May 2017 Mummies

The past week she's gone down around 9/10 and woke around 2/3 for a long feed then she'll wake at 4 5 and 6 then nap til around 8 then she'll want breakfast at 9/10 then she'll have her morning nap til around 12/1 then it's pretty random when she feeds until 9 again!
Yes was on their website but can't see the actual age now just the overview, no idea what I clicked on to get it, I think it also says the same on John Kewis and Mothercre. As far as I can see every pushchair says the same even if they have a lay flat mode, which I am confused about. I have seen it is 2 hours max for car seats (30 mins for a newborn) so I don't know if in pushchair mode it would be similar?
Ery, Sophie is similar with the night feeds these past few days, sleeps for about 4 hours on first sleep only night then wakes every 1-2 hours. Last night was every hour!! I think her gums are sore though, rosy cheeks, dribble and frantically trying to chew everything!
It's strange isn't it snowbee, if it lays flat then I don't see what difference it is to the carrycot. Maybe they say it so people won't put them in the seat unit and have them in the upright position which obv isn't safe. I have emailed silver cross to ask. We are never out for too long anyway, an hour at a time really as it's usually walking the dog of popping to shops etc xx
Anya is also very drooly and chewy but she's been like that since birth! So I doubt it's teeth related. She was up every hour last night too but had a stuffy nose!
Maybe it's a growth spurt to the extra feeds? I hope so anyway as hard to be up so much!!
I think it's her teeth, she is frantic about chewing and chomping on things, my son started teething around 3 months too, it is early bit obv happens xx
If your son teethed early maybe Sophie will too. My son was fairly late on that front. Mind you I'm a 31 and still jot got my wisdom teeth so maybe it's in the genes lol. Though my son looks like me a lot and anya looks like daddy. But neither of us have ginger hair or dimples...... lol.
I've just ordered a pregnancy journal and baby's first year journal. I'm going to have to go back through all our hundreds of pages of posts to fill them in lol.
Emily that's good to know, I might up my dose to 30mgs per day as I don't seem to get any milk during the day. I have been losing hair for a couple of weeks now. I normally have thin hair anyway but pregnancy made it lush and thick, now it's thin limp and greasy it's horrible :(

I may have already asked this (baby brain) but does anyone else have really sore joints in their knees and feet? I can hardly move again especially in the mornings. Xx
Betty, I had very sore joints during pregnancy, esp my knees, i could barely move at times. I was really low on iron and the physio said that was the cause. Have you had your iron checked recently? Once I had been on the iron tabs for a while my joints felt so much better xx
After I had Cam I was in agony with my joints. So much so I saw the doctor about it. If I got down on the floor I couldn't get up without crawling to the sofa and using my arms to pull myself up and the stairs were agony! My gp said it was all because of the hormone relaxin still floating around your system. It softens all your joints etc and allows the pelvis to open for birth. My knees are a bit achey this time round but not anything like as bad as last time.

Lisey I was very anaemic but I've just had repeat bloods done and I'm back to normal now :) my kidneys are functioning normally now too so I assume it's probably as Emily says. I'm supposed to be starting teaching fitness classes again soon but if this carries on I'll have to postpone even longer :/ xx
Aidan seems to go longer between feeds during the day now, but it can vary, but around 5pm he starts to feed more frequently, but it's usually because he wants to nap on the boob. We had a very long sleep last night! It took some effort to get him to sleep, but he was out by 10pm and slept until about 5am. I didn't even realise it. I did't check the time when he woke up. I assumed it was 2.30-3, but when I put him down after his feed I saw the light coming in under the curtains. Check the time and it was 5.15am. That was a first. He then woke at 7.15am and came into bed with me for a short feed and cuddles.
My joints have been the same - feet, ankles and my knees. If I get on the floor to change Harper's nappy, I look like an old granny hoisting myself up and limping.

