I thought if I got rid of them it would all go wrong. Don't know why I thought that as I still have the positive tests from my mcs and keeping them clearly didn't help. Funny the things we get in our heads.

My little gorgeous is much better now. This was by far the worst he has felt after jabs.
Hi all. Hope olly is OK missy. Well done Emily xx

I've not been doing great. I feel like everything that's happened is just too much at the moment and daisy is just so frantic all the time I don't get a break. My oh is trying to be supportive but he works so he's tired when he gets home. He wanted us to go to a festival this weekend but I don't want to go as I'm hardly coping at home let alone trekking across England to stay in a field in a caravan for a few days! He's going to go on his own instead. So now I'm dreading my weekend. I basically dread most days now as awful as that sounds. People keep telling me it gets better, or that daisy will be less intense in time but I'm not so sure! I tried to go back to work recently (from home) but she doesn't like sleeping and prefers screaming so I don't get a moment to myself, or if I do its to grab some water or a wash. So I've decided to wait until she's old enough for nursery and luckily I have my oh to support me til then, as long as our relationship lasts. I think he's getting a bit tired of how crazy this has all been and how I seem to pull it together some days then fail miserably on other days!

I've got a drs appointment Friday and hoping they'll refer me for sterilisation. I'm terrified of getting pregnant again so we're just not having sex for now.

I can't help but feel broken by everything, and really sad that this has all been so negative. I can't help but wish just a bit of this journey had been easier. I feel like I'm missing out on the enjoyment of having a baby. I know it's not meant to be easy but if it was like this for everyone no one would have multiple children! Sorry for the negativity. I probably won't be on here for a while because I don't want to just moan and seem ungrateful. We've all been through such hard times to get our babies and I feel awful but I just want to take a break for a day or two to get my thoughts in order! Xx

I have days like this Betty! Things are getting worse with my ex. We're fighting about child support and visits etc. I'm hoping it won't end up in court, but maybe it will.

I've also been having the worry and anxiety! Yesterday I was on the train and some young lads were stood next to Owen's pram. I kept thinking what I would do if they threw acid in the pram(?!). I'm getting a little paranoid about something happening to him. Probably because everything has been shit so far, and he is so lovely and innocent. It would be the end for me.

He's doing well at the moment. Lots of smiles and giggles. He's trying to talk a lot and his neck is getting stronger. He's also grabbing and holding things.
One year ago today I peed on a cb st lunch at work.... I took a photo hubby couldn't see the line on his crappy phone but you girls could! At least I'm not alone with the tests lol. I thought I was being weird. I kept checking those tests even with a bump so big I couldn't see my toes as proof I was pregnant lol. And now here she is wriggling on my knee refusing her nap lol. We were watching game of thrones last bight and someone said the word brother and she sated looking and squeeling for her big Bro lol. She's definitely starting to understand a few words lol. She been grasping her toys this week and started to enjoy her play mat. She's crafty though I had my phone out on home screen and I was watching TV. When I looked at her somehow she was placing a bid for £47 on a baby girls 12-18 month black and white dress lol. (It's not completely amazing I had been looking at 12-18 month dresses earlier that day lol)

I hope things don't get so bad that you end up in court hun x these bubs are so innocent I think the worry something crazy will happen is normal. At least I do it with everyone I love or maybe I'm weird!
We've ballsed up our shared leave. For some reason my work think I finished mat leave week commencing 11th sept meaning my first day back in work is the 18th Sept. But it was supposed to be week ending Sept 11th meaning my first day at work would be the 12th. So annoying as now we can't change what day at at hubby would start shared leave and even if we could we can't as his snip is Sept 12th and he's banking on having time off after it! Just means I should have had another week off full pay. So technically my first week back I could have been sat at home on exactly the same money. Gutted.
Thanks snowbee. The flight wasn't too bad, especially considering it was Ryanair. Stanstead airport was complete chaos though. Security took ages, and that was after walking through. Not sure I ever want to take nappies again. They scanned and rescanned. But Aidan seemed to enjoy it all. He didn't sleep much as he seems to be a lot like me in that he doesn't want to miss anything. He slept about 30 mins on the plane. The landing was priceless. It was really foggy, which led to a hard landing that surprised everyone, even me and I was watching. Aidan's face was priceless. And then the Ryanair music and announcement. His face was like, what is that? We wish we would've filmed it. Ireland is great. B&B guests are gone now, so it's just the fam, which is nice. We've had quite a few visitors, and he loves the attention.

Aidan isn't rolling yet. 3 months is still a little early. I get the impression from others that it generally happens around 4 months. Aidan does try regularly. He can roll over in the bed, but he hasn't done it on the floor. He gets his lower half turn over, but when he goes for the big push to get over that shoulder, his legs then take him backwards. He gets frustrated. He does love sitting up though. If you hold him on you lap and have him lying back against you, he sits up. Still very wobbly, but he does his baby crunches. I put him in a baby seat at a friends house to see how he'd manage. Not too bad, but he kept trying to eat the toy, putting mouth to toy rather than grabbing wit his hands.


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That sucks, Ery.

I need to email my work. I'm extending my to the full year. I know it's another 13 weeks without pay, but I think it's best for us. I need to resign anyway. Love the job, but I don't want to be spending 3 hours a day commuting. Even going back just 3 days a week, that means no morning time or evening time with my son. I'd have to leave around 7am when he gets up and then I'd get home around 7pm, an hour for bath and sleep time. We'd have to get him up earlier to take him to a childminders and my dw wouldn't get mornings with him then either and she doesn't get home until around 7-8pm as well. Will look for work locally. Plus, I'm finally getting my DL here, so by the time mat leave ends we'll have a car. This will allow me to look in Bromley and parts of Kent for work as well and drive opposite the traffic.

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