May 2017 Mummies

I'm not gonna ask, Ery!....

Hmmm yeah, one year since conception. It changed my whole life.
Hey girls, just to let you know we are home from hospital now. All tests were negative so they reckon it's just some sort of virus although he's still getting temp. This is day 6 of fever! He's much better in himself than he was at the start though so fingers crossed he will get over it in the next couple of days xx
Glad you are home hun and that your little man is starting to get better.

It's horrible when they're poorly, let alone when they're poorly enough to need hospital :-(

Hey girls, just to let you know we are home from hospital now. All tests were negative so they reckon it's just some sort of virus although he's still getting temp. This is day 6 of fever! He's much better in himself than he was at the start though so fingers crossed he will get over it in the next couple of days xx

So glad he is on the mend now. What a stressful time it must have been for you all, hope you're doing ok too xx
So glad all the tests are clear. I hope he's on the mend soon. Never nice when little ones are poorly. And lol dovekie it was still in a hotel room not in legoland itself lol.
Aww missy, that sounds horrible, but so glad all tests were okay.

I was telling my dw at the beginning of the month that this time last year we were at the Wildernesses festival, our last holiday before ttc. And on this day last year I did my first insemination. I never really thought it would work, but Aidan was just meant to join us! It's crazy.

My best friend gave birth yesterday! She swore it was a boy but it was a girl, so that's 3 daughters and 2 mothers. She was texting me throughout her early labour to help keep her mind off of it. Her little girl arrived 5 hrs after her waters broke. I got all emotional when she rang me with the news. They now have one that looks like each genetic makeup, one like her, one like her wife and one like the donor. Crazy.

We are off to Ireland a week from tomorrow. His grandparents are so excited! I'm worried I'll miss something or my car seat might get damaged or he'll be extremely fussy on the flight. Taxi at 4:30am, so ill feed him just before and then we get to the airport around 5:45am and our flight is at 7:55am. With checking in luggage we don't want to risk things with Ryanair. Then we can grab breaky too.
hi girls i havent been on for ages ive been up and down
arias really unsettled shes literally cried all day till bed time :( really dont know whats wrong with her. she doesnt really sleep in the day so i thought it was over tiredness but i dont know ive really struggled today :(
Awe hun. The days like that can be really hard. If you're worried you can always speak to your health visitor. There are bugs flying around at the moment. A week after anyas jabs and I'm poorly again lol. At least we don't have to gave thus bloody live virus again!
I've ordered a special treat for myself.... the Dyson hairdryer! It's arriving on Monday. I'm going to have a bath and then dey my hair with it. There is a leak somewhere under my bath we have mushrooms! Who knows what the heck we are going to do about that!
shes been better today ive been giving her a nap every 2 hours. i think its tiredness and frustration that she wants to do more. i bought her a bumbo today so she can sit up. she only sleeps for half hour at a time in the day
Nikki, Sophie is like that. Short little naps, usually when in the car. She is quite a light sleeper, I can't get much done at all. Hope you're feeling better xx
Eleanor only has short naps throughout the day. I have to run round like a mad woman to try and get stuff done!

I'm so happy and proud of myself! I decided I'd try and freeze all my expressed milk in the hopes of getting a full or at least half feed of mummy's milk for her. Decided to defrost it yesterday as I'd filled all my pots (been using little weaning pots) and see if I had the 3 oz I'd hoped for and....

8!!! 8oz!!! Those few mls each time have added up to 8 bloody ounces!!

It's taken a month mind you! Lmao!! Started it on 22/07!! But who cares! I split it into 2 x 4 oz bottles to ensure it wouldn't be wasted and she had one last night and one this morning with a couple of oz top up after.

:-) :dance: :-) :dance:



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This time five years ago, I was just over half an hour away from giving birth to Cam!

Little man is still asleep though! Lol! Thought he'd be up early for presents!!

Have also ordered some tubing to do a home made SNS. Not sure how successful we'll be as she's reluctant to nurse a lot of the time now, but we'll give it a bash and see how it goes!

Thats great Emily, hope Cam enjoys his day.

We are currently going through the 4 month sleep regression...oh the joys!! xx
Me and Eleanor have had a chat and we've decided to skip the sleep regression! Lol!

I should have thought about having this chat but she is too busy waking me up all night to listen!! I wonder if I'll ever sleep again lol xx
What is SNS? Congrats on the milk! That is loads! How much does she drink in a feed? I need to express some as I'm out for the night in a couple of weeks and I don't know how much to leave my oh.

Eeek lisey I've got my fingers crossed we can skip that. How much sleep are you getting?
Has anyone seen any sleepsuits with feet but not arms and with full length poppers? We were given one as a gift and I would like another but so far not been able to find any.
Don't think I've seen any like that hun, sorry.

She takes between 4-6 oz a feed, so it took me a month to express a a feed basically! Lol!

SNS is a supplemental nursing system. It's basically a very thin tube that you tape to your nipple and the other end is in a bottle of formula so she can receive formula while nursing rather than from a bottle. I'm not sure how successful we'll be with it as she's so reluctant to nurse properly and also if it's a ball ache then I'll not bother either!

I haven't seen those snowbee but will let you know if I come across anything like that.
She has had nights where she is waking hourly to 2 hourly! Exhausting. I can get her back to sleep with a little comfort on some of the waking but not all. I think they all go through the 4 month regression as it's about their sleep patterns changing, they experience lighter and rem sleep so easier for them to wake. Hopefully won't be as troublesome for all of you as it is for us. Sophie is also teething though so think that is contributing to it xx

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