May 2017 Mummies

Sorry about your mum Rachel , I'm sure she would be very proud of you.

We got some jags done yesterday... The meningitis one was out of date so gotta go back next week for that but the other ones weren't too traumatic. Oli is now 16lbs 11oz :o I cannot get over how huge is is compared to my others. He weighs half what my 3 year old does already! Xx
Eh, how old is he now?! Owen is 12lb 4 and 7 weeks.
Gosh he is a big boy Missy! Owen is also much bigger than G was at that age Dovekie, he was only 9lb9 at 6 weeks ish. We did start on the 9th centile so it has taken him a while to get up to the 50th. 13 weeks today! Time is flying past. 13lb14 at his jab appointment earlier this week. He seems to be fine, was a bit grumpy the evening and following day when he remembered his leg was a bit sore but over it now.
Took Sophie to weighing clinic today. Weighs 12lb 5oz at almost 12 weeks. They said she is thriving. I am so happy, it's hard to know when breast feeding, how much they are getting but all good. Happy Baby, happy Mummy xx
Well done Lisey!

You are obviously doing a great job and should be very proud of yourself.

hi girls hope everyones ok. my first night on my own with the kids tonight as oh is in cornwall for work and finally got aria to sleep at 10pm! im so ill and tired and shes caught my cold.

i had ofsted round today though and am now officially an ofsted registered childminder!! cant believe after 18 months ive finally been registered!
Well done Lisey!

You are obviously doing a great job and should be very proud of yourself.


To be honest, I would be just as happy if she was formula fed, so long as she's growing well. I am prob the worst breast feeding advocate lol. My OH goes on about how it's best all the time but I am in the 'fed is best camp. I was just getting a little concerned that she may not be getting enough lately as she has been having some nights where from 4am she wakes hourly for a feed (tiring) and I thought it meant she wasn't feeling full but may be just a growth spurt?! Xx
Sorry I've been awol again. Life's got really busy here. I'm working out what to do with the estates of two grandparents and I've begun to majorly nest and tidy everything. I've decided I want too change my job too. I don't know what to do but ideally work from home. Or something with less stress. I would in a perfect world like a job where when it's clocking off time I can actually click off. I'm sick of being pestered by whatsapp even through my mat leave. I got asked if I was going to a conference when she was 2 days old I was like nope!
I don't know what I want to do though. Do I train to be a network manager and it support like my dad? It pays well. Do I go work in a pharmacy and get an nvq is in pharmaceutical services? Do I train to be a dispensing optician? Do I go for a career in customer service and sales like I'm already doing? Or do I do something completely different? Like childcare? Everyone at school has asked if I'm planning on doing it as I live close to the school and no one in the area does wrap around care before and after school. But I wouldn't know where to start with that. I've given up on being a maths teacher. The schools seem to dangerous nowadays!

Anya has been a bit off today. Major sick and 6 poops in a day! Hope she's OK. She still seems happy when she's not asleep/wanting a xhange!
Also I'm so glad I've got my rainbow as everyone I know has a baby or is pregnant now lol. When I had my son nobody was having kids but I think everyone has panicked now weve hit 30! Seriously I know 8 people who are pregnant and most are due dec/Jan time..... I already have 13 birthdays in December. Including my own and my sons! It's going to bankrupt me lol!
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Things here got super busy, especially being on my own the last week. Although that was easier than I expected, but that was all down to my boy who was an angel. He slept so well at night with just wake up.

I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't had time to catchup with reading all the back posts. I'm off soon to collect another baby item and I'm trying to plan our overseas trips. I'm worried about making sure I have everything I need. Someone at my support group suggested just using a box for Aidan to sleep in. I was like, genius, never considered that. I can then take his cocoonababy to put in it. Otherwise I might buy a pop-up cot that can be used outside as well with UV protection. The koo-di is pretty cheap. The question whether or not to take a car sear and check it in on the plane. I'm worried about how they may handle it. But if we don't, then my mother-in-law will have to buy one.

Ery, I hear ya. I was at that point before moving to the UK. I was training as an accountant at a Big 4, but I was miserable. I ended up going into teaching. I love it, but I hate the system. I'm considering switching to primary or maybe offering a tutoring service- both would be part-time. Just be aware of the qualification you'll need for childcare and becoming Ofsted certified. I'm realising how many qualifications there are out there as we will use a childminder at first. Want an au pair, but we can't do that until our loft is converted. One of the mums at my group suggested offering a reusable nappy cleaning service- many of them use them and the mw that runs the groups said they used to have those. It's a thought- collect them and return them all fresh and clean. I don't know how popular it would be in your area or what on offer, but Londoners love having a buggy cleaning service available, especially with collection and delivery.
Ery I'm glad you're back! You said your son has reflux? How did you know? Owen keeps pushing his head back and flipping it from side to side? Looks really uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it's wind or reflux.
Hi dovekie!
He was really unsettled after feeding and he had massive projectile vomit but at around 12 weeks (I thought it was earlier but I just looked at his book) his feeding increased but his weight plummeted.

I thought I'd try and make a little keepsake. I can't decide which i like more lol. Next I'm going to make one for my son and one for me and hubby. Not sure if I should have added the film chart as well. But then I'd need to either drop something or add something and I can't think what else to add lol. I'm going to change it so it say avg loaf of bread and avg house price. But yea! Lol.


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Awww Ery those are lovely!

I'm such a dumbass though, I sat here thinking oooh I wonder what Eleanor's would say? Um they were born on the same day!! Lol!!

Lol Emily!!
I've just completed my final drafts for now (I'm such a perfectionist I'm sure they will change again)


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And last one....
Obviously they won't gave the stripes on From taking a pic of a computer screen lol. Now to narrow it down. As I have 8 pregnant people that I know due in dec/Jan I'm thinking I may give them as gifts. There is one more pic I want to do to. Which is my fave pic of her but as it's clearly her not "generic baby part" I think that one will be ours. Lol


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Edit: Here it is

Doh was supposed to edit but created a new post :wall: well I have been up since 3:30am lol


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You're a great photographer, those pics are lovely xx
I like the second one in your first post. The face one is cute too.

Owen slept 7 hours straight last night! :O
Awww thank you :) I once dreamed of being a professional photographer like at weddings etc but chickened out lol. Still have the passion for it as hobby though!
Yay for Owen sleeping through!
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