May 2017 Mummies

Well I'm 35, so I'm olderer than you both! :p

I'm off duty from 12 noon to tomorrow morning - nearly 24 hours! The ex is visiting with his parents and doing a night shift.

Is anyone else feeling like they're not coping and never going to cope? I feel like I can't do this on my own. I don't have time to do anything - go to the toilet, brush my teeth, eat, etc. I'm falling to bits :(

Yep! All of this! But you have to remember, despite feeling like you aren't coping, you are. You've got an adorable little boy who loves you. You can see from the pictures he is happy and healthy. You have to make time for you though, I know it seems impossible but you need to try and care for yourself too. I'm a couple of weeks on from you and I'm literally saying to you what has been said to me. Also it does get easier. I'm in a better place now than I was two weeks ago.

Are you going to do a birth debrief? I've got mine in the same place I went through it all at the hospital on Friday. I want answers but at the same time I'm dreading going back there.

Rachel, I think they have deals now and then on hipp. Let me have a look later for you. I'll look at my orders. I'm off to take daisy to meet her great grandparents now! Xx
dovekie you are doing so well im struggling enough as it is and i have oh here when hes not at work. you have to look after yourself tho. i wasnt eating at all pretty much and now i have to put aria down even if shes crying to make sure i make something to eat. your little boy needs you xx
Happy birthday nikki, I hope you're having a lovely day.

Missyeovil I hope he's better soon. Have others babies recovered from the jabs now? Xx
Harper's are on Weds. My OH has the day off work so we can take her together. Not looking forward to them. She got so upset when they cut her tongue tie that she went purple and she was looking at me as though to say "why are you doing this to me mummy?!".

Sophie was fine the day after, maybe a little more sleepy but nothing more xx
We are due jags Wednesday too but I'm going to postpone till he's well enough. He seems a wee bit better today although he's been a complete nightmare and very unsettled. Fingers crossed we're coming out of it now!

Dovekie, you are doing amazing. I hope you manage to get a good rest.

Betty I hope the birth debrief goes okay and you get the answers you need to move on.

Happy birthday nikki!

Yep! All of this! But you have to remember, despite feeling like you aren't coping, you are. You've got an adorable little boy who loves you. You can see from the pictures he is happy and healthy. You have to make time for you though, I know it seems impossible but you need to try and care for yourself too. I'm a couple of weeks on from you and I'm literally saying to you what has been said to me. Also it does get easier. I'm in a better place now than I was two weeks ago.

Are you going to do a birth debrief? I've got mine in the same place I went through it all at the hospital on Friday. I want answers but at the same time I'm dreading going back there.

Rachel, I think they have deals now and then on hipp. Let me have a look later for you. I'll look at my orders. I'm off to take daisy to meet her great grandparents now! Xx

I think it's because I'm going through a breakup at the same time. It's so hard being rejected and heartbroken, alone with the baby whose father rejected you, being sleep deprived and not eating properly. I keep having thoughts about leaving Owen with his dad and thinking my life is over now for the next few years at least :( I think this at some point every day.

When is the debrief? I didn't know I could have one. How does that happen? I'm not sure I'd want to go back. I'm worried that the birth might have done something to Owen and maybe I won't realise this until he's a little older. My cousin's baby was stuck in the birth canal for a long time and she's mentally disabled (she's about 16 now). She can't talk properly.
Are you thinking about making a complaint Betty? I've thought about it. The midwife on duty the night I was in agony was really nice, but she dismissed me and I could have died!
We are due jags Wednesday too but I'm going to postpone till he's well enough. He seems a wee bit better today although he's been a complete nightmare and very unsettled. Fingers crossed we're coming out of it now!

Dovekie, you are doing amazing. I hope you manage to get a good rest.

Betty I hope the birth debrief goes okay and you get the answers you need to move on.

Happy birthday nikki!


Thanks, me too xx
You might be lucky and he'll sleep for the entire flight Kabuk. Is he quite a settled baby? Would he be calm even if he was awake for the flight? Whereabouts in the States are you going? I love America. My OH and I got engaged in Washington last year and I'd like to get married over there but it's just the cost for guests.

I'm from Pennsylvania, so we fly into Philadelphia. He's generally a good baby, especially during the day. My concern is how he'll react as his little ears feel the pressure during takeoff and landing. I'm okay with the take-off, but my ears really feel it when we descend. Someone suggested a different dummy to the one I have, so I may try another one.

I love visiting the States, but I never want to live there again. I wouldn't mind living in Canada though. If I had to leave Europe, it would only be for Canada. If I leave the UK and stay in Europe, it's the Netherlands all the way (best culture for kids ever).
Happy belated birthday Nikki. You're still young. I'm 35, but I sure don't feel it though, so I'm 25 for life!!! ;)

I've been given the all clear so I book my trial week at my new Crossfit Box! I'm going on Monday and Friday. I can't wait. It's not like I'll be getting my sweat on, but I'll finally be focusing on getting my flexibility, mobility and core back!

