May 2017 Mummies

Betty is she still struggling reflux wise? I honestly did not enjoy Imogen one bit until she started solids. I dreaded everyday. All she did was scream and scream and scream it was like she was a bomb waiting to go off. She would wake up screaming and I'd feed her and put her in swing and when she stopped screaming she slept and I crept around the house knowing the minute she woke up it would be non stop screaming. for hours. It just goes on and on and on doesn't it. My husband had 2 seperate weeks off work using his holiday as I said he needed to be off. The only way I still wanted and want another is because my friend who went through it said her second baby didn't have reflux at all and I just clung onto that and the fact she said it would stop. I felt so guilty for not enjoying her after years of wanting her. Reflux babies are such hard work!!!She is so easy now compared. She only cries when overtired. I know some people who have newborns who only cry when hungry or tired etc and it seems so crazy! I would of loved a newborn like that. Imogen used to have Calpol most days she was in so much pain ,gaviscon and ranitidine did nothing for her reflux. We had some success on omeprazole and carobel thickener. But even so shed be hysterical in pain so needed Calpol. Will never forget what it was like watching my baby in pain all day everyday. a few people mentioned PND to me but it was just the fact I had a baby that screamed all day everyday that made me feel down! Reflux babies aren't general newborns it's defo not like it for everyone so you shouldn't feel guilty for moaning. Everytime I felt guilty for moaning I just thought to myself how surely no one wants to see their baby suffer all.the.time. Lots of mums I knew cried at babies 8 weeks injections. I just said "oh that sounds exactly like what she does all day everyday but injection day was easier because she had 3 doses of Calpol and was in less pain reflux wise." Think that's when i realised just how much pain the poor thing was in. Anyway just wanted to let you know it's totally valid everything you feel and you shouldn't apologise for it. It really does get better I promise.. i never believed anyone who said that either!Going to message you this on fb as well in case you do come off here for a bit lol. xx

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Aw thank you. I've been wondering lately about going back to the gp for her too, maybe get her on some other medication. I bought some calpol the other day but don't want to give it to her unless it's really necessary, but now you've said that I might try her with some this evening. I do think the root of all problems is the reflux....

She's waking now so I have to go...I do the same tiptoeing when she does finally sleep and dread it when she wakes! And I feel so awful for feeling like that!

Oh and - I didn't menace I'm leaving pf permanently sorry everyone! Don't panic! Just feel so bad for moaning but you're all so lovely and supportive, thank you...maybe we should all actually meet one day!!! Xx
Can you get a telephone consultation rather than having to go to the surgery? That being said, as much as it'll be stressful and not nice for you, it might be good for your gp to see how bad daisy is and what you have to contend with each day. Might help them to take you more seriously? If you're not taking Daisy then take a video of her. Be totally honest about everything, mention the wasp thing as an example (maybe write it down so you don't forget?) Don't feel embarrassed or ashamed of how you're feeling hun and make it clear to the gp what you want and need to happen.

What is she on atm for the reflux? I would definitely go back! Don't feel bad about the Calpol.. I felt bad as didn't want to give it unless I had to but if they're in pain it's justifiable to give it. I just tried to save it for when her screams were especially piercing.
Does she scream in the bath?? One place Imogen didn't scream was the swimming pool. We take her and have always taken her twice a week so it was like 2 evenings of it being ok. Then she was usually okay that night too. Maybe the warm water of the baby pool felt soothing to her or something! Is Daisys cot tilted and all that? xxx

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Imogen was super fidgity too that's another reflux symptom.

Make sure when you mention to the GP about your anxiety that you have videos of Daisy screaming etc. Just so they know that part isnt your anxiety and she really is struggling a lot. I took quite a few diff videos and showed my gp them xx

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She's on infant gaviscon but it only seems to take the edge off now and sometimes doesn't seem to work at all. I hope she's better when she's on solids.. I'm counting down the days! She likes baths but I'm not sure I'm confident enough to take her to a swimming pool as much as I'd love to.

I've just had two nights of no sleep due to her fidgeting all night. I do all I can - she sleeps propped up and sometimes on her side too. I stay up so she can sleep upright on me after a night feed too. And after getting medication to help me lactate she's doesn't like breastfeeding anymore because it hurts so she's formula fed now except the occasional little feed when she's on top form. Xx
Rachel, I haven't mentioned it to him as he doesn't take critism well and that will annoy me even more.

Betty, I wouldn't worry about it being due to a disability, it is likely just that she is uncomfortable. My son has severe autism and there was no indication in that sense when he was a baby. He was very content. If she is on formula it could possibly be an intolerance to it, maybe some special milk prescribed by GP could help? My friends son was always in pain and struggled massively. He was put on special milk and was so much better.
It would be lovely to all meet up wouldn't it, all the May Mummies :) xx
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She's on infant gaviscon but it only seems to take the edge off now and sometimes doesn't seem to work at all. I hope she's better when she's on solids.. I'm counting down the days! She likes baths but I'm not sure I'm confident enough to take her to a swimming pool as much as I'd love to.

