May 2017 Mummies

So that's Eleanor's second set of jabs done. Nothing like as bad as the first thank goodness but I'm not looking forward to the next ones as it's all three again :-( poor bubba.

I'm feeling all stressed out today (not really sure why) so going to take it easy and put my feet up and snuggle with my babies and sod everything else!!

Going to get Eleanor weighed tomorrow and then take Cam to soft play. Then at the weekend we're off to the zoo for Cam's birthday :-)

Lumbar puncture looking clear under microscopes but still waiting for cultures on that and the blood tests. They think it's probably just a virus but are keeping him on antibiotics until the cultures are all back just in case. He slept quite well last night but has been feeling pretty sorry for himself this morning but he did perk up for half an hour so fingers crossed he is getting better!xx
Hope he's back on the mend soon. I'm going back and transgenic all my posts to a had written diary of my pregnancy I'm cute try up to sept 19th so long ago!
Oh and we found a mushroom growing from our wall this morning under where the bath is!
How are your babies sleeping now? Last night Owen went to bed around 9, then fed at 2.30, then 6.30 when we just got up. This doesn't happen every night, but it's hopefully getting more regular.

He's full of smiles and gurgles now. He's also grabbing and holding stuff. It's fascinating watching his development :)
Sophie can be a terrible sleeper. Sometimes wakes up every hour and a half but can sometimes get her back to sleep by just comforting her by cot. I think she just wants me.
Watching them grow and develop is amazing xx
Anya has good night's and bad. Last night she woke at 4. Didn't cry just was lay there eyes open so we watched a space program together had a feed. Had a bit of a play then she fell asleep on my chest at 6.
Eleanor has only had like two night feeds in the last couple of weeks. She stirs over night and sort of shuffles about in her bed, rubs her face and snuffles and grunts but she's not awake and if I give her a dummy she settles right down again. I figure she can't be hungry if she drops back off to sleep and she's gained weight in the last month and is still tracking her centile perfectly, so all is good as far as I'm concerned.

She eats and crashes out at around eight ish. I then give her a dream feed just before we go to bed and then she'll wake any time between six and eight the following morning. I'm still up to pop her dummy in a few times a night and then feed her on the odd occasion but I can't complain.

She's currently having a really good nursing session :love: and latched while she was wide awake too! Previously she's only gone on when she's been sleepy. I love it when she nurses, it makes me feel so content.

Awww so happy for you hun x .
Anya's got a teether it says on it Sophie Le giraffe. I thought of you lisey
Oh just need to add a note to self: last Tuesday we took any to see her great grandma in the nusing home and on the 12th she was at her hopefully friends 1st birthday and today I brought her adummy wonder how that will go!
Awww so happy for you hun x .
Anya's got a teether it says on it Sophie Le giraffe. I thought of you lisey

Someone got that for us :) she won't chew it though even though I am sure she is teething. Hands are better, she is so fussy, dribbly and hands are constantly in her mouth. She just won't settle, supposed to be going to a wedding reception tomorrow but don't know if we'll be able to go xx
Any likes hers bit still prefers her hand lol. I'm sure you'll be fine at the wedding maybe during quiet bits stand near a door so yu can take her out if needed but babies are always welcome at weddings in my opinion.
We're only going to the reception bit but she is so unsettled I am worried well get all ready, go and have to leave straight away xx
I had to take Harper with me to my nail appointment this morning (not solely a nail salon and only one nail technician so doesn't stink of chemicals). I was worried she'd kick off but she sat happily, smiling away for the full hour.

Missy I hope Oli is ok.

Congrats Emily! I'm pleased you made you goal :)

We have been using baby bubble bath for a while, he has mixed feelings about the bath and the bubbles! I was going to take him swimming this summer but his dad is super busy at work and doesn't want to miss his first time and I think he would be better if he is happier in the bath first, so we are leaving it a little longer.

He is 16 weeks old now, where the heck is the time going?! It has now been over a year since he was conceived too! Not many more days and we will have known about him for a year, wow. He has really changed a lot the last two weeks, he is much bigger, really chatty and finding he can make noises. He is very nearly sitting up on his own too. He also now doesn't need holding all the time and is happy to be put down on his play mat and do his own thing for a little while. I'm a bit sad about that haha, sometimes when he cried now he just wants putting down rather than cuddling :( He will be all grown up before I know it!
I found out I was pregnant with Eleanor on 28th August. Over the years that date is also when my Lil RB was due and also when we found out we'd lost our Lil Bug. Talk about mixed emotions!!

It's crazy, this time last year we were just about the begin this epic journey to our baby's. Yesterday (last year obv) is when we had our embryos put in. I feel so lucky to have her, she is my little treasure xx

took little miss to doctors today as was worried that I was saying she was teething and it could be something else, I didn't want to be dismissive, turns out she is teething, doctor can feel top ones. Will be crazy to see her with little toothy pegs xx
Oh wow crazy! Yea last year we were in legoland and which im pretty sure us where we convinced lol. The most awkward unsexy quickest to the point boinking we've ever dome :rofl: worked though!
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