May 2017 Mummies

Daisy just has issue after issue too. The latest problem is a fungal infection. I can't nourish and protect her against these problems and feel like such a failure. It's just been failure after failure after failure. I'm so tired of it. I was also told we need to keep an eye on her milestones because she was deprived of oxygen at birth. And that I shouldn't consider any more children because my pelvic region is hypervascularised and now with the added scar tissue could mean an even more serious pph next time. So pretty much rubbish news all round. Xx
Oh sweetheart how awful all of this has been for you. I'm so sorry you've had such a shitty time of it and not had the care you should have.

It's nothing like as bad as for you, but if I'd not requested that my blood pressure be checked after I gave birth then they wouldn't have checked it and I wouldn't have been given the meds needed to bring it down.

Eleanor has nursed today but it'll be a case of one feed at a time and hope for the best really.

Aww Betty, I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time of it. Feelings of being a failure threatened to bring me down for a little while initially. I felt like a failure that Harper's birth didn't go to plan and I ended up having a section instead of the gas and air natural birth I'd hoped for. I felt like a failure because she had a tongue tie and I couldn't breastfeed for 4 weeks. Then when she could latch on I felt crap that her reflux meant she hated feeding on me and I also felt a little disappointed in myself that I took the "easy" route of expressing 2-3 feeds a day and using formula for the rest. But then I decided that no, I couldn't let all these issues be bigger than enjoying the moments with my precious girl, who will never be this age again and who will grow so quickly that I'll look back and wish I could have slowed down time. I decided that I needed to realise that I was doing good and that Harper won't care when she's older that she fed from my breast or not, or whether I birthed her naturally or by section. These aren't the things that will shape her. What will shape her is the love my OH and I shower on her and the time we take to help her learn new things. I thought about the thousands of mums and dads every year who have to leave the hospital without their babies and who had just a moment of time with them before saying goodbye, because their babies were stillborn. I'm not trying to belittle what you've experienced; it's been awful for you and I really hope that your daughter suffers no ill effects from her birth, but don't let these things take over and destroy these precious moments with your baby girl cos you'll never get them again!

You should have been referred to a specialist breastfeeding team? A lot of good it is telling you this now. For what reason? I have just about given up too. I didn't establish it at all. I had every intention of doing it and never thought I'd be formula feeding. I was just too ill in hospital and I remember one of the midwives making me think he might starve. I can't win at the moment. If I see someone breastfeeding I feel sad/disappointed/like a failure. If I see anyone bringing up baby with a partner I feel sad and lonely.
Please don't any of you feel like you are failing, you aren't at all. It must be extra hard having to deal with the additional issues you are facing and you are all doing so well in spite of these things. Rachel said it really well, don't miss out on the special times with your little ones. Yes by all means follow up further on care you should have received so that you can ensure mistakes don't happen again but don't let it consume you or eat into the time you have with your babies.

I can't believe we have hit 12 weeks now. It is going so fast. Second lot of jabs tomorrow and I am dreading it.
I'm disappointed that our bf journey hasn't worked out but I'm not blaming myself for it. I know that I've tried really hard and given it my all. If it were down to me, I'd keep going with bf but it's Eleanor's decision and she's decided enough is enough and there's nothing I can do about it other than go with what she wants. I may try and keep bf overnight and expressing what I can until we hit that elusive 3 month target but to be honest I don't think my supply will last that long!

I'm braving a few days away in the caravan at an agility competition next week from Monday to Friday so it's more than likely that I'll stop completely then as it won't be easy to express etc. Perhaps I'll just aim to try and express an ounce for her over this next week and then she can have one final good feed of booby milk from the bottle and then we'll have done with it and just bottle feed 100%.

It's so hard not to feel like a failure though, even though i know I gave it my all. I really think I'd be more successful if I could pump but my body just doesn't respond to a pump so I've literally been unable to do anything to help my supply other than take meds and clutch at straws! Better start weaning off my meds too I guess...

You did try hard Emily. You did it for a little while anyway x

I'm concerned - Owen is hardly drinking any of his milk. He's still congested and wants to feed regularly, but only takes an ounce or two. He's had a few ounces over night. This morning he was displaying his usual signs of wanting his bottle, but kept refusing it. I changed his formula last week and wondered if he doesn't like the taste. So I tried his old formula and he took it but still only an ounce! What's going on? Is it a growth spurt? Is it normal?
Little miss is currently nursing! Not sure why she's suddenly decided she wants boobies after being on strike for the last three days, but I'm not complaining!

Is he feeding more often with taking the smaller bottles? Eleanor generally only eats 4oz max but often leaves some of a for oz bottle but she eats at least eight times a day as opposed to fewer bigger meals. Is he still having plenty of wet and dirty nappies?

She's just nursed again!! She's literally had rage when I've tried to nurse her the last three days and suddenly today she wants boobie again! This girl of mine certainly know her own mind!! Let's hope it continues!

That's great Emily! I hope she continues for you.
So my OH's mum thought it was ok to come round at 9.30 last night! At about 10 Harper decided that it was getting to feed time so I thought ok we'll have a nice calm feed to get into sleep mode and then my OH said "would you like to feed her mum?" God knows what she was doing, twirling the bottle round, not supporting her head and doing half hearted winding. Harper was hysterical and spewed a load of her feed back up. Luckily she slept from 12.15 to 4.30 after I'd fed her again and settled her.
It just drove it home to me how much I wish my mum was here. She would have been amazing with her and I would have had no worries leaving Harper with her. I miss her so much and I'm so sad for Harper that she'll never meet her.

Second lot of jabs done. Not as traumatic as the first lot as there were less of them. Not looking forward to the next lot, which is them all again. I also had him weighed and he is now 13 lb 14 and on the 50th centile. Not bad when he started on the 9th!

Emily that is great, I have heard a couple of people say in the past their babies have refused boob for a few days and then gone back.

Rachel when did you lose your mum? My oh doesn't have his mum about anymore and he has been sad that she will never meet him. She didn't get to see us get married either.
How was your little man after the jabs Snowbee? He sounds like he's chubbing up, lol, so well done there!
I have a little poop machine! She has a feed and then, either during or afterwards, she just does a massive poo, often resulting in a nappy explosion! I thought they were supposed to poo less by this point...?
I lost my mum 3 years ago in August. She was my best friend and the best mum ever. I was fortunate to have her for 31 years but it wasn't long enough. I can't help but think about how lovely it would be to have her to help with Harper. She was so looking forward to the days that she'd have grandchildren. In November she'll have three and she didn't get the chance to meet them. It makes me sad every day.

Thanks Lisey and Dovekie xx
It feels fresh again for me cos I could really do with her help and advice at the moment. I hope I can get to a place where I can talk about her to Harper without getting upset cos it's important to me that she knows about her grandma and how amazing she was.

I think Owen has reflux. He's throwing his head back and thrashing it side to side. Seems to have started when I switched to Hipp formula??! What's the solution?!
It's understandable Rachel. You're mum to a baby girl. You'll go through everything your mum did. I'm sure she'd be proud of you! And there's plenty of time to share stories with Harper X
He's just done solid poops. Definitely constipated then.

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