May 2017 Mummies

aria has cradle cap but as she has so much hair its on her eyebrows and forehead. routine is going so well shes ready for bed by 7:30/8pm and wakes up around 3am and then.sleeps till 7/8am

we went to the zoo yesterday think i enjoyed it more than the kids!

my little princess :)


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Aww so cute! Managed to get anya to docs at 11:20. He
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hope it goes ok. cant believe aria is 12 weeks on thursday its going too quick!
Lisey, I put some coconut on his head yesterday, but it started to smell really bad! I think there might have been a build up of oil though. Anyway, today I washed his head and applied some non-scented oil. I think I'll try to do this twice a day.

Hope she's alright Ery! Just yesterday, I noticed a tiny bit of green gunk in Owen's eye. I hope he's not getting that again. He's still bunged up. I aspirated some snot out this morning! Has anyone tried that? It's fun! He looked shocked afterwards as he could breathe normally again!
Back from docs she's got a virual gastroenterology bug causing her poops we need to make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. And shes got bacterial conjunctivitis so now we have the fun if giving her eye drops poor sausage!
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And I agree time is going far too quick. I still can't stand for long since the birth it hurts my pelvis too much. Surely can't be right. Still waiting on my physiotherapy for it. The pain is more in my timmy now though as well. It's spreading :o. I'm bleeding again so definitely have af back. Knew bf wouldn't keep the witch away lol. My 4th bleed since the post birth bleed stopped. So mega short cycles too. Oh well. Guess my body is just doing what it needs to do I should be thankful really. At this rate I won't need to go for my phlebotomy!
Time is going so quickly. And they change so fast, too. Aidan is constantly trying to roll when on the playmat, but no luck yet. That's fine by me as when he starts rolling I won't be able to use the cocoonababy for him anymore and he hates not sleeping in it at night.

Aidan has a cold he is working through. The fever passed after two does of calpol, but congestion is still an issue. It's gotten better, but now I'm struggling to suck any snot out when I can clearly hear it. It seems it's mainly running down his throat and he's swallowing it. It made him sick earlier; he vomited snot and then came milk with snot. It stuck to everything. This happen a couple days ago too, but not this much snot. His cough has subsided too. It only happens when there is a lot of drainage.

Ery, hope Anya feels better soon.
We've booked stage 1 of the Baby Aidan Tour. We are off to Ireland on the 27th for a week. Can't wait. His grandparents are so excited. We paid for the plus tickets with Ryanair as it was actually cheaper since they force you to pay for priority boarding and seat reservation when flying with an infant, plus we needed at least one checked bag, so now we get 2 checked bags. We still have to book the Netherlands (need to coordinate with the in-laws) and the USA (need my dw to get her visa as she can't travel visa free since she visited Syria).

Now I just need to get organised with what we need to take. Anyone travel before and take a car seat with them? Just wondering if that is checked with baggage or at the gate with the stroller (it doesn't connect to our stroller).
Oh exciting kabuk, hope you have a lovely time. I need to sort passport and book flights for our trip, I'm also debating what to take in terms of prams and car seats. Undecided at the moment but we aren't going until Jan so plenty of time yet.

I just left the cradle cap alone and brushed it gently with a really soft baby hair brush, it has pretty much all gone now.

Such gorgeous photos everyone :)

Ery my hip and wrist are gradually getting better, I've even been able to walk upstairs carrying him this week, so slowly healing. My walking is also much better, a bit still to go before I lose my limp but I'm confident there will be no lasting damage, just taking it easy for the time being.

Hope all the colds go soon, must be awful for them.
Awe bet you're super excited for his little tour lol. Glad to hear you're getting better too snowbee I've been able to vary her upstairs for a while now still hurts to buggery but I can do it.
Something.... unnatural..... is happening to me. ..... I'm normally what you call a tomboy in a dress lol I'm gothic and proud the darker the better...

So where the heck has my current obsession to buy all teeny tiny pwetty cute pink dresses come from??? Lol
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To add to my dramas, I have some retained placenta. Was sent for emergency scan due to still bleeding. Got to have it removed, I have chosen to have it done when I'm awake :shock: xx
Hope you ladies get back to normal soon. I couldn't imagine being in pain and having difficulties getting around at this stage. Lisey, that really sucks. Hope all goes well.
Eek lisey hope that goes well, when are you having it done?

The silly thing with my injuries is the randomness of them! Falling off the bed and the first failed drip site so hardly even to do with the birth lol.

I've developed an interest in dinosaurs?! Strange.
Lol snowbee. Ouch lisey have you been bleeding non stop then :o poor you! I've at least had few wees off. So far more on than if though! I keep getting feeling like I did before I passed that golf ball sized clot too. Hope I don't have another one if those :sick: I'm just worried about going back to work if I'm still like this there's no way I can I do my usual work. Being in my feet and lifting 7kg machines my 4kg daughter is about the most of my limit!
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hope it goes ok lisey ive been bleeding non stop for 12 weeks :( went for a scan last week and they couldnt find anything so got to go back to the doctors on thursday :(
Yes, been continuous, not heavy whole time. Goes up and down.
Hope we're all on the mend soon xx
Oh dear! Lots of poorly people and babies in here. Hope everyone is on the mend very soon.

Well, day one in the caravan at the agility show is done and we survived! Eleanor actually slept through last night!! She stirred a couple of times but I popped her dummy back in and she drifted back off to sleep right away! Doubt I'll be so lucky again tonight though.

She's on nursing strike again from this afternoon. Hopefully she'll start nursing again tomorrow but we'll see. I'll deffo bf overnight if she'll take it as my supply will nosedive to pitiful amounts (if that's even possible!) I really want to make it to three months breast feeding, so just need to do another 12 days and we've done it! Please keep working boobies!! Wish I could explain to Eleanor that I really need her to nurse but she was having none of it this afternoon despite 2 lovely morning nursing sessions. In fact she started crying each time I offered her boob!! See what tomorrow brings I guess...

Aww I guess sometimes she may just want a flavour change? I mean I love chocolate cake but I'm sure if it's all I ate after a while I'd really want a bit of potato lol.
Anya slept through last night looks like she's doing the same tonight not sure if it's coz she's I'll. I woke her up for a feed last night and to ifht she only had a quick feed though. I think it's coz she's poorly though. But I feel guilty I didn't wake her for her meds I just thought she would wake up but bow it's nearly time for her next dose tomorrow if she sleeps through I'll wake her she didn't mind them thankfully. She giggled at me when I put them in. She giggles when I put milk in her eye too lol.
Wow have you seen this way of embracing stretch marks? I want a go! Lol I've sure got enough of them now lol
What is the stretch mark thing?

Eleanor fell asleep by 9 last night and woke at 5.10. She didn't wake properly and is sleepy enough still that she's nursing (although keeps dosing on the boob!) Not sure why she's sleeping so well in the caravan but I'm wondering if it's because she's sleeping next to me in the bed and at home she's in her crib?

Not sure how much agility will get done today as it's not sounding like the weather is very nice out there! Hopefully it'll pick up as the day goes on.


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