May 2017 Mummies

Happy birthday Nikki. I'm 34, I don't know how I got so old lol
That's a good stretch of sleep. Sophie slept from 10-4 last night and I thought that was good!! Xx
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thats the longest shes gone lol normally she goes 11pm till about 5 or 6am. we'll see if it was a one off lol
How did you manage those long sleeps?! What's your secret?!

Same here Betty, they took blood from his scalp and oxygen was low. It took them so bloody long to decide on the c section though, despite me telling them to just get him out :/ I hope you get answers! X
no idea lol she did 10 till 7am last night shes just woken up
Owen as up 12-6, as was I! You bottle feed don't you? What are you giving her? How much does she drink in one sitting?
thats still not bad tho hun! yeah i give her aptimil as cow and gate didnt agree with her tummy. i do 210ml bottles but she sometimes leaves 30ml in the bottom but hv said its better to have some left so you know they are full so when she starts draining a bottle i up it.

just had the call from ofsted they are coming next week for my pre reg visit to do childminding so ill know next week if i can start childminding children im so scared!
Harper has thrown up so much of the two feeds of EBM I've given her today. It's instantaneous as well as soon as I go to wind her. It's horrible. I'm wondering if I should ask the GP for some carobel to thicken it when we go for her jabs on Weds. The only time she doesn't throw up is when she has her anti reflux milk at night. I really want to carry on with the expressing but she just seems to be sick from it.

I think I might have to ask the doc about reflux. Aidan is making this choking sound at time, not sure if it's reflux. He has have a few cases now of spitting up a significant about after eating. It's not consistent, but there have been more times when I go to burp him and a lot comes up. Usually nothing though or just your usual little spit up.

I started crossfit today, so it was our 1st hour apart with someone other than my dw looking after him. He was just upstairs, but I couldn't help but go up when I heard him crying. I was worried he was refusing the bottle. I expressed before I went so he'd have something there. I need to figure out the best time to feed him on crossfit days as it's an hour commute. May have to plan on early arrival so I can feed him just prior to the class starting or see if I can stay after class to feed him.
Wow that is a lot of sleeping going on. Last night G fed at 11.30, 2.30, 3.30 and 6.30. I have had a few nights where he has fed at midnight then at 4.30 then 6.30. I can cope with that, I need a nice 4 hour plus block of sleep ideally.

Who looks after him for you kabuk when you go?
thats still not bad tho hun! yeah i give her aptimil as cow and gate didnt agree with her tummy. i do 210ml bottles but she sometimes leaves 30ml in the bottom but hv said its better to have some left so you know they are full so when she starts draining a bottle i up it.

just had the call from ofsted they are coming next week for my pre reg visit to do childminding so ill know next week if i can start childminding children im so scared!

I said he was AWAKE 12-6 :p nightmare! I wonder which is better - Hipp or Aptamil?
I wish Aidan slept that long. But sleeping through the night at this stage is actually 5 hours. If you get that or more, that's fantastic. Aidan usually sleeps about 4 hours, sometimes closer to 5 with his first sleep. Then he sleeps 1.5hr, 1.5hrs. Although he sometimes has a very wakeful period in the middle of the night after his long sleep. He'll then sleep for 3-4 hours in the morning after breakfast and playtime.

We are going through a screaming period right now that starts around 16.00 and goes until he goes to bed. He wants to be over your shoulder with you standing. I think it's his teething as even that doesn't work at time. We've used out office chair and spin in that, which he likes. We go through a cycle of distracting him.
Kabuk, I think Harper is teething! She's chewing her fingers off which seems different to the hand sucking when she's hungry. She's also very whingey and is producing a lot of saliva and blowing bubbles.

A lot of hand chewing at this stage is just a developmental thing. I read somewhere too that the milky coating they get on their tongues will start to disappear around now too as their salivary glands mature properly which could account for the dribbling too.

It's very early for it to be teeth but not impossible. Babies can be born with teeth!! :shock:

Eleanor has got her jabs tomorrow afternoon. Hope she's OK after. I hate it when they have their jabs, it's the worst :-(

I wish Aidan slept that long. But sleeping through the night at this stage is actually 5 hours. If you get that or more, that's fantastic. Aidan usually sleeps about 4 hours, sometimes closer to 5 with his first sleep. Then he sleeps 1.5hr, 1.5hrs. Although he sometimes has a very wakeful period in the middle of the night after his long sleep. He'll then sleep for 3-4 hours in the morning after breakfast and playtime.

