May 2017 Mummies

I am loving frog jumping day. Did you google to find that out or is frog jumping your special hobby!?
Lol I Googled aa much as I love jumping frogs I didn't know it had its special day! Lol
Glen was born on national tell a story day and national prime rib day!
i had my first potential childminding family round today. a 14 month old and a 4 year old. shes going to let me know but was good for experience either way just cant wait to get going now!
hoping to start in september if i can secure some children
How exciting for you Nikki!

So I've decided I'm officially crazy! Tomorrow I'm heading off to a week long agility competition and taking both kiddies with me. Staying with my mum in her caravan and we'll have five dogs between us! I'm not sure I'll be able to fit everything I need into the car!! I'm sure it'll be fine but I just hope Eleanor isn't too disruptive at night and doesn't disturb my mum. I'll probably end up co sleeping and I've got to say I've found Eleanor sleeps better on our bed than she does in her crib. Last night we went to bed just before 10 and she stirred around 2am. I brought her into bed with me (had her on top of the covers) and fully expected to have to get up and feed her but she went back to sleep until 4.45! Clever girly!

Her nursing strike is over (touch wood) but I'm not sure how much expressing I'll be able to do while I'm away but we'll just see how we go. I'm taking all my expressing stuff so if opportunity arises I'm prepared.

Can't believe she's 11 weeks today. She's not a newborn anymore but I can't pinpoint when she stopped being a newborn. I want another one already!! Lol!!! We're definitely not having any more and obviously had a terrible time to get Eleanor but you know what? My precious girl was worth every second of heartache and pain and I'd go through it all again without hesitation to get her!

Totally agree Emily, so worth all the heartache. I don't know if we will try for another or not yet, we will see. I can see I will want to at some point, although I can't imagine having another or having to share the love! I guess you just make more love to go around?!

We co sleep all the time now, feeding at night is just so much easier. I just packed away the duvet and we use a sheet and cellular blanket instead.

Drooling has started this week, everything is covered in slobber. I've started using bibs. I wonder if this is the start of teething, although I can't feel any coming yet.
I didn't think it was possible for me to love another child as much as I love Cam, but I love her just the same as him! They are both so precious!

Eleanor is pretty dribbly too but I think it's just their saliva glands maturing properly. It's not impossible for it to be teeth but it's quite early still.

I get up to all sorts of weird shit in my sleep sometimes and I'd be worried I'd have an episode while she was in the bed. I've taken a big knitted blanket for her but will see how warm it is etc. I'm worried about covering her with the duvet so at home she sleeps on top with a cellular blanket over her but I'm not sure how warm it'll be in the caravan. I'll just have to play it by ear I think.

Our bedroom is so warm we don't need blankets. Anya will Co sleep with us til midnight then moses basket then sleep on my belly 5-7. And Emily you must be crazy lol.
Nikki. Congrats on becoming Ofsted registered. I hope you find some families so you can start in Sept!

We've been doing more co-sleeping. Aidan will usually be put down in his crib first, but how long he sleeps depends on what he wants. He goes from sleeping well in the crib to wanting to sleep in bed with me. He's been quite congested with his first cold so I've been trying to keep him in his cocoonababy with the crib tilted too to help with breathing. When co-sleeping, I can only feed from one side. I'm comfortable with him but my dw, that's a different story. I've woken ok occasions with bruises as she has lethal elbows that get thrown around, so I have to stay between her and Aidan. Plus we seem to both find it easier on my right side. If he sleeps well in his crib, I try to put him back, but sometimes I just fall asleep and so he stays in bed.

I think the play mat has tired Harper out!
7th June - National Chocolate Ice cream Day. And Prince's birthday!

Owen is having a very sleepy couple of days. Growth spurt?
Aww, she's gorgeous Rachel. I love their little chins!


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Anyone got cradle cap?? I can't seem to get rid of it. :/
Beautiful babies :)

I haven't been able to read through everything properly, just a little soon, having a bit of a tough time emotionally regarding my son. I'm sure I will be better soon.
Sophie has a cold, it's horrible for such a little one to be unwell. She isn't too bad in herself but she is more fussy and wants more cuddles.
Dovekie, I tried loads of different things for the cradle cap, the only thing that's worked and smells lovely is organic coconut oil, I got it from jojo Maman be be and use it on her skin too xx
My 8yr old still has cradle cap :s doc even prescribed something and that didn't work! He's acting up a but demanding attention etc. I would say it's because of anya but I think ts just him.
I'm going to make a docs appointment for her. Her eye is still gunky from birth and it's starting to look a bit red and now she's got the runs and her poop has gone green and mucusy. I phoned up they said as long as she's happy and settled it's OK. But I'm not sure. I've us had to go and wake her up for a feed as it's bn almost 5hours! She had a big feeders without opening her eyes..
I'm. Kinda worried she's too settled lol.
She's just been invited to her first birthday too so been looking at pretty party clothes. I went to go and buy a present for the birthday girl but I ended up spending more on anya! :wall: lol
And I wish I was born on chocolate ice cream day! Lol

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