I've just had two nights of no sleep due to her fidgeting all night. I do all I can - she sleeps propped up and sometimes on her side too. I stay up so she can sleep upright on me after a night feed too. And after getting medication to help me lactate she's doesn't like breastfeeding anymore because it hurts so she's formula fed now except the occasional little feed when she's on top form. Xx
oooh okay in that case I recommend carobel so much!! It's a thickener but worked so much better for us than gaviscon and you can adjust the radio etc to get the right thickness. Some doctors prescribe and some dont so worth calling the doctor! if not you can get off Amazon:)
I'd say she defo needs to try ranitidine next and if not then omeprazole. Gaviscon for them is just a thickener in their stomach. Fingers crossed she will be a lot better on more meds :). xx

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Lisey is there a way you can ask him to help more without it sounding like criticism? For example make him feel good about a task or that it makes you happy when he does certain things, positive reinforcement? I'm rubbish at asking for help so maybe not the best advice!

I'll see what the Dr says about an alternative milk and see if they can prescribe that and carobel and see what they say about other meds. It's good to know that fidgeting is normal, I can only assume it's because she's in pain.

Whereabouts are we all in the country? I'm in the southwest. I'd be up for meeting one day if only to thank you all in person, also it would be amazing for all the babies to meet! It would be great if it's achievable! Xx
I'm mid wales if anyone is ever passing by.

Hope you can get something that helps her Betty, sounds awful for her.

My little man met his first fellow small person this week, he was fascinated until she poked him in the eye! Poor little mite!
I could try that betty. I would have to say it when I am not feeling wound up so that it comes out right.

I am in London xx
I'm in Manchester. So sorry I've missed you're troubles hun I've just been so busy at home I've not had time to come on here as much as I'd like. Reflux babies are hard as hell my son was one. Luckily at that time I was living with my mum and dad so 4 adults who could give him undivided attention and thus lots of breaks for all of us. I was a efflux baby too my mum said I was a nightmare! I've been very lucky with anya she's a very happy content little girl she just loves happy changes so will cry just for that at times sometimes it's basically just a fart she's done!. My mat leave is nearly up but there is no way I can work standing up for more than an hour kills my hips and belly. I'm dreading going back. My hips click and snap and crun as I move it's bloody awful sounds! I need to find an at home job but it's just so tricky. I don't even mind taking a pay cut. I just can't do such a physical job anymore it's making me depressed thinking about going back. I also get the intrusive thoughts but mine are more along the lines of panicking about breaking her neck or arm or something. She slid off my chest and bent her arm back a bit and I couldn't get the angle right to pick her up fast enough and now I'm super paranoid about her arms!

Must admit my oh is fantastic too sorry girls! He actually asks to change her. I think coz she has two main loves in life feeding and nappy changes. He can't feed her so takes every opportunity to make her smile at changing time! I'm a bit jealous he can get her to sleep without feeding her but he can walk around with her for half fn hour where I cant.

Heck even if I wanted another kid I think my body would just crumple!!!! My good news of the day story though... I got my wedding vnd engagement rings back on yay!!!
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Daisy loves changing time too, I get smiles out of her then. I spoke this morning about me getting sterilised to oh again, and his reply was but what if you want another one in 7 years! For one thing I'd be 40 and for another...just no! In fact I'd really love to have another but now have this ingrained fear of dying and don't want to leave daisy without a mummy. My oh saw I was in a bad way last night and had daisy in another room overnight even though he had to work today. So I feel much better today, amazing what a good night's sleep will do. So I take back not coming on here for a while, but I will try not to complain so much. I feel so bad complaining when I have such a beautiful and amazing daughter.

Maybe when I'm feeling more like leaving the house I might arrange a meet with those closer. Emily you live near my in laws- they are in Devon. And snowbee we sometimes come into Wales for a day as it's such a beautiful place and we are on the south border. Not sure I'd make it to London any time soon though :/ xx
I have. Imy starting physiotherapy for it in a week or two. I get good days and bad days. Today I'm not so bad yesterday I was awful!
I made my completed family floating pendant today. I first made one in the height of my depression after one of my miscarriage. I finally get to make the one celebrating both my children.
In it there is a C for my son an A for my daughter an angel wing for my angels some baby feet for my babies a heart saying I love you and 4 beads in the miscarriage association colours for my 4 angel babies.


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Thank you x. I thought it's about time I do stuff with all my craft items. I have a serious craft and stationary addiction. But I never know what to do with the stuff I get every now and then inspiration will strike and at least I usually have the stuff to make what I need lol.
The tubing for my homemade SNS arrived today. Just given little miss her second feed on it. She took three and a half ounces of formula at the breast plus whatever breast milk she got from me! She has just gone back on now for more! This really could be the thing that keeps our breast feeding going!! Just a thin piece of plastic tubing!! :-)


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