My joints are still bad but yay my physio appointment came through today need to book it tomorrow. Can't wait. Also hubby's snip appointment came through too. On the sane day as my haematology appointment. (And my lumpectomy before it got moved) what's with sept 12th that means all new appointments fall on that date lol.
My hips still bother me. I had issues with my hip flexers pre-pregnancy and spent a few months working with an osteopath and personal trainer to fix the issue and then it reared its ugly head toward the end of the pregnancy. I can't afford trips to the osteopath again, so I'm just doing the stretches from before. My muscles around my left shoulder blade have been ceasing up on occasion, especially when baby wearing. Would love to get that looked at, but don't think I'll get a referral on the NHS, nor would it happen quickly.

Aidan is tryig to roll. Sat, dead on 12 wks, he started to really give it a go. He can spend 20-30 mins on the playmat trying, getting onto his side and the pushing is face into the mat repeatedly to try and get his body to turn. It's so cute. He eventually gets really frustrated.
Anya still thinks she's a grown up and doesn't care much for the mat. She's got a black and white picture book she loves and a little teddy. But she wants to be sat or stood up. And bring changed geez that girl will cry to be changed when she doesn't even need it lol if she catches glimpse of a nappy or changing mat that's it she wants to be changed lol we've had to hide the stuff lol. A nappy bag and she's super excited as that means the wet wipes are coming out lol!

So physio starts on Sept 7th. Sept 12th is haematology and hubby's snip snip. And 19th is my lumpectomy.

I have major issues with my right shoulder kabuki. But it stems from an inflamed nerve on my spine near my neck. I've got exercises that help with it. My hip's have started clicking all the time too. And lifting anything weighty really hurts my hips.

I don't know why I'm kinda sad hubby has his snip snip appointment through. I don't think I could go through pregnancy again or labour both physically financially and space in the house! But also feel that it's end of an era. I dunno mixed emotions. It's what we both want but still seems very permanent.
My hubby hasn't even mentioned organising his snip snip. I'm not going to keep prompting him, he's a grown man and can sort himself!

I do and I don't want another baby. The idea of it is lovely but the reality just isn't practical and obviously although worth every second of heartache, the thought of losses again terrifies me.

Got up early this morning and walked two of my dogs and I'll take the old girl for a potter this evening. They've not been walked much recently (hubby said he would but doesn't) so despite being up at 1.30 with Cam who was scared of ghosts cuz of his dream and then up at 4.30 with little miss for a feed plus times in between just to pop her dummy in, I'm up early to get them out. Mind you it is nice to enjoy a coffee while the kids are still asleep!

I've been up since 4am anya glass snuffles so was only sleeping for 45min at a time. She's happy now though kickING away on her changing mat. The final bit of dye is going on my new hair today it's white and purple and blue now. I'm loving it lol. I think I'm going to continue with my job until may. Then go on an accountant apprenticeship. Work there a few years then hopefully set up on my own or at least partly ARGH! Lol just to make it easy(!)... I think I may also specialise in tax lol
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Oooh how exciting hun!! I've got no idea what's going to happen once my mat leave ends. The plan was to go into the family business but I don't know what I'll do for childcare?! I'm hoping I can maybe work from home doing invoicing etc but we'll see...

Your hair sounds fab!! Deffo need piccys! I toyed with the idea of putting dreads back in mine but I think I'm too mumsy to pull it off now! Lol!

Anyone else's bubba going through a clingy phase? Eleanor doesn't really want to be out down at all and when she is she's only happy for like five minutes and then gets shouty! She's cat napping too and has her best and longest sleeps cuddled up with me. Makes it a nightmare to get anything done. I reeeeeally need to cut the grass today while it's dry and I'm determined to get the house tidied up. I'm a women on a mission. Think I'll have to wear her in the sling though!

I got a Hakka pump and I'm really pleasantly surprised by it. It works on suction and you just suction it onto your boob and leave it to do it's thing. I obviously don't get much from it but I was expecting to get nothing at all to be honest. I'm actually slightly in love with it as it's hands free, just suck it on and go and it does it's thing while I'm doing mine :-) only cost £11.99 too so doesn't break the bank. I would totally recommend it! I mean if it can get milk out of my broken boobs then it's gotta be good! Works best if it's on one boob while baby is feeding off the other but still works even if bubs isn't feeding.

That sounds cool!!! Anya was clingy last week maybe the week before but is getting g better again now. What area is your family business in? Stating home invoicing sounds like a good option!

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