May 2017 Mummies

Sophie hates tummy time too, I don't really blame them!! Xx
Anya hates tummy time too lol. We also had a 5hr sleep last night!!
She's back asleep again now her foot twitching like a dog lol. She's starting to like the playmat. She managed to make the turtle make sound for the first time she was mega pleased with herself. (There are different options for the turtle by the batteries if you haven't noticed!)
Thanks, Ery. I haven't noticed- will check them out. Aidan usually manages to set it off using the big fish. He did really work hard to set it off with just his hand and had success. Aidan loves being on his tummy on me, sorta half lying down across my body and he pushes himself up. He's less excited about it on the floor. But he can push up onto his arms when he wants to.
Harper's had her jabs. She wasn't too bad for them really. A little cry but nothing major. Now we just have to hope she doesn't react too badly to them.
She's 5.92kg and 61cm long now and the doctor was impressed with her head control when she pulled her up by her arms. I feel quite proud, lol! She also said the green poop was nothing to worry about.

I've heard that if you're bf green poop can be a sign of too much fore milk and not enough hind milk - can't remember how you're feeding Harper though.

Eleanor is very sleepy today and not eating much and the one good feed she had first thing, she threw up most of! It was pretty epic and I was covered! Hoping that was just a one off! Still it's not surprising she's tired, given that at least six different antigens were pumped into her yesterday, her little body is working really hard right now. Hopefully she'll be back to normal tomorrow.

She's combination fed Emily. All bottle now though cos she didn't get her tongue tie snipped until she was 4 weeks old and after trying bf'ing for a week or two, it was just better for both of us to carry on expressing and bottle feeding.
Harper slept for quite a while after her jabs today. Long enough for me and the OH to run a few errands, have afternoon tea at Booths and then go for a walk in a local park. She's had a restless period but is now asleep again. She's had one full feed and a smaller feed since just before her jabs so they've definitely affected her appetite.

Emily, Aidan slept well the day he got his (Wed afternoon) and the next day. He did wake to feed, but he went right back to sleep. He was still sleepy on Friday and didn't like that he was out and about, but by Saturday he was back to normal.
waiting to have my wisdom tooth out im so scared but i cant sleep its too painful
Good luck Nikki (or hope it went ok if you've already had it done). I have an impacted wisdom tooth that probably could do with coming out. Let us know how it goes!

in the waiting room lol im petrified of the dentist and the injections. you would think after having 3 kids id be ok! its so painful tho i cant wait to get it out. had to see an oral surgeon because there isnt much left to grab hold of so the dentist didnt want to try and do it
I just hate the dentist when your saliva builds up at the back of your throats and you have your mouth open so you can't swallow and it feels like you're going to drown, lol! Maybe that's just me!
Owen is congested and not feeding properly! What do you recommend getting? I'm off to the chemist soon!
Nikki, hope it went well. Mine is acting up right now, but it's manageable with one ibuprofen and two paracetamol. Hope recovery goes well and is quick.
Hope all went OK nikki.

Dovekie there's not an awful lot you can do when they're so wee. Feeding him in the bathroom with the hot taps running might help as the steam will unblock his nose a bit. I think calpol do plug in vapour things? Also I've read about rubbing Vics on their feet but not sure what the age limits are on that. Oli is still very snotty and mucusy himself. DH though he had whooping cough the noises he was making last night! Think I might pop him back to docs in the morning for a once over since it's really dragging on...

Oli doesn't mind tummy time as he sleeps on his tummy. He had a right good play earlier with my daughter as she was playing her own wee game with his toys from his play mat and he couldn't take his eyes off her!

Emily I hope she's feeling better after her jags now. We are gonna end up so behind with our jags! Hopefully get his done next week.

well i was a brave girl lol the oral surgeon was so good he had it out in like 30 seconds just a bit sore now. had to have soup for dinner lol
got to go back today :( woke up and there was blood everywhere and theres all black jelly stuff all over the left side of my mouth which im guessing is the blood clot
Oh dear that doesn't sound good hun. Hope you're OK?

Eleanor has caught a cold from Cam. She's all congested and bunged up. Poor little girly :-(

Hope you are ok Nikki. Teeth are awful when they hurt.

Aww all these little ones who are snuffly, hope they are better soon. I have no idea what you can give them when they are feeling poorly, is there anything I should get in stock other than calpol?

We went out for a meal without G last night. It didn't go well he screamed the whole time we were out. Despite having eaten for an hour solid before I left he decided he was starving and refused to drink the milk I expressed for him. Luckily we were only gone 2 hours. He was then unsettled all night, not really waking but he kept wiggling over to me in bed and I kept having to put him back as I was worried about him rolling under me. Not sure whether to persevere with trying to get him to take a bottle or not. It is a lot of hassle and I don't go out much. I do have another two bottles to try to see if that makes any difference as he has rejected the first two. Which one has the most nipple like teat?!
Hope your OK nikki. I never got my wisdom teeth.. maybe I'm not wise enough!
Anya was sleepy after her jabs too.
We've finally had half a poop it's been 4 days since her last one. But she seemed happy enough! Her ginger hair is starting to look striking lol. It's funny as hubby's best man at our wedding is ginger if she wasn't conceived when we were on holiday in London hubby could be forgiven for feeling suspicious as his best man lobes only a few doors away lol.

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