May 2017 Mummies

How do they remove the placenta?? :/

Kabuk, do. you use a nasal spray before the aspirator? Sometimes the spray alone works. They start sniffing harder and the snot just pops out! Lovely :)

Poor Anya. These little illnesses are annoying. Owen has vaccines tomorrow. :/
Dovekie, I use the drops and before the aspirator. Sometimes his nose runs, but often it goes down his throat. He then starts choking and when I sit him up he vomits all the snot first and then some milk with snot. It had me worried all night that I kept him in bed with me as he tends to stay on his side after feeding. We had another snot vomit this morning after his morning feed and then he got a bath. I had to suck the snot twice last night. First time I tried whilst he was sleeping (just after he fell asleep). Got the one side no problem but he woke screaming with the other. Lots came out. At 2:30am I could hear it when he was feeding so I did it again and once again lots of snot came out. He seems to be better during the day. It looks to be accumulating at night and leaves him with lots in the morning (not as much this morning as I cleared it last night). Hopefully it'll pass soon. He gets the drops a few times a day.
I assume tgey scrape it out? Nice! I expect it will hurt but I have high pain threshold so will just deal with what's to come i guess xx
Is that where they have painted them like rainbows Ery? I saw that pop up on my facebook earlier this week.

I keep forgetting which side I've fed from last! Looked at loads of different ideas for remembering but I've gone for this ring, that I am going to swap hands with each time I feed. It arrived today so I will test it out!
I just put a safety pin on the strap of my bra. I used to forget whether it meant that I needed to feed from that side next or that I'd fed from it last time! Lol

I did try a pin but I'm allergic to metal and it brought me out in a rash, not what you want! I've just been guessing by which feels fuller so hoping thus will be better, plus I get a cute bit of jewellery with his name on :)
My boobs don't feel any difference before, during or after a feed so I can't go by how they feel. To be fair I just have to go with what she wants anyway so feed from whichever she'll latch from at the time. She was on nursing strike yesterday for most of the day but fed from me today except for the feed I've just done where she refused! Little lady knows her own mind for sure!

Aye they can be right madam's lol. Anyas eye is looking tons better. Can't believe they are nearly 12 weeks that's 4th trimester over with lol. It's going too fast! Soon I won't need my gorgeous moses basket anymore. I do have pregnant friends but I dunno... I half want to keep it but it's so big!
My son is also asking for more brothers and sisters erm no :shock: lol he wants 2 brothers and 1 more sister lol. Cheeky sod.
He doesn't ask for much does he Ery lol

Sophie has been out of Moses basket since around 7-8 weeks. Have it up for sale at the moment. Your Moses basket is nice and big though, if she still has enough room you could keep her on there for longer? Xx
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We don't use the basket much at all at night since we have been co sleeping. I do use it a bit now and again, I was going to bring it downstairs for daytime use when the pram is in the car but find it quite useful for hanging blankets and feeding cloths etc on by the bed!

I did wonder if I would be able to use it for anything else afterwards just so we could keep it...
Ery, that's quite a wish list. Gotta love kids! They really do say the darndest things.

We were given a moses basket and only used it for about 6-7 weeks in the living room. He's clearly outgrown it now. We've been co-sleeping with is congestions as he sleeps on his side then, which keeps him from choking on snot. Otherwise he sleeps in the next2me crib. Doc appt today, so we'll see how much he weighs (I hope). I have no idea what this appt is for, was just sent a notice for it ages ago. The next2 me goes up to 9kg, so we'll see how much longer he gets to use it. Hopefully until he's 6 months. I think we're keeping the moses basket for now as we plan to have one more, so it'll come in handy then.
Yeah she still only takes up half the moses basket I think she'll outgrow it by sitting up before size wise.
Aidan was weighed and measured today. He's 7.3kg/16lbs (above the 90th perc.) and 62cm (above the 70th perc.).
Owen hasn't eaten much since his vaccs this morning. Is this normal? He's just sleeping and crying.
Harper was the same Dovekie. She slept for England, was grouchy and not particularly interested in her milk.
I just noticed that she was feeling hot, took her temp and it's 37.6. It's 2 weeks since her vaccinations and apparently the MMR can cause a fever around this time. I'm putting it down to that for now and have given her Calpol.

Anya just slept too. I've had to postpone her next jab's due to her tummy bug. She's lost a bit of weight with it but if you were pooing every hour I think you would too lol. She was weighed yesterday amd was 10lb 14. Lol as I typed that he grabbed my mouth as if to say shhh mum don't tell people what I weigh!!!
In other news I'm ordering my Dyson supersonic today hopefully. So excited with 2 girls in the house (and 2 long haired boys) I feel I finally have enough reason to fork out so much on a hairdryer. It is amazing though may mean we won't need to replace the straighter too.

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