May 2017 Mummies

We've had two explosive poops today, resulting in two changes of clothes. She's currently in the middle of her third but I can't put her down to change her cos she's just had a feed and it'll just come back up if I lie her down!

Aww nikki, hope it's okay.

Snowbee, Aidan is fussy about a bottle. He had no problem in his first 4 weeks of life when we were mix feeding, but since going to ebf, he's become difficult. I expressed on Monday as I went to crossfit and wanted to make sure he had a bottle to cover the hour he was in childcare there. He took it, but it was a fight to get him to drink it and he didn't finish it. I expressed again yesterday to take 4oz with me for the train journey as I figured he'd get hungry on the way home. We were at an underground station waiting for the tube and he got really fussy but he didn't want the bottle. He would chew on it, which led to him getting about an ounce. Now I'm not sure if it's because it was cold (didn't have a way to warm it) or if it's the bottle. But he refused a bottle previously at home too when it was warm, so. It's frustrating as I'm worried about how to deal with crossfit. It's an hour there with a change over and it's not convenient to bf on public transport. I'm worried he's going to get hysterical during crossfit, but I guess I just might have to arrive early and bf there. If I'm out shopping, I'm happy to bf at a cafe, so I just sit down with a coffee and feed him, or if there is a John Lewis or Mothercare near by, then have bf rooms and I'll go there. I actually took him into the baby changing room at a station, locked the door and fed him there before.

You're not alone. A mum at my post natal support group was talking about her struggles with getting her 7 month old to take a bottle. It's been a battle. She picked one time of day and started giving her son a bottle then (either first thing in the morning or the feed right before bed) so it was consistent. I can't say much on teets. Aidan hated the tommee tippee ones when he was mixed feeding, was okay with your standard ones (drank from medela bottles & used the one off ones at the hospital) and was okay with avent 2 (doesn't like the 1). It may not be the brand of teet but the flow- Aidan never took a 1, always a 2.

Good luck. I hope you manage. Babies really are full of opinions. Aidan seems to know when we are out and he's taken to eating like it's a 7 course meal- drinks, comes off and chats, drinks, comes off and chats, drinks, stays on but does drink and hums. lol
My friend tried just about every bottle and cup with her son when she was going back to work. After 2 months trying she eventually got him to take one... Think it's called a minbie? They are quite pricey though from what she said xx
Missyeovil, I keep getting adverts for those on my Facebook. Apparently they're the closest to the way a baby feeds from the breast.

I tried eery thing with my son never did get him to take a bottle!
did anyone get Rotavirus following vaccination of little ones? I am assuming that's what I have, on day 5 now and had to resort to sending her to stay with a friend last night as got so bad.
I am still unable to leave the house again today and already taken 8mg of immodium of the 12mg daily allowance and its had no effect as yet :(
I religiously washed hands following nappy changes, but I am wondering if I contracted it from her dummy as often pop it in my mouth if she drops it etc.
Sorry I haven't had a read to see how everyone else is doing but I really hope alls well x
Gesic hope you are feeling better soon. I didn't get it but I work with calves all the time and have on occasion accidentally jabbed myself with the rotavirus vaccine we give them, so I think I'm fairly immune to it (I'm never ill either as a general rule). G also had no reaction at all to that one, so hopefully I've passed on plenty of antibodies to him already.

I'm looking into the minbie, thanks :) Looks interesting, I see they do a bundle for 3 months that has two different flow teats so now I just need to decide whether to try to get him accepting a bottle or not bother. Decisions! He feeds so nicely on the breast I don't want to mess it up! He is tongue tied too, don't know if that makes bottle feeding harder? We decided not to snip it as he doesn't have a problem on the breast. I am also tongue tied and can speak fine so we didn't think it was worth doing.

I've bought a swimming costume! In preparation for taking him for his first swim. I hate it and it makes my skin fall off so hopefully he isn't as petal like as me haha. I assume I need some kind of swim nappy, any one recommend one?
I read the nuby bottles are good and a lot cheaper than minibie, I will try that one as a last resort though as she refuses bottle.
Hope you feel better gesic xx
I see nuby do a free sample bottle so I've ordered one. The teat looks very similar to one of the ones he has already rejected though so we will see.
sorry ive been quiet girls been so busy. dentist sorted my tooth i hope just in pain now so taking painkillers and salt water in my mouth

i had a dodgy tummy after aria had the rotavirus not sure if i didnt clean my hands enough!

hope everyone is okay. arias got a runny nose today so think shes coming down with a cold :(
I got ill from it too. My nurse said any poop/saliva/sick can carry the bug so probably was from the dummy! I was ritualistic about cleaning after but not much I could do when she vomed in my mouth!
Lol luckily I never really get the runs bad as I only usually "go" once a week due to my ibs.

Hope the tooth is fixed nikki x sounds painful.

