May 2017 Mummies

The cardiac issues noted were in elderly patients receiving it intravenously. To be honest I'm not sure how much breast milk she actually gets from me anyway! I'm thinking that it's not much! Lol!

I may start to wean down off them once we get to three months and do 2 tabs 3 x daily and see how my supply goes.

I'm so glad that it's helped you so much! Now might be a good time to do a nursing vacation etc ( once she's off her strike!) and try and pump as much as you can to really boost your supply further and you might be able to drop more of the top ups if you wanted to that is.

Lisey, I get the same. Aidan is so alert and looks older than he is because of his size too. Plus, his head control has been pretty good for awhile. He chatted away to one doc at his appointment and is already flirting with the midwives.
We went out yesterday for a meal and coffee- slept through the meal but was so alert at the cafe. His head was going every direction. He fights sleep as well (something I always did). I've been helping my very pregnant friend out with her twin girls as her dw prepares for an interview and Aidan loves watching them- does that more than playing with toys when there. It's amazing how quickly they change. Just in the last few days he had become even more talkative and makes quite a few more different sounds. I love it!
Anyone else experiencing the joys of post partum hair loss?
Hey ladies,

I hope you make it to 3 months Emily! I haven't noticed the hair loss yet but I'm waiting for it and as soon as it starts I will be getting a couple of inches chopped off so that it's less difficult to manage. Dont want my shower drain getting clogged haha!

Betty I'm glad breastfeeding is getting better for you! Fingers crossed your supply continues to increase!

Oli is in general a great feeder but he totally refused my left boob for a couple of days last week. He's back to it now but God know what was up! We were away for a couple of days in the city so possibly just a change in routine. We had 3 adults and 4 children staying in 2 hotel rooms so it was a busy couple of days but we did safari park, water park, cinema, bowling and shopping and in general oli was pretty good!

I hope everyone else is well, I read through all the posts I'd missed last night but have forgotten who said what now! I don't seen to have much time atm between children and keeping hubby from having a breakdown. He got a promotion at work and our foundations for our house are going in so life is a bit stressful. This little man makes every thing better though... :) xx


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That's a cheeky little grin if ever I saw one lol
He looks so grown up! I think it must be the hair, they often look older if they have plenty on top!

Emily I am losing a bit of hair, plus the handfuls that the little man tears out everyday... Bit sad as it was looking pretty good, especially as I've not had it cut in years as I've been economising...

G also fights sleep, that is when we have the most screaming, right before he drops off. He has pretty good head control and is very alert and loves to look at everything. He has mixed feelings on his pram, he really wants to sit up and look at everything so gets frustrated when he has to lay down, but still likes a sleep in there when he is tired out.
Misssyeovil, he is just adorable xx

I lose track of what everyone writes too. I am often scrolling with one hand whilst feeding during the night and then cant remember everything i want to respond to when i actually have 2 hands free!!
I don't have any hair loss yet, it's funny as I was just thinking that this eve, I lost loads after having my son so did expect it this time too.

Sophie was hilarious this eve. We swapped the carrycot for the reclining seat in the pushchair (she hates the carrycot). We put her in to try it out and I have never seen a baby so excited by a pushchair lol, legs were going, huge smiles, she loved It!! It lays flat so think it's ok for her, it doesn't say 'use from x months' etc so think it'll be ok. We have had to use the car seat as she wouldn't stay in carrycot so think this will be better anyway xx
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I haven't had hair loss yet and it's still really thick. My hairdresser was reluctant to chop into it to thin it out slightly though as he said it takes 6 months or so for the hair loss to start sometimes.

Think we are going to swap to seat unit soon too lisey as Oli has almost grown out his carrycot! If it reclines fully it's probably suitable from birth xx
I assume it must be ok as surely they would specify. I think it seems more comfortable than the car seat so I am going with it. She just cries in the carrycot and have to walk holding her and pushing the pram so it's pointless xx
Aww I'm dreading swapping to the seat bit anya lover the carrycot bit so much lol she's a weirdo. Loves the carry cot baths and bum changes lol
Have you got the surf lisey? It says suitable from birth to 9kg in carry cot and from 6 months to 15 kg as a pushchair on the silver cross website. I think it is due to the lungs being compacted if they are sitting hunched, which happens if they can't sit up unaided but I am not sure. I guess it depends how long you have them sitting for. G would like to sit up in the pushchair seat but I don't think he is big or strong enough yet. The egg, which we have,has similar guidelines (even though as far as I can see the seat unit tips back to being nearly flat) so not sure if there are any other reasons.
Imogens been in the seat unit since 7 weeks due to her reflux and she was always ok I just reclined it a bit just not fully flat :)

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G is going much longer between feeds now, he hasn't eaten since before lunch. Wondering if he is ok as usually he is always on the boob! Bet he feeds all evening and night to make up for it! I guess his stomach is getting bigger? So can stay full for longer.
I do have the surf snowbee. I didn't see that. Is it on their own site? She s not sitting up in the seat though, she is laid back. I know it's not good for them to be hunched up, same with car seat. I don't know what I will do as she just won't go in carrycot!! New thing to worry about xx
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I just Googled the surf and it said there was a 'newborn mode' with the seat unit which was basically a padded insert and obviously fully reclined. I personally think they are better in the seat unit than a car seat in most cases as they are less hunched, but I guess less snug. Xx
Anya is going for longer through the day without feeds too about 3.5-4hrs then will cluster feed from around 6 - 12 every 90min's or so for 15 min's she's like her mum only hungry when the sun's below the horizon lol.
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I just Googled the surf and it said there was a 'newborn mode' with the seat unit which was basically a padded insert and obviously fully reclined. I personally think they are better in the seat unit than a car seat in most cases as they are less hunched, but I guess less snug. Xx

Why am I not finding any of this info when I am frantically googling lol.
I do agree with you though, she looks far more comfortable in the seat unit than the car seat xx
Anya is going for longer through the day without feeds too about 3.5-4hrs then will cluster feed from around 6 - 12 every 90min's or so for 15 min's she's like her mum only hungry when the sun's below the horizon lol.

That's good. I don't even know how long Sophie goes, doesn't seem to be a set time yet, varies, can be 2 hours and other times could be a little longer. She is a comfort feeder though as she likes the closeness I think.
How often does Anya feed in the night? Xx

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