May 2017 Mummies

My hair. It just needs touching up at the back and evening out a tad.


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Oooh that's very cool!!

My parents own their own company and hubby works for them. It's a print finishing company. Not something I'm particularly interested in but it'll pay the bills and then some.

Apparently there's a leap at 12 weeks and a growth spurt at 3 months so a challenging time for these little bubbas of ours (and for us too!lol!) So that would account for the clingy behaviour we're experiencing.

So, washing done, beds made and upstairs tidied, jungle of a garden grass cut and majority weeded! Eleanor slept and I went on a mission! Just fed her and having a snuggle and then going to tidy up downstairs and then bake cakes with my little man.

I totally forgot that she had her jabs today but we made it! I know all about the print industry lol my dad's worked in it for years and writes programs for ink management and colour perfection.
Oh wow! I know bugger all about it! Lol!

Eleanor's jabs are next Tuesday. Hope she'll be OK after as she was so upset the evening of her first ones. Going to make sure I get all my chores done on Monday so that I'm available for snuggles all day.

I'm feeling very accomplished today! Domestic goddess extaordinaire! House work etc all done so quality time with my little people this afternoon :-)

Emily, the next lots of jabs are not as bad. Just one injection and no meningitis vaccine which is the one that causes the temperature. Sophie was fine after hers. I am dreading the next ones though as it's a repeat of the first lot. Just awful!!
You really are a domestic goddess today! :) I literally feel like all I do is wash, dry and fold clothes. As soon as she sleeps (which is not often) I rush to the washing basket! Xx
Eleanor has rolled from her back to her front three times tonight! Clever girly! I guess all this is from her clingy leap behaviour! It's tough learning new things.

Look at how cute!!!!



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Aww I think rolling is a long way off for anya she will be sitting up before she's rolling I think lol. Weird how babies born on the same say have different agendas already! She had a proper giggle today too she loves funny noises and fart sounds. She's also learned to tolerate my singing as Im just not stopping lol she even sighed at me yesterday lol.
Aww, she's gorgeous Emily.

I'm shedding hair too! Just like I was before pregnancy I suppose.

Owen is quite clingy through the day, but at night he sleeps in a different room and just seems to accept it - until he wants fed!


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Im so not ready for her to go in another room yet lol (aside from the fact the cot us still at my parents house lol)
These babies are too cute. Sophie looked at the pics with me and she looked impressed with the beautiful may bubbas xx
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I found a black and white shape book never seen anya go from grump to super excited so quick lol. It's got things like black and white swirl's basic faces spots wavy lines squares and circles in it.
Out of curiosity when are people introducing things like bubble bath to their babies? Anya loves bathis time do.much I'm dying to see how she reacts to bubbles!
I'm trying to sort Eleanor's cradle cap before I do bubbles etc. Atm she only has the yellow Johnsons body wash and dentonox cradle cap shampoo. I don't see why you couldn't try bubbles now though. We've not got a bath so she only has her little baby bath.

Eleanor hasn't laughed or giggled properly yet but she's sounded close a couple of times. She prefers to stand rather than sit down.

The boys are all heading off camping tonight so it's just me and my little lady. Going to treat myself to a Chinese takeaway!! Nom nom nom! Can't wait!! Need to decide what film to watch too. I love horror films but not sure that's such a good idea when I'm home alone and have to get up in the wee hours with a baby! Lol!

I'll have to do the thing where you turn the downstairs light off and run up the stairs as fast as you can! Lmao!!

I haven't used bubbles yet, just bodywash.

Owen giggles a bit and smiles loads. The cutest thing is he tries to talk to me and his little tongue quivers.


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I forgot to say, I'm clearing the cradle cap by washing it every day and applying oil twice a day - after washing and at night. It's nearly gone.
What cuties :)

Emily, you are braver than me, I can't watch horror films, I can't believe people are so excited about the remake of IT, that clown made me scared to go into my bathroom for ages lol

I don't use bubble bath but put some of her body wash in the bath water as I am running it, I only use really gentle organic stuff though as she had such dry skin for the first weeks. I got organic coconut oil to use on her cradle cap (works wonders) and then used on her skin too, has made a massive difference, smells nice too. I got rid of her baby bath last week and got the anglecare seat for the bath, oh my goodness, she loves it so much. She didn't like the baby bath really and often seemed uncomfortable or cried, as soon as I put her in the bath seat and she started splashing, she was in her element! We are going to take her swimming soon.

I have been trying to encourage Sophie to roll on to her side, she can do it as I have seen her but she hasn't done it that often. She is not keen on laying down though!! Tried some tummy time the other day (she doesn't like that either) and she is definitely getting stronger despite the fact she doesn't have tummy time that often xx
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Yes, I use coconut oil too. Sometimes a lotion. I've got the Angelcare bath thing but only used it once. My Mam convinced me to just hold him and he loves it. Usually just in my bath. I want to get something soft for the bottom though, so it's more comfortable.
Eleanor has got this rolling thing nailed! The second I put her down she rolls over, then promptly gets angry! She just rolled over and then puked and then face planted in it and then got really angry! Bless her!


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