May 2017 Mummies

You might be lucky and he'll sleep for the entire flight Kabuk. Is he quite a settled baby? Would he be calm even if he was awake for the flight? Whereabouts in the States are you going? I love America. My OH and I got engaged in Washington last year and I'd like to get married over there but it's just the cost for guests.

aria has a dummy it helps to get her to sleep its a lifesaver. before she was born oh was so against dummies but then it was his idea to give het one once she was here lol
im starting baby massage on tuesday has anyone else done it?
Dummies can help so much, my son loved his, never had any problems with teething as the dummy eased it. Sophie just won't do it though and gets angry...I think because it doesn't produce milk!!

I haven't started baby massage yet, I am on the list for September, am also going to start going to baby groups in September, funnily enough I am going with the woman that my ex (sons dad) was with for a while and had a baby with, they are no longer together and she has a new baby, we get on really well and will be nice to go along with someone. Her baby was born the day before Sophie.

Took Sophie into work yesterday, was lovely to see everyone and the children came out with some funny questions, like 'what was her first word?' and 'when did she start walking?' lol xx
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i want to do some baby groups but i dont have anyone to go with so im a bit anxious
yeah ive just got anxiety and havent got round to meeting anyone yet lol
Oh I know how horrible anxiety is. Have suffered with it for years and years on and off. It can really take over xx
yeah i hate going anywhere on my own and i struggle to meet people unless ive had a drink lol
Oh Ery, definitely tell the doctor. You shouldn't be putting up with that! God, babies can't half do messed up things to a woman's body! It's a good job men aren't responsible for carrying/giving birth to babies; the human race would have died out already!
Harper had 150ml of expressed breast milk about 40 mins ago and has so far managed to keep it all down. I say 'so far' cos sometimes she manages to vomit an hour or more after her feed.
Has anybody tried HiPP Organic formula? I've heard good things about it. At the moment Harper has Cow & Gate ready made for a feed or two during the day and SMA Staydown at night as she's refluxy and lying down after the C&G (even after I've kept her upright for a while) is a problem. I've heard that HiPP often stays down better and would like to move her into one formula really. I think sometimes she struggles with the formula thickening in her stomach and I think it makes her slightly bunged up and then this turns explosive at least once a day.

We used hipp from day one. They say it's one of the best for reflux. We briefly tried a different formula but she was so so much worse we quickly went back to hipp so I would recommend it. Their poo comes out like they are breast fed. There is another good one, I can't remember what it's called but it's made from goats milk which is easier for them to digest. We're going to start her on that Monday and see if that helps xx
Anya does 1 explosive poop a day and she's ebf.

But other than that I know nothing about formula

. I'm worried about telling the doc coz they will want to stick things up my bum and I would want to be really clean there but that's like next to impossible I wipe I use moist tissue then jump in shower and wash with plain water but I do a tiny fart and it's like I have poor hygiene! I watched an embarrassing bodies with a man with a similar issue and they told him he wasn't wiping properly. And it's really shook my confidence seeing that! If the doc told me that I'd be absolutely mortified so I just haven't told them in 8.5 years. :blush: but now my foof is starting to smell like poop I don't know if i can keep up this charade any longer. I'm already stopping certain things in our private life I can't go celabate I'm too young!

My goodness this must be awful for you. This almost makes me glad I haven't had a vaginal birth. I hope you can get some help with this, health professionals see stuff like this all the time, I can understand how you feel but I really don't think you'll be told you're not wiping properly. It sounds really bad and I'm sure as soon as you explain they'll take you seriously xx
Sounds awkward Ery :/ I have to admit, I'm a bit itchy there at the moment. I thought the piles had gone since birth, so I don't know what that's about. I'm not bleeding anymore, thankfully, but there is a very stringy/goopy brown stuff coming out. I wonder if it's CM with some old blood.

I've heard of Hipp Rachel. Can you get it from the supermarket? I think it's more expensive. They told me in the hospital to use one brand of formula as it can upset their tummies otherwise. I was thinking of switching to Hipp too.

Buy it in bulk from amazon you get a much better deal xx
So, we've gone away for the weekend! It only took us all day to prepare and pack!! We've only gone to the in laws but it feels like we're on holiday! Haha! Xx
Hope you enjoy your time away Betty!

Oli has a couple of types of dummy which is sorta takes but not properly. Hoping he will learn to take them as they were a godsend with my other two, especially if they were poorly or something!

Speaking of poorly oli still isn't right. I took him down to the hospital to get checked earlier as his breathing is very fast. Over 60 breaths a minute. His cough is awful, but he's not got a temp and he's feeding ok so I guess that's good. Hosp just told me to keep monitoring and if any changes go straight back. His breathing has seemed a wee bit better the last wee while so fingers crossed he's getting better! Xx
I hope he's better soon poor mite.
I hope the trip goes well betty and the flight goes well kabuk I hope your wife manages to go too it would be nice if you go away 's a family. Tell her bosses wife to keep her legs closed for a while lol.
I guess I've reached that age where I have to man up and talk about my foof with professional lol. I may as well I'm seeing every other member of the health team lol. I'm being referred to;
Minor surgery
Cervical screening and

I hate getting older :rofl:
Sounds awkward Ery :/ I have to admit, I'm a bit itchy there at the moment. I thought the piles had gone since birth, so I don't know what that's about. I'm not bleeding anymore, thankfully, but there is a very stringy/goopy brown stuff coming out. I wonder if it's CM with some old blood.

I've heard of Hipp Rachel. Can you get it from the supermarket? I think it's more expensive. They told me in the hospital to use one brand of formula as it can upset their tummies otherwise. I was thinking of switching to Hipp too.

Buy it in bulk from amazon you get a much better deal xx

Betty, I can't find it any cheaper on Amazon. The boxes work out at £8.50, which is the same as in Tesco and the ready made cartons seem to be a lot more expensive.

hope hes better soon missyeovil :(

its my birthday! 31 today! getting old lol
Well I'm 35, so I'm olderer than you both! :p

I'm off duty from 12 noon to tomorrow morning - nearly 24 hours! The ex is visiting with his parents and doing a night shift.

Is anyone else feeling like they're not coping and never going to cope? I feel like I can't do this on my own. I don't have time to do anything - go to the toilet, brush my teeth, eat, etc. I'm falling to bits :(

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