May 2017 Mummies

Very cute pic nikki. I really can't believe how quickly they change. I love how Aidan engages so much more now and look forward to seeing every milestone of this first year, but sometimes I do miss that scrunched up ball of flesh.
aw kabuk id worry too. oh has cancelled a couple of nights out just because the thought of being on my own with her at night petrifies me at the moment! aria is very hard work in the evenings she cries alot.

yeah i love the first year its my favourite part they just learn so much
oh is out next friday and thats just for the night and im panicking already
I'm the opposite and haven't experienced much help through the night. It's fine! Especially if they sleep well (I imagine!).

So, Hipp or Aptamil?? I might try him on one later today. He hasn't pooped for two days!
HiPP didn't really help us with Harper's reflux, Dovekie, but she didn't take to Aptamil either. We're sticking with EBM and what was SMA Staydown, but is now SMA Pro Anti Reflux. Seems to be the only thing that she keeps down. I'll keep on it for a couple more weeks and then try her on HiPP again.
The through the night isn't the issues, it's the period leading up to bedtime. I always handle the night on my own, although it's nice to know she's there if Aidan does decide to scream. From about 4pm until bed (9.30-10.30) he can be a handful. It's always nice to be able to hand him off to her when she comes home, even just for a couple of hours. I'm going to need to get some quick fix meals for myself as I usually have time to cook but find eating difficult if Hess isn't home. Need practical meals I can eat when holding him.
yeah arias the same from about 5 till 10pm shes a nightmare and i get myself into a right state. he did say he would come home if i need him but he hasnt been out in months so going to try and cope.

we use aptimil and it seems to be ok but i still give her water to help her poop

just had my first baby massage lesson actually really enjoyed it and the other 3 girls are really nice im glad i made myself go
Oh my god my poor baby girl.

She's so upset after her jabs :-(

She keeps properly crying and screaming out like she's in pain.

Really hope this doesn't last long. Hate to see her so distressed.


That's great Nikki! I felt better after the baby group too. It helped me focus on Owen a bit more, instead of his Dad! And I met some nice mams.

Yeah, the evenings can be tough if they cry. I've done them all alone, but he's only just started crying a week ago. I hope it doesn't get worse as it's manageable at the moment.

Trying Owen on Hipp now.

My period started. I thought it might as I had that stringy cm. It hasn't been that stringy since my late 20s, so I must really be fertile after the pregnancy.
Aw Emily. I hope she's back to normal soon. I'm dreading them now!
Hope she is ok now Emily. G hated his too, his next lot are next week and I'm dreading it already. He screamed so much he stopped breathing in the doctors when they did it.

Cute photos Nikki and Kabuk :)

Sooo I don't want to speak too soon but tonight has been a lot less screamy than usual! He is awful when he is over tired but tonight he has just crashed. I'm waiting for my oh to get in for tea so hope he isn't too much longer as I want to take advantage of the sleeping and catch up with a few things!
Harper is like a different baby tonight, screaming and getting herself worked up. Just changed her nappy and there was some green poop!! Not sure why it's green but surely that's not good! She has her jabs tomorrow too!

Rachel, my HV said green = tummy bug. You should ask for some advice.

Before they sleep for longer periods through the night, do they cut down on their feed? It seems like Owen is having small amounts some of the time. He just had one ounce and is back to sleep.
I'll ask the doctor today. She slept from 11.30pm till 6.20 this morning and has had a full feed and gone back down no problem so don't really know what to think. She is combination fed and is on SMA reflux milk. They've changed the formulation and she started that the day before, so I was thinking it could be that...?!
She has smaller amounts sometimes too. The formula tin says 5 x 150ml feeds a day but Harper is prob having 6 feeds and sometimes finishing 150ml and sometimes she'll leave 10 or 20ml and sometimes she'll have 80/90 ml and then an hour later want more.

dovekie aria doesnt have much milk before she goes to sleep last night she had 5 ounces about 6pm. gave her a bath at 8:30 and another bottle she had maybe 3 ounces and then put her in her crib at 10pm and she slept till 6:30. weve started a bedtime routine with her and once ive learnt all the massaging im going to do that after her bath aswell to try and relax her

she had quite alot of sleep in the day yesterday as i was so busy and was alot better in the evening so i definately reckon its over tiredness.

emily hope shes better soon after the jabs :( not looking forward to the next ones. arias side effects lasted for 24 hours
Emily, I hope she's feeling better today xx

Sophie fell asleep at 8.30 last night, woke an hour later for feed and then slept til 4.30, had a feed and slept til 7.15. She is very good at night but this is the longest stretch of sleep so far.
It's amazing how far they come along in such a quick time. Sophie is holding her head up when I'm sitting her up, still a bit wobbly but getting there and she is determined to be sat up, if I have her Sat on my lap so that she is facing out and we're leaning back, she pulls herself up!! She is a determined little baby!!

Hope everyone is doing ok xx
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its amazing how quick they learn. arias determined to roll onto her front she cant quite get there yet tho, she hates being laid down she has to be sitting up lol. shes started sounding like shes laughing and if i copy what noises shes making she keeps making them back lol
They are clever. Aidan loves to be on his side, so he rolls that far and has been for awhile, but no attempt to get onto his tummy yet. I'm hoping being on the playmat and more tummy time will encourage him. His neck is rather strong. He loves to be held up high- the superman position - he looks around with a smile on his face. When I bring him down he immediately pushing his legs as soon as his feet touch my legs. It's so cute.

He had quite a fit last night and fed a lot before bed. But he ended up falling asleep by 10pm and slept until 3am, so that's a good 5 hours. He was asleep again by 3:30am and woke at abut 6:30am and I brought him into bed with me for a feed and he dosed again for about 45 mins. I love how happy he is when he wakes up in the morning. He doesn't cry, just slowly readjusts and makes some noise when he's ready for attention. I come over and get a big smile from him. It's great for my dw because he's always fussy by the time she gets home, so at least she gets some happy cuddles and smiles in the morning.
oh is always busy so he doesnt get much time with aria at the moment hopefully when she can do more he might play with her a bit more. feel like i have much more of a bond with her than he does.

just had the health visitor round for my listening visit. ive been feeling alot better the last week or so but feeling down again today.

aria doesnt like her playmat yet i keep trying but she just gets bored after 5 minutes and starts crying lol she hates tummy time lol

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