Things here got super busy, especially being on my own the last week. Although that was easier than I expected, but that was all down to my boy who was an angel. He slept so well at night with just wake up.
I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't had time to catchup with reading all the back posts. I'm off soon to collect another baby item and I'm trying to plan our overseas trips. I'm worried about making sure I have everything I need. Someone at my support group suggested just using a box for Aidan to sleep in. I was like, genius, never considered that. I can then take his cocoonababy to put in it. Otherwise I might buy a pop-up cot that can be used outside as well with UV protection. The koo-di is pretty cheap. The question whether or not to take a car sear and check it in on the plane. I'm worried about how they may handle it. But if we don't, then my mother-in-law will have to buy one.
Ery, I hear ya. I was at that point before moving to the UK. I was training as an accountant at a Big 4, but I was miserable. I ended up going into teaching. I love it, but I hate the system. I'm considering switching to primary or maybe offering a tutoring service- both would be part-time. Just be aware of the qualification you'll need for childcare and becoming Ofsted certified. I'm realising how many qualifications there are out there as we will use a childminder at first. Want an au pair, but we can't do that until our loft is converted. One of the mums at my group suggested offering a reusable nappy cleaning service- many of them use them and the mw that runs the groups said they used to have those. It's a thought- collect them and return them all fresh and clean. I don't know how popular it would be in your area or what on offer, but Londoners love having a buggy cleaning service available, especially with collection and delivery.