May 2017 Mummies

I just lol-ed at that Emily and nearly woke anya up! We still use the baby bath she loves it. Not used any or duct at all bar a tiny bit of baby oil when her skin was dry and sudocrem. She just squealed with delight in her sleep lol.
Anya without fail 3 times now has been mega sick on her red skeepsuit I got it out yesterday and age looked s worried by it I had to put it away lol.
Aww, the noises they make are so cute. Owen squeals and sometimes smiles and giggles.

Do you think it's ok to let Owen sleep in a different room? He has done for weeks now, but he's not 3 months yet. I'd never get any sleep otherwise. The room is just opposite mine with doors open so I can hear him.
Oh I'm sure he's OK. I wouldn't be able to sleep without her in my room lol! They recommend first 6 months in the same room as the parent but every baby us different and I think it's more important you both get sleep rather than where you sleep!
Aww, the noises they make are so cute. Owen squeals and sometimes smiles and giggles.

Do you think it's ok to let Owen sleep in a different room? He has done for weeks now, but he's not 3 months yet. I'd never get any sleep otherwise. The room is just opposite mine with doors open so I can hear him.

It's up to you where you have him sleep really. They do recommend first six months in same room but it's whatever works for the individual. Sophie will likely be in with us for a year or more as we don't have a spare room for her but I am ok with that, I think she will end up in our bed and OH on the floor lol xx
I did it girls!! 3 months breastfeeding!! Not exclusively I know but but regardless!! Yay!! In fact having been on strike for the last few days, she is currently nursing!! I'm so happy!! (As in sure you can tell by my excessive use of exclamation marks!lol!)

I genuinely never thought we'd get to this point but through weight loss, jaundice, low supply, inability to pump, hand expressing mere mls, endless supplements and numerous nursing strikes, we've done it :-)



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And as a special treat, there's some pics of me with my baps out and one of my face!

I'm glad it's not measured in ounces, as Owen had about 2 from me, through a syringe! :( I'm glad you made your goal - you tried so hard! X
That's great Emily and the pics are beautiful xx
Thanks so much girls! I'm so happy and feeling very proud of myself!

I'm not setting any more targets because when I thought I want going to make it, I felt like such a failure. I'm just going to take each day at a time and go with what my girly wants. She nursed this morning when she was half asleep but then even she woke up fully she just wanted a bottle. I was so chuffed though because when she unlatched she either had a mouthful of milk or brought a little bit back up and seeing as how she'd not feed since 10 last night, it's definitely my milkies!! :-)

It's such a good feeling seeing the milk you made dribble down the chin etc lol
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Well it is and it isn't!

I'm like yaaay look at my milkies and then I'm like aaargh don't bloody waste it!! Lmao!!!

Aaah we are having a rubbish day. Oli not been well since tea time yesterday so took him to docs and they called the helicopter to take us to hospital! They don't know what's wrong with him but are probably going to do a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. I'm by myself here and just want to cry!! Xx
Oh sweetheart I'm sorry he's poorly :-(

Cam had to have a lumbar puncture when he was a day old to rule out meningitis.

I really hope it's not that and that it's just a little bug.

Big hugs hun and make sure you look after yourself too. Eat and drink as an exhausted mummy will be no good to your little man.

Oh gosh missyeovil, what a worry. I hope it's not that and they are just being cautious. Hope he is better soon xx
Aaah we are having a rubbish day. Oli not been well since tea time yesterday so took him to docs and they called the helicopter to take us to hospital! They don't know what's wrong with him but are probably going to do a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. I'm by myself here and just want to cry!! Xx
Oh gosh hope he's OK.both my cousins have had meningitis. It's scary but they are both OK. She caught it as a baby and her bRotherham caught ithe in his 30's. But both are OK. X hope it's something different and non serious though!

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