We booked a holiday for October. And may book a poyntns or something for Aug. We're going center parcs! So need a swim nappy there only ever seen the huggies ones but they work fine. Mind you been so impressed with sainsbury own nappies may look to see if they also do a swim nappy. I think if anya got her way I'd have to take out shares in pampers. She makes us do bum changes for fun lol. There will be nothing in the nappy but if she spots them she will wine until you get one out then it's huge grins smiles and giggles so who can refuse am unrequired change if that the happiness it gives lol. She's completely oposisite to my son who hated bum change and bath. She adores both especially having her hair washed and the water splashing on her face. The wonderful weirdo lol.

I know it's probably weird but I'm missing watching my crime shows I know she can't understand but I feel weird watching murder mystery's and true life crimes solved when she's awake I feel it's somehow inappropriate!

Also... erm.. I got "in the mood" earlier and was kinda freaked by how full it made my boobs of milk. Is that normal? Lol I had to wake her up to feed her afterwards I got so full. Just to like "take the cream of the top" as it were.
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Hey ladies ... sorry to jump on your thread but we had probs getting Dylan onto a bottle after BF and tried everything. I literally have a cupboard full of every brand bottle/teat you can buy.
As a last ditch resort I ordered the Minnie and OMG what a god send it was.
Admittedly I did have to give boob for a few seconds then whip it out and put bottle in but it actually worked.
Within a couple of days he was drinking from the bottle at every feed and we never looked back (still use it now 6 months on).
The Minbie teats fit onto the Advent Classic bottles and at a squeeze the NUK bottles too. I started off just ordering the tests as this was the cheapest option.

Just my experience but hope it helps xx
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Poo thank you very much for the tips! How's Dylan getting on now!
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Thanks Mel. If we persevere with getting him to take a bottle I will order some and try it. It is so rare I would be leaving him I am undecided whether to bother or not for the sake of a few evenings.

Ery we were watching SVU the other night and my oh asked when we shouldn't let him watch! I think he will be ok for a while yet! It has been too hot for me to be in the mood recently, in fact I really haven't been interested much at all. I hope that will change before too much longer. I've been looking into swimming and it seems most places require that you use the Splash about nappy. You can then put one of the swim disposables under it.
Having a nightmare with Owen. He's still congested. He's not drinking much of his bottle, sometimes just a few mouthfuls. He wants to feed more often, sometimes less than an hour between feeds. He's crying more. Ugghh
Hmm not sure about Bottle fed babies I know when anya gets a stuffy nose she demands boob has a little bit then I find a boogy on my booby. Maybe he's trying to feed more to unblock his nose? Have you tried sitting in a steamy room with him?
Hey ladies ... sorry to jump on your thread but we had probs getting Dylan onto a bottle after BF and tried everything. I literally have a cupboard full of every brand bottle/teat you can buy.
As a last ditch resort I ordered the Minnie and OMG what a god send it was.
Admittedly I did have to give boob for a few seconds then whip it out and put bottle in but it actually worked.
Within a couple of days he was drinking from the bottle at every feed and we never looked back (still use it now 6 months on).
The Minbie teats fit onto the Advent Classic bottles and at a squeeze the NUK bottles too. I started off just ordering the tests as this was the cheapest option.

Just my experience but hope it helps xx

This is really good to know, I keep seeing on Facebook advertising that it's so great but you never know of the reviews are true xx
We used a splash about nappy on top of huggers with my daughter for swimming until she was about 18 months. With my son I think we just used Huggies... I have ordered a reusable, adjustable swim nappy this time but will probably use it over the top of huggies. My little boy did once have a poosplosion in the swimming pool when he was about 2 and a half. Luckily it was my sister who took him swimming so I just thought it was hilarious haha xx
Think my bf days will be at an end very soon. Eleanor is refusing to nurse for the last few days except for the middle of the night and my already pitiful supply has nosedived considerably. I'm going to try latching her while she's still sleepy before she wakes fully and if that doesn't work then I'll try giving her some bottle to take the edge off her hunger and then seeing if she'll nurse. I'm not feeling very positive that it'll work though.

I'd aimed to bf for 3 months and that's only three weeks away but I don't know that we'll make it now. I feel silly for even setting myself a target as I feel like I've set myself up to fail. It all just feels so unfair sometimes :-( I wanted to bf so badly and my body totally let me down in every way. Can't bf, can't pump, can barely express by hand! I've tried so much and tried so hard to get my milk up but I can't do it alone, I need Eleanor to feed to help keep things going and if she won't feed then that's the end of the road really.

Emily I've just come on for the first time in a few days to say the same thing! I gave up two days ago. I'm so heartbroken and traumatised by it all. I went for my birth debrief Friday and they said I should have received more support, my iron, thyroid and kidney function should have been routinely tested since being home and due to the birth I had I was supposed to be referred to a specialist breastfeeding team. None of this happened and I've only just found it all out when it's too late. I'm furious with the NHS. I don't even know where to begin I've got so many complaints now. They've ruined my pregnancy, my birth experience and my daughters start in life. I'm pretty inconsolable at the moment and not sure how to feel OK about all this. Xx

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