Aidan's jabs went okay. He scream bloody murder when they happened and took a bit to calm down, but he slept really well that night, all day the next day and another good night. The Calpol really helped. He never had much of a fever, highest it got was 37.
Yep! All of this! But you have to remember, despite feeling like you aren't coping, you are. You've got an adorable little boy who loves you. You can see from the pictures he is happy and healthy. You have to make time for you though, I know it seems impossible but you need to try and care for yourself too. I'm a couple of weeks on from you and I'm literally saying to you what has been said to me. Also it does get easier. I'm in a better place now than I was two weeks ago.

Are you going to do a birth debrief? I've got mine in the same place I went through it all at the hospital on Friday. I want answers but at the same time I'm dreading going back there.

Rachel, I think they have deals now and then on hipp. Let me have a look later for you. I'll look at my orders. I'm off to take daisy to meet her great grandparents now! Xx

I think it's because I'm going through a breakup at the same time. It's so hard being rejected and heartbroken, alone with the baby whose father rejected you, being sleep deprived and not eating properly. I keep having thoughts about leaving Owen with his dad and thinking my life is over now for the next few years at least :( I think this at some point every day.

When is the debrief? I didn't know I could have one. How does that happen? I'm not sure I'd want to go back. I'm worried that the birth might have done something to Owen and maybe I won't realise this until he's a little older. My cousin's baby was stuck in the birth canal for a long time and she's mentally disabled (she's about 16 now). She can't talk properly.

Your life has just moved into another chapter, it's not over. There are times when I've thought the same, honestly! In the middle of the night thinking, what have I done?! We've both had quite rough times sadly and you even more so. It's normal to think these things. I've even had thoughts of leaving daisy with oh and disappearing so that he can have a better life without me, and he can find a better mummy for daisy. The last couple of weeks have been much better, despite her reflux issues. I couldn't soothe her properly for ages because I have only just started to get a bit of mobility and strength back.

You ask your midwife or call the hospital you had Owen at for the debrief. They'll make an appointment for you. They usually don't do it until after 6 weeks pp. I'm also terrified there will be a long term mental issue with daisy, she was stuck diagonally for 48 hours and then her blood oxygen levels were really low. I can hardly think about it without cracking up but I'm writing this to you so you know you aren't alone. These are the kind of questions I need answers to at the birth debrief. I feel like I was kept massively in the dark about everything at the time of the birth, and I was too ill to question. Xx
Are you thinking about making a complaint Betty? I've thought about it. The midwife on duty the night I was in agony was really nice, but she dismissed me and I could have died!

I am considering various complaints about various departments and my gp. Even the community midwives were awful. They made my pregnancy and birth really stressful when it didn't need to be. Xx
Anyone else think their little one is starting to teeth?

Nights are now difficult, well getting him to sleep the first time, after that it's fine. But he's drooling a lot at night, chews on his hand and wrist off and on throughout the day and even more at night and is screaming and can't be consoled at night- not to meantion really water poos. At first we thought he was hungry, but he was refusing to eat and getting very ******* when I even tried, so not I cradle him before getting the boob out to see if he makes a sucking motion with his mouthg, which he always does when hungry. With all of this, I can only think the teething pains have begun. I've heard they can start as early as 7 weeks, even if they don't get their first tooth until 4-6 months. I fell awful when he's screaming because there really isn't anything we can do. We try everything and he'll semi-calm for a few minutes and then he starts up again. Any ideas of what may help?

Got his playmat, the like you mentioned, Ery, but I got it off ebay like new for £12. Picked it up this morning and he's loving it.
Anyone else think their little one is starting to teeth?

Nights are now difficult, well getting him to sleep the first time, after that it's fine. But he's drooling a lot at night, chews on his hand and wrist off and on throughout the day and even more at night and is screaming and can't be consoled at night- not to meantion really water poos. At first we thought he was hungry, but he was refusing to eat and getting very ******* when I even tried, so not I cradle him before getting the boob out to see if he makes a sucking motion with his mouthg, which he always does when hungry. With all of this, I can only think the teething pains have begun. I've heard they can start as early as 7 weeks, even if they don't get their first tooth until 4-6 months. I fell awful when he's screaming because there really isn't anything we can do. We try everything and he'll semi-calm for a few minutes and then he starts up again. Any ideas of what may help?

Got his playmat, the like you mentioned, Ery, but I got it off ebay like new for £12. Picked it up this morning and he's loving it.

I wondered if daisy might be showing signs of teething already as this seems to describe her too xx
Well, it's only taken three days but I've managed to get an ounce of milkies expressed for my baby girl! Got some more to add once it's cooled that I just expressed and may get another session in before I give it to her this evening. Previously I've just expressed and given it to her next feed but I thought I'd save it all up and give it to her in one go. At this rate, it would take me just under two weeks to express enough to give her a full feed!! Lmao!! I'm actually feeling quite excited to give it to her later and see her drink a full ounce of mummies milk!



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Woo for the ounce!

I'm 35 too, they wrote geriatric all over my notes! Hope you had a lovely birthday Nikki :)
Are any of you ladies taking Fenugreek? I've stopped mine now as it didn't help me. I've got an unopened bottle going spare if anyone wants it. Just pm me your address and I'll pop it in the post.

thanks girls i had a lovely birthday with oh and the kids :)

aria slept 11 till 8am yesterday. just need to get her to sleep earlier now lol

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