We are going through a screaming period right now that starts around 16.00 and goes until he goes to bed. He wants to be over your shoulder with you standing. I think it's his teething as even that doesn't work at time. We've used out office chair and spin in that, which he likes. We go through a cycle of distracting him.

I don't get anywhere near that. I get a 2-3 hour sleep before midnight, then 1-2 hours after that :(

Owen has been screaming in the evenings but only for a short time, on and off. Carrying him around the house seems to help, and sometimes putting him over my shoulder.

I went to a baby group today. I wanted out at first, but it got better as people got talking and we sang songs! Owen went in a swing!
Sorry Ive been awol lol. My shoulder has been giving me grief an old nerve issue. Anya does the hand thing too she usually feeds 12, 3 and 5. She hates clothes she gets really unsettled and grumpy in them. She really happy and smiley in sleep suits. So I've just ordered more.

Kabuki I'm not sure about Owen but I have underdeveloped ear canals so I have ears of children lol and they are agony on planes however I discovered that if I use swimmers ear plugs the silicone ones I have no pain at all. My saddest moment about getting older was the day I walked past the youth deterrent on the way to my docs and I could no longer hear it. I like to think they turned it off but I think I'm bring nieve lol.

Emily, I've stopped the fenugreek for the time being. It helped and my milk is up but I couldn't stand the smell lol ill start it up again when I go to work. Or if it starts to slow but I've got loads left!

I feel fobbed off at the docs so I'll wait with my issues! I only bled for 3 days it stopped yesterday. I don't get what's going on. Doc keeps telling me it's not a just old blood. But it's bright red nothing like old blood. Oh well.

Anya also does chocking noise's and you've seen the huge chuck up photos she does lol. But it's still nothing like what we went through with my son so I'm not worried and she's settled between feeds. I'm doing my best but today and yesterday my arm has been really bad and I've not been able to hold her for long so she's had to have shorter feeds!

I'm nervous about Thursday when she gets weighed. She feels heavier lol.

Any one elses baby really hate dirty nappies. Anya will take any excuse to get a new nappy lol its her fave thing as soon as you get a nappy out she starts smiling and squealing and getting super excited. It's weird but awesome lol. Because she likes it so much we've gone to using sainsburys own brand. I'm really impressed by them! Her bath weer supertill has to be 36 degrees she cries at 37 degrees and 35 degrees lol.

My hair has gone funky I used colourb4 to remove the pink..... now it's been a long time since I saw my natural colour I've been dying my hair since I was 11 lol.... however I'm fairly confident the colour b4 I was pink wasn't blue! Lol ironically Im going blue next week lol.
I actually got back into some pretty pregnancy trousers/skirtso I was I'm shock lol. And my belly has gone down enough I can see my lay bit's again lol woop!


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Aidan is having a lovely morning on his playmat. He is loving it. He can't quite reach the turtle to play the sounds, but he has found ways to activate it. He's completely stretched out so I measured him; he's about 60cm. He's such a happy baby in the morning. I wish he was like that at night too.

Off this week to pick up another used deal, this time on a Maclaren Quest. We have travels coming up, so I need a buggy that's lightweight and can be taken directly to the gate.

It really is crazy how quickly they change at this stage.


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Eleanor loves her playmat too. She kicks about and smiles and makes the cutest little noises.

She's starting to get into a bit of a bedtime routine now where she crashes out at 9-10 o'clock and sleeps until 3-4.30 ish. We get a good stretch of sleep and she's so good at going back down again after. I bf her then she has her bottle and then I express so she often goes down awake but she settles well.

She's got her jabs this afternoon. I'm dreading it and I hope she doesn't feel too poorly afterwards.

Emily, it's great when some sort of routine starts, isn't it. Aidan goes down between 9.30-10.30 and is also good about going straight back to sleep after his feeds. The only exception is the occasional wakeful period if he sleeps all day, but he's so happy and pleasant and I can stay lying down in bed.

I hope she's okay after her shots. Aidan screamed his head off, but he basically slept after that, including the next day.
aria doesnt like her playmat yet but i keep trying lol she likes the tv tho lol

just had her weighed shes 10lb 1 shes just below the 25th line but following it. got to take her again in 2 weeks. hope the jabs go ok :(

here she is with one of her big brothers cant believe how much shes changed


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My dw is off on a business trip Thursday-Wednesday. I'm a bit nervous. A week completely on my own with Aidan. We'd go with her if our passports were here, but not yet. It's the nights that will be hard as she really helps out when he's extremely fussy. She's a bit annoyed as someone told the client she'd be on sight when she had planned to send her team and make herself available via video chat when needed. But once the promise to the client was made, she felt she couldn't go back on it.

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