May 2017 Mummies

Hi all, haven't been on in ages so not really caught up, hope everyone is OK. Hope these I'll babies get better soon. I'm dreading the first illness.

Daisy was weighed last week and she was 11.4lbs, so I reckon she's nearly 12lbs now as she puts on about an Oz a day. We've had a bit of a better time of it lately. Her wind has started to get better and we're still on the infant gaviscon. She's smiling and chatty and interested in everything. I'm considering buying the rainforest jumperoo for when she can hold herself up, which won't be long, she's such a strong girl. She's been weight bearing on her legs and holding her head up since about 2 weeks, and yesterday she sat up and held herself there for a minute unaided. So she'll soon be able to use the jumperoo in a month or two. Does anyone else have one or has looked into them? Which do you think is best?

So in other news I got prescribed domperidone. I was told to take 80mg a day but after looking at the possible side effects for me and Daisy I lowered that to 20mgs per day. It's worked brilliantly though, we are now back to pretty much just breast overnight and we have a few little feeds during the day, and she only has 4-5 120ml formula bottles instead of 5-6.

Daisy has started shaking her head a lot from side to side, do other babies do this? She's got cradle cap too. Xx
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Happy Daisy xx


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Anya is starting to wright bare on her legs and like to be held in a standing up position now. But she hasn't been able to sit without flopping lol. She still hates tummy time so I think she'll be like her brother and skip the crawling stage straight to walking lol. She's going to love those space ship walkers when she can sit up though. Also I have a sleepsuit and immediately thought if daisy lol. I'll try and rake a pic!
Aww love the pic of happy daisy lol
Here's the sleepsuit.


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    2017-08-04 09.45.25.jpg
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Cute sleep suit! Where did you get that one from? We should get one for daisy! I just got us this - were going for a day to a local festival this weekend and this is our outfit! Xx


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I found these items which are similar. I would send this one to you but I think it may be too small for her already if she's 12lb as this one is upto 12lb (5.5kg)

Look at this on eBay

Look at this on eBay

Look at this on eBay

Look at this on eBay

Look at this on eBay

Look at this on eBay

Look at this on eBay

I love the little bikini lol
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So cute Betty :)

What first aid has everyone got? All I have baby specific is calpol. What type of thermometer do you have?
I just have calpol and a basic underarm thermometer. Her temp is spiking from this tummyb bug so just given her calpol. Ibe decided not to put plasters on her after her reaction. But I'll try again later in the year. I also have sudocrem as her runs have given her a bit of nappy rash. I'm obviously not including her eye drops lol
I have calpol too and I have an in ear thermometer, my OHs work colleagues got it for us and it's fab xx
Betty I'm glad the domperidone has helped. I take 90 mg per day but you can go up to 160mg per day. It can take a bit of fiddling around to find your sweet spot not sounds as though you have had success right away! You might need to wean off them quite slowly though. I'm on a fab Facebook group for mums on domperidone and they give great advice on there if you want to join.

Well, my little lady has been going from between 9-10 pm until 5am for the last five nights!! Hopefully it'll continue when we get home!

9 more days until I hit my target of 3months bf!! Hope my supply keeps up, especially as she's not fed overnight for nearly a week.

I'll take her to be weighed again in a week or so bit I'm not worried about weight gain. She's another strong girly- pushes right up on her legs and wants to stand all the time!

Betty, she is gorgeous.

These bubs are growing too quickly. But love how recent pics are of them smiling.
Emily anya has lost a bit of weight again it seems but she has still got this tummy bug so they are putting it down to that but I keep getting told not to worry as long as she us happy she will find her own weight I was below the 10th line until I was in my teens! So the fact my two were on the chart at all is brill lol
I took Cam weekly for ages and then every two weeks for agrees too! I'm much more relaxed this time round and will probably get her weighed once a month.

I've been told to have her weighed monthly as that's what they recommend (unless concerns about weight gain). I went very regularly with my son as it was a walk-in and could go and have a chat with the health visitor too.
Way more relaxed this time too.

Sophie is a right old fidget now, she won't sit still, wants to sit up all the time (with us holding her of course lol) and then goes from side to side and forwards as if she wants to launch off and go for a run ;) everytime I take her anywhere people keep commenting on how alert she is, when we were at the doctors he said it looked like she was listening to everything he was saying...she is very inquisitive but it also means she is too nosey and doesn't want to nap!!! xx
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That's good to know Rachel. He was better later on that night and had a 5 ounce bottle. He's been ok since, really, apart from he has a rash where the plaster was on his leg. I'm wondering if he's allergic to it?

Love the outfits! The rainbow leggings are cool.

Betty, Owen started shaking his head weeks ago. I was really worried about it. I think I mentioned it on here - he pushes his head back and turns it forcefully from one side to the other. Weirdly, my mam just got in touch as she had him earlier, and said he was doing it and was a bit worried. I've been wondering if it's an ear infection? He also has a tendency to face left?
Lovely pic btw Betty. Aren't baby smiles the cutest things you've ever seen?!
She seems to smile whenever things get too much and it makes everything OK!

Emily I'm rooting for you to get to 3 months. I've just come on another period so daisy doesn't want to nurse from me at the moment. The domperidone is working so well I'm leaking in the night! Had to get the breast pads out again! I hope she nurses again tonight. I don't want to worry you but I read up on domperidone side effects and that's the reason I'm only taking 20mgs per day. Apparently more than 30mgs per day comes out in breast milk and can cause heart problems in mum and baby, although rare and not well understood yet. I don't know what to make of the research but I'm so over anxious about everything since it was such a long and hard journey to get her here.

So I still have awfully painful joints. And my nails which used to be the envy of everyone are now brittle and thin, and my hair has gone dry and really thin too! The joys! Xx
My joints still hurt too Betty I'm waiting for my physiotherapy to start. My son was weighed weekly and them two weekly as we went to a beast feeding group where they weighed baby at the same time as it was led by the health visitors. They told me to get any a weighed every 2 weeks. She's still gaining just not as much but by gum has she fed tonight she was off her food yesterday but I'm just come off so probably that has an influence. She's really alert too loves being in the standing position and try to join in conversation with babbled. She's always smiling too even when she's upset she tries to stop for a smile it's so cute. I'm worried about going back to work as she doesn't settle well for the boys. Argh wish I could be paid to be a mum lol.
I'm. Slightly concerned I've had 2 tachycardic events in 2 days. I've managed to self manage but I really don't want to go on pills for the rest of my life.
Good luck on getting to 3 months Emily not much longer